Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.


By Tags

  • Created:


  • SIte moved to Rimu Hosting
  • Site upgrade: Acquia Drupal 6
  • Global TV: Blackberry Bold launches on Rogers
  • Sucking in Delicious
  • Boring site note: which feed do you want?
  • Drupal 5 Upgrade
  • A Vancouver Job connection area here on BMC?
  • BMC Blog Design
  • Notify (I might have accidentally spammed you)
  • Recommended Links
  • B. Mann in Wired News
  • My two feeds: main and complete
  • I got Bradcasted!
  • New header image
  • What do I expect from my blog?
  • Greenthing theme and this week
  • Writing elsewhere, Drupal commentary
  • John Batelle: Searchblog's New Look, Ad Update
  • I'm a Bryght guy
  • Absentee (Web) Landlord
  • Less typing, more linking
  • Welcome to the new B. Mann Consulting
  • Yet more content from me
  • GeoURL updated
  • TalkBroadband - Forum setup
  • New FavIcon
  • Site re-design
  • Notify enabled plus my other site(s)
  • Clearing your favicon cache
  • Image Module Installed -- Test yours now!
  • Stylesheet Wrangling
  • Install completed
  • Drupal Upgrade
  • My Blogroll
  • Lloyd Wants to Know
  •, Sikander, and Where's Willy
  • Blogchalking
  • Get Your War On
  • Son of Weather Block and Personal Page
  • Critical Section: I am an Iterator
  • Blog bundle
  • Weather Block
  • Happy Birthday Boris!!
  • New theme
  • Peasants Placated, Peons Pave Poppies
  • BMC goes table-less!
  • Configuration, configuration, configuration
  • Dream CMS
  • Drupal

  • Buying ponies from a Drupal App Store
  • WordPress is a yacht, Drupal is an aircraft carrier
  • Elephants like community ROI too
  • Being involved in the issue queue as a normal part of development
  • Contributing to Drupal Radar
  • Themes and modules are derivatives and should be licensed under the GPL
  • Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit 2010
  • Drupalcon Copenhagen 2010
  • Evolving Drupal UX by building Products
  • First feature: Silent Auction
  • Jobs
  • Form follows function: the growth of Drupal themes will directly mirror the growth of custom distributions
  • Drupal out of the box: let's make a community
  • DC Drupalcon 2009
  • The 3 Stages of Ecommerce Tools
  • Donating to the Fields in Core Drupal code sprint and other projects
  • oDesk - down the virtual, global company and collaboration rabbit hole
  • Knight News Challenge prep in Vancouver: Digital Media Experiments to Innovate Journalism
  • Sugar On Drupal
  • Speaking at Net Tuesday - How Drupal can help you save the world
  • DaveO does a podcast with me on Bryght, Raincity Studios, and Bootup Labs
  • Drupy aka Drupal in Python
  • Testing Ad Bard, a FOSS friendly ad network
  • DrupalCamp Vancouver 2008 this week
  • Strutta has launched
  • Social Graph applications: why not for every community website?
  • This whole community platform thing might have some legs
  • Chris Pirillo of Lockergnome announces Drupal-powered Community Participation Platform, hackfest in Seattle
  • Open Source stands together
  • Off to Boston for Drupalcon, see you on Jaiku, Twemes, Utterz, and at my sessions
  • In San Francisco, going to Drupal 6 Release Party at PariSoMa
  • Fund dww and hunmonk and the further development of Drupal itself
  • I think I might become an RDF fan boy (again)
  • Drupal Association General Assembly 2008
  • Sustainable Community Involvement: on the Drupal community and Drupal Association
  • Dries announces Drupal startup Acquia
  • Bryght and Raincity are joining forces
  • Google announces OpenSocial - open API for connecting social networks
  • Drupal in Python
  • Dave Olson interviews me about the Drupal Association,, and ham in Barcelona
  • DrupalCon Barcelona over, first Drupal Association report
  • Drupal~ish meetup at Smith's Pub in Victoria was good fun
  • Looking for Drupal SAML SP implementation
  • Testing Purple
  • Trip to Galiano
  • Gold stars for Drupal contrib modules -- and how to get one
  • Experimenting with Freebase
  • Ben Wong pushes out of the nest
  • Install Profile API for Drupal
  • OSCMS Summit starts Thursday
  • OSCMS Summit at Yahoo! Rolling - Call for participation
  • Susan Mernit on the role of "no" in product development
  • Should I learn Eclipse, Xcode, or...something else?
  • Going to Portland: Drupal, Identity, and Geek Dinners
  • OpenID bounties and identity convergence
  • Pop is a machine - Ethan Kaplan at Gnomedex
  • DUGs (Drupal User Groups, that is)
  • Standards pingbacking
  • UC Berkeley - Photon iPhoto plug-in test
  • Talk like a Pirate Day
  • Come get your p*ker and v14gr4 -- spam is being nuked
  • Knowledge Gardening
  • Start thinking OPML
  • Count me in for FamilyDimSum, event formats
  • TiddlyWiki as note system
  • Civilities and ViewPoints
  • Blog Therapist Answer #2: No more Meta-blogging
  • Blog Therapist Answer #1: Aggregating everything
  • FotoBuzz -- like Flickr notes
  • Greenthing theme and this week
  • Writing elsewhere, Drupal commentary
  • I'm a Bryght guy
  • Feed splicing begins to really deliver on the promise of syndication
  • Sxip comes out of stealth
  • Is Drupal a "second generation blog/RSS aggregation" site?
  • Brad Gibson has entered the building
  • THE killer apps in Drupal for David Nunez
  • Drupal Xtemplate Skins from cyberdash
  • Break your news feed to easily lose readers
  • Drupal does this: moderated commments and moderated posts
  • Talking about Drupal usability
  • CivicSpace Labs
  • MT vs. EE for a Corporate Weblogs Farm
  • Drupal powers Motime and Splinder
  • Feedback for Doc Searls' IT Garage
  • "Most of the Drupal developers are not interested in world domination"
  • Situational Software
  • From Manila to Drupal
  • ollicle: text 2 HTML without the lock down
  • MovableType is the Windows of the Personal Publishing World
  • urlgreyhot: It's time to start using a wiki for my personal knowledge management
  • Test PostFlickr Test Post
  • Sick of Social Networks
  • Roland's big move
  • reBlogging
  • Theming Drupal
  • Developer's notebook
  • Notify enabled plus my other site(s)
  • Image Module Installed -- Test yours now!
  • Install completed
  • My Blogroll
  • Testing bloggar
  • Blog bundle
  • New theme
  • Configuration, configuration, configuration
  • Dream CMS
  • Personal

  • Hello SPADE
  • Working with Contractually
  • Movember 2010 and iQmetrix Moustache Alliance
  • GROW Conference video interview
  • PEI: Visitors from Silicon Valley
  • Arrived in PEI, visited Casa Mia Cafe
  • PEI Trip, Unconference?
  • Roller Coaster
  • Keep Calm and Carry On
  • Nameless homeless
  • From the Drupal archives
  • Look ma, I made it on Hiyaa blog!
  • Sponsor Rachael for the Camp Moomba Yogathon
  • From bmann to boris - an evolution of usernames
  • Snow in Vancouver
  • Easter on Bowen
  • Utterz: Vietnamese on broadway with Opa
  • Utterz: Morning Green Phlegm
  • Don't follow, a brief wrap up
  • Post Leap Day Link Omnibus
  • a person who is, above all things, enamoured by the future
  • Help me find out what vegetables and fruit are in season when
  • New jacket
  • I have a mission
  • My AdHack for the Canon S5 IS
  • Xbox 360 FTW
  • Movember has begun, and I'm behind
  • Game console dilemma - Xbox 360 or Sony Playstation 3
  • Class Afloat itinerary on Google Maps
  • Alex is coming to town and needs a cool apartment
  • Colours of Fall in Vancouver
  • Media appearance: The Christy Clark show, talking
  • Great memories from Barcelona September 2007
  • Barcelona: Tapas are delicious
  • I am heading to Barcelona for Drupalcon
  • Canon S5 IS - the Canon Powershot S series is still my favorite
  • WeeWar
  • Going disc golf...and to North Van?
  • Going swimming
  • Back
  • Mac Alarm clock, this morning's tune
  • Back from Boston
  • VanCity BikeShare Handoff from Roland
  • Watching 'The IT Crowd'
  • Andy Smith at the Stud in San Francisco Schmap
  • Boris likes to...
  • 5 things about me you might not know
  • Going to Portland: Drupal, Identity, and Geek Dinners
  • Back from Belgium
  • Heading to Stuttgart, 9 hour layover at Heathrow tips (don't forget IOS Van)
  • The Dark Web
  • iTunes Canada -- finally!
  • Massive traffic on Wow, still fun
  • WoW Beta is over, some comments
  • BMP Presents: CDX2
  • What do I expect from my blog?
  • Greenthing theme and this week
  • How to pick beer (even the kind that comes in a tower)
  • 200 Things
  • Late BlogACatMas Entry
  • Remembering Pitcairn and Easter Island
  • Everyone loves flowers
  • Fried Potatoes
  • Meyers-Briggs
  • Boris' Big Book List, Oh Boy!
  • Arrr...Pirate Names!
  • New cellphone
  • Leftover Turkey
  • 50 places to see before you die
  • E-smith

  • Mounting EXT2 Linux filesystems on Mac OS X
  • Lycoris takes over E-smith
  • Roland's big move
  • Video monitoring with E-smith
  • EZ IP Update
  • Now with Jabber
  • Mitel SME Server 5.6 Developer Release
  • No More Woes
  • Home Server Woes
  • *nix

  • Mounting EXT2 Linux filesystems on Mac OS X
  • Axentra Multifunction Server Appliances
  • Knopsterisk
  • DarwinPorts
  • MT vs. EE for a Corporate Weblogs Farm
  • Scalix does Exchange on Linux
  • Mankind vs. Microsoft
  • WaMCon
  • VLC Media Player
  • KnoppMyth
  • EZ IP Update
  • Don't ask why I need to remember this page...
  • Converting iCal Calendar files into HTML?
  • OEOne becomes Axentra, announces Axentra Rumba Server for server appliance space
  • Rodin
  • InfoWorld: Sun tips Apple Hat
  • BitTorrent
  • Apple debuts PPC 970 machines
  • Federated identity management...
  • ExtremeTech: Linux Media Jukebox
  • Simple clustering with XServe
  • Snigger....
  • Identifying anonymous posts.
  • New details emerge on PowerPC 970
  • the state of Linux
  • Good deals of the week.
  • Other interesting OSX apps
  • Entering my first "blog"
  • osOpinion: Lindows Media Center Takes on XP Counterpart
  • OSX at Freshmeat
  • Linux Falling Into Same Trap? A Call for Innovation?
  • Home Server Woes
  • Home Server

  • Pluto Home plus Squeezebox = Sonos killer?
  • Axentra Multifunction Server Appliances
  • TiVo Online
  • Apple AirPort Express
  • Media Server = Consumer Electronics = Sony should buy Apple
  • Om Malik: TiVo, the digital hub, powered by Strangeberry?
  • Pluto Home
  • Video monitoring with E-smith
  • Sites offline, plus my own multimedia PC
  • eHomeUpgrade: Pre-Packaged Media Servers
  • ASUS DiGiMatrix
  • Micro Solutions Backpack Wireless Workgroup Server
  • OEOne becomes Axentra, announces Axentra Rumba Server for server appliance space
  • Windows Media Center Edition 2004 - New Version
  • Extremetech: Building a Wireless Home Media Network Server
  • CommsDesign: VoIP chip targets home gateways
  • Wired News: Tired of the Telly? Reprogram It
  • Now with Jabber
  • How to get rich
  • Powerline Networking
  • ExtremeTech: Linux Media Jukebox
  • Sonicblue go bye bye
  • Mini PC, Mini Hi-Fi look.
  • 6" Square PC Cube
  • No More Woes
  • Home Server Woes
  • PC

  • Building $1200 PC vs. $2500 PC
  • Review

  • reMarkable Tablet First Usage
  • Personal CRM
  • Dropbox vs. JungleDisk
  • Evan reviews the Airport Express
  • An overview of the Basecamp project management system
  • Reading update
  • The Snow Walker
  • A Week with the Sony Ericsson T616
  • ExtremeTech: Media Front-End Roundup
  • Review: AcomData MultiMediaViewer
  • Salmon of Doubt Review, plus more on Douglas Adams
  • Matchstick Men
  • CinemaClock Movie Listings - Ottawa
  • PVR Blog: SnapStream Personal Video Station 3.0 review
  • What Went Wrong? Western Impact and Middle Eastern Response (Bernard Lewis)
  • ExtremeTech: Clash of the Tiny Titans
  • Vonage Digital Voice Phone Service
  • In a Sunburned Country
  • LOTR - The Two Towers
  • How To

  • More Flickr export & photo experiments
  • Archiving photos from iOS to Amazon S3
  • Setting up OS X Mavericks with Homebrew, Cask, and rbenv
  • Best practices for tracking QR Codes
  • Setting up a new MacBook Air plus Lion
  • How to setup Gravity to post to your Flickr account
  • Instructions for 10.2.x (Jaguar)
  • Instructions for pre 10.2 systems
  • Enabling Anonymous FTP
  • Open Source

  • Themes and modules are derivatives and should be licensed under the GPL
  • Jaiku is going open source on Google App Engine
  • The 3 Stages of Ecommerce Tools
  • Testing Ad Bard, a FOSS friendly ad network
  • Getting CHDK working on the Canon S5 IS from Mac OS X
  • Sun Labs Open House 2008, first post acquisition MySQL release
  • This whole community platform thing might have some legs
  • Open Source stands together
  • Flock 1.1 beta tire kicking
  • Sustainable Community Involvement: on the Drupal community and Drupal Association
  • DrupalCon Barcelona over, first Drupal Association report
  • Will MailCo, Mozilla's Thunderbird spin off to be run by David Ascher, be headquartered in Vancouver?
  • Vanguardistas in Barcelona
  • OSCMS Summit starts Thursday
  • Google Apps and SXIP Access Identity and the Google Platform
  • OSCMS Summit at Yahoo! Rolling - Call for participation
  • Announcing Pretzel, a Python-based Jabber server on Twisted
  • Officially a member of the Jabber Software Foundation
  • SocialText is going open source, the return of jluster
  • Jabber at FOSDEM 2006
  • FOSDEM attendees and European hacker culture
  • Free Software, FOSDEM attendance
  • Jabber's JINGLE comes out of the closet in time for the holidays
  • Open formats: how to make enhanced podcasts without Apple
  • Announcement: Open Source CMS and Blogging Tools Summit, Vancouver, February 7 - 9, 2006
  • VLC Media Player
  • MySQL 4.1 OS X Installer
  • Marc Liyanage's PHP Apache Module
  • Breaking the Web Wide Open
  • Jabber and the search for the best PHP CMS that uses PostgreSQL
  • DrupalCon, EuroOSCON, and BarCamp - Amsterdam is hopping
  • BarCamp Amsterdam (or, oops, we did it again)
  • Going to San Fran, attending Burning Geek
  • Flock feedback
  • Testing the OPML Editor
  • Widgets for your Series 60 phone - Nokia goes WebCore
  • Todd Maffin: Great work on covering Mozilla
  • Asterisk on OS X?
  • nLoci Java-based SIP server being sold by bankruptcy trustee for $9,500
  • Scalix does Exchange on Linux
  • "Most of the Drupal developers are not interested in world domination"
  • Telepocalypse: Open systems will continue to crush closed ones
  • Open source VoIP…works
  • MKC Networks Offers VoIP Licenses for E-smith
  • WordPress
  • OpenSourceXperts Redux
  • Opensourcexperts
  • Daring Fireball: VaporOffice
  • Drupal
  • InfoWorld: Sun tips Apple Hat
  • Loosely joining, across borders
  • osOpinion: Lindows Media Center Takes on XP Counterpart
  • digitalMASS - Mitch Kapor and "Chandler" vs. MS Outlook
  • Linux Falling Into Same Trap? A Call for Innovation?
  • Web Development

  • Node based static site generators
  • The New Hack Stack
  • We're not teaching programming and we should be
  • Applications found while not finding a real web design application
  • Private code repo hosting with Beanstalk and
  • Questions for Backbone Magazine - Fixing a stale web site
  • The 3 Stages of Ecommerce Tools
  • AdHack theming port on oDesk
  • Speaking: Web Directions North 08 - Three Stages of Content Management
  • Facebook shutting down useful developers
  • More Purple
  • Microsoft Expression launch event at Canvas Lounge with GK VanPatter (and Silverlight)
  • FreeGeek Vancouver and Vancouver PHP offer "Summer of PHP"
  • Experimenting with Freebase
  • OpenID MashPit Vancouver wrap up
  • Should I learn Eclipse, Xcode, or...something else?
  • Save us from Flash video
  • Reverse Microformat-ing at BarCamp San Francisco
  • Identity 2.0: We must federate and cooperate
  • Lots of domains...because it's cheap and easy
  • How to lose a platform: Adobe tries to make PDF and Flash play nice
  • Three ways of syndicating beyond blogging content
  • A microformat for music?
  • Microformats love vCards
  • Fussing about formats, Micro or otherwise
  • Test post from Flock blog manager
  • You know you're busy when...
  • Flock feedback
  • Vancouver Perl Mongers with Casey West, July 28th
  • Idea farming
  • The work which I admire is being by guys and gals in their late teens and early 20s
  • Tag clouds are not a replacement for UI
  • Matt May, Standards Evangelist at Large
  • Can you say "maps for everyone"?
  • IE7 RSS display == Safari
  • Widgets for your Series 60 phone - Nokia goes WebCore
  • Birth of a baby (g)URL
  • Wiki Resume
  • FotoBuzz -- like Flickr notes
  • Google is a deaf user that loves reading metadata
  • Ubiquitous Browser Evolution
  • Calendaring in XHTML
  • Eric Meyer's PowerPoint implemented in HTML
  • SSH Keys and Subversion on OS X
  • Innovation from existing user behavior
  • Ongoing reports more Mozilla visits than IE
  • Off-line Web Applications
  • Compete on merit
  • More Oddpost comments
  • Yahoo gets Odd to go beyond the browser
  • Why doesn't Apple want to do XHTML?
  • Web is still gaining developer mindshare at the expense of Win32
  • The bleeding edge of the Web has moved away from HTML
  • Subversion for OS X
  • John Gruber: I am trying to write the **** out of this stuff
  • WAML vs. XAML
  • Jeffrey Veen on Feedburner and Ping-O-Matic
  • W3C is the best place for Atom to take root
  • Purple everywhere
  • Giving IE team members a nugie for standards
  • Don Park: Give RSS 2.0 to W3C
  • Tumult HyperEdit and a rant on collaboration
  • Dave Winer Impressed Me Today
  • Break your news feed to easily lose readers
  • Atom Linkblog Instructions
  • Most companies never change direction until they hit the wall
  • Tables vs. CSS in Web Standards
  • Web Hosting Server Control Panels
  • Sprint Canada's bad web presence
  • Website CSS circa 2011
  • asterisk*: Ideas For Client Education
  • asterisk*: Don't Blame The Users
  • ollicle: text 2 HTML without the lock down
  • Enabling Dynamically Configured Name-based Virtual Hosting on Mac OS X
  • Why RSS sucks, but it's still fantastic
  • XML Resume at Sourceforge
  • XML Power Job Hunting
  • HR XML
  • Aaron Cope Extensions to XML Resume
  • Roland's big move
  • Dot Easy
  • Well-Designed Weblogs
  • Linux News: From Browser to Platform: Mozilla Rises
  • Simon Willison: You mean there IS an IE team?
  • quickSub
  • Two wikis and a microphone
  • Flexible Layout
  • Boris and Bob, is there a connection?
  • COREblog
  • Three Column Layouts
  • Meta-Web Publishing
  • Design challenge
  • Stylesheet Wrangling
  • RSS is mainly client-side?
  • Tim Bray: RSS: Promise and Peril
  • On TrackBack, and Why You Should Smoke Refer Instead
  • Ever wonder where MIME types come from?
  • SmithDM3 is G-2-G
  • Dave Hyatt's Blog: More Thoughts on RSS
  • Boxes and Arrows - Beauty is Only Screen Deep (Sarah Horton)
  • Mac

  • Om thinks the Mac Tablet is imminent
  • Apple Macworld 2009 rumours - Macbook DS (and still no tablet)
  • Updated Mass Virtual Hosting How to for Mac OS X Leopard
  • Getting CHDK working on the Canon S5 IS from Mac OS X
  • iPhone Nano
  • Apple Rumours Sept 2007: touchscreen iPod, AppleTV revs
  • Want to buy a GPS logging device?
  • iTunes Sleep Timer - iTunesShut
  • Mac Alarm clock, this morning's tune
  • Mossberg iPhone Review: no SIM card, CDMA only?
  • 12" Macbook Pro...with touchscreen keyboard
  • Is the iPhone really locked to Cingular?
  • iPhone is a tablet
  • Synching (and backing up) your iTunes music using MP3Tunes
  • Syncing the Nokia E61 (and the rest of the E-Series) with Mac OS X
  • Nokia E61 First Impressions
  • Apple notes after WWDC 2006 keynote
  • Windows on a Mac - Apple releases Boot Camp beta
  • Open formats: how to make enhanced podcasts without Apple
  • Using rsync to sync iTunes on two computers
  • Syncing iTunes Music folders using rsync
  • SubEthaEdit
  • DoubleTake: best panorama stitch tool for Mac OS X
  • MySQL 4.1 OS X Installer
  • Marc Liyanage's PHP Apache Module
  • Mac as media center with Front Row, video iPods, and video downloads
  • Apple predictions, how video is useful
  • Video iPod or....Airport Express Video?
  • Invalid BTree node size and other joys
  • UC Berkeley - Photon iPhoto plug-in test
  • iTunes phone in Canada - will we be able to ROKR?
  • Flock feedback
  • Ubiquitous Mac Apps I don't use: Quicksilver
  • Buying wireless smart stuff? Choose unlocked and open
  • Testing the OPML Editor
  • Read-only calendars were nice in 2002
  • Cringely thinks ClickStar is iTunes Movie Store
  • iSync update means my Nokia 6630 now syncs
  • Delicious Construction Kit
  • iTunes 4.9 has podcasting, RSS, and a phone
  • IE7 RSS display == Safari
  • Start thinking OPML
  • Widgets for your Series 60 phone - Nokia goes WebCore
  • Transcending Apple Hardware
  • First Apple Store in Canada - Yorkdale in Toronto opened today
  • Mac Asterisk community, and dial Skype from your Address Book
  • My first iTunes video purchase
  • Here come iTunes purchased video
  • Tiger-ized
  • Mounting EXT2 Linux filesystems on Mac OS X
  • EXT2 Filesystem for Mac OS X
  • Mac OS X Tiger: What is the "one more thing"?
  • Mac even-more-mini rumours: come on, we *know* it's a tablet!
  • Not exactly a Mac Mini
  • Photo Management Chain of Pain on Windows
  • Stack the Mac Mini with an Apple PVR?
  • Mac Tablet, Media Macs, and iTunes Movies (predictions, that is)
  • Sell the iMac, buy the parents a Mac Mini?
  • Macs rule RSS - Custom RSS Apps are next
  • Apple and Motorola are making a phone?
  • No games for the Mac and gaming micro-content
  • Panic's Story of Audion
  • Near-Time Flow Example
  • iPod Photo Thoughts
  • Do we actually want one super app?
  • Google invades (Windows) desktops: what's the Mac plan?
  • Evan reviews the Airport Express
  • It appears I never have to throw anything away again
  • Tiger iChat has Jabber support
  • Windows is everyone's problem
  • Cocoalicious
  • SSH Keys and Subversion on OS X
  • Asterisk on OS X?
  • AdiumX Interview
  • Dashboard apps multiplying
  • Why doesn't Apple want to do XHTML?
  • OS X "Tiger" Server does blogging and IM
  • Subversion for OS X
  • John Gruber: I am trying to write the **** out of this stuff
  • Being "Appled"
  • RSS for downloading .torrent files
  • Apple AirPort Express
  • P900 Manager
  • Tumult HyperEdit and a rant on collaboration
  • Setting up an iTunes server in FreeBSD
  • SubEthaEdit turns 2.0
  • OS X on Windows via PearPC
  • DarwinPorts
  • BitPal - Address Book and To Do's on your removable drive
  • iPhoto to Everything
  • And what about contact management and calendaring?
  • SubEthaTrack
  • Spike
  • Gush for OS X
  • Microsoft Expression for Mac
  • PulpFiction, new aggregator for OS X
  • Good apps on Mac OS X
  • A Whole Lotta Nothing: All Hail Bluetooth
  • First Mac OS X Trojan
  • Schubert it Plugins
  • Expose and Windows
  • Think Secret: Microsoft developing MSN Messenger for Mac 4.0 (with images)
  • Mac OS Rumors: Mac OS X 10.4 and the 'Year of the G5'
  • Mac or PC? Everyone at WordPress wants a Powerbook
  • Lost Boy: Scattered Self
  • Apple should license FairPlay DRM
  • Tips for Andy
  • Enabling Dynamically Configured Name-based Virtual Hosting on Mac OS X
  • VoodooPad
  • Deleting installed packages under OS X
  • More XBox 2 and Windows on G5 Info
  • cvsFinder
  • Does speed advantage mean Mac tipping point?
  • Media Server = Consumer Electronics = Sony should buy Apple
  • iChat + Bluetooth Headset = Phone
  • WestWorld Computers on Broadway in Vancouver
  • MailPictures
  • Shrook
  • TunesAtWork
  • ArsTechnica: Apple to manufacture HP-branded digital music player
  • Apple iBox in production
  • iTunes Catalog
  • WaMCon
  • Unofficial Mozilla for Mac OS 9
  • Hints for Apple: Tablet coming, please give us iPhoto for Windows
  • iCal Birthday Shifter
  • Sharing iTunes and iPhoto libraries between users
  • GroupCal
  • iTunes Album Art and Cell Phones
  • VLC Media Player
  • Panther in the house
  • Panther bits
  • Carbon Copy Cloner
  • SubEthaEdit
  • AppleInsider: iBook Upgrade and Panther Server
  • Clearing your favicon cache
  • Daring Fireball: VaporOffice
  • 9 Mac Browser Shootout
  • Apple Rumours
  • Wired News: 101 Uses for Apple iChat
  • InfoWorld: Sun tips Apple Hat
  • BitTorrent
  • Transmit
  • RBrowser Lite
  • Working with iChat
  • Lloyd Wants to Know
  • EveryMac
  • Apple debuts PPC 970 machines
  • Steve Jobs: No Tablet for You!
  • iTunes is successful...or maybe not
  • Circus Ponies NoteBook and Aquaminds NoteTaker
  • Camino
  • Business 2.0: Is TiVo NeXT?
  • TrevorJ: Annoying Password Prompts in OS X
  • Now with docking station
  • Apple Borked Me Again
  • New iPods [edit: and Music Downloads]
  • Safari beta2 - Tabs and more
  • Ars Technica: About the Finder
  • Simple clustering with XServe
  • Mac to PC Filesharing
  • Apple Hot Downloads: X11 Public Beta 3
  • That thing Apple do.
  • MiPod?
  • The Tivo of Audio?
  • Apple to launch online music service
  • au: Rendezvous mail and more
  • New details emerge on PowerPC 970
  • Rebuilding a working iMac
  • Adobe uses Qt to develop new application
  • Boot & Fix over Net?
  • Safari sends user info to Apple.
  • Remote Desktop Connection for Mac OS X
  • Yay! Browser PDF Plug-in!
  • Microsoft to buy Connectix
  • First day with a 12" PowerBook
  • More browser competition on OS X?
  • iPhoto and Gallery integration
  • The power of Apple Rendesvous
  • You've got Desktops!
  • The inside Mac
  • Instructions for 10.2.x (Jaguar)
  • HelloWorld
  • Emila
  • NetNewsWire
  • Hunting with Bungalow Bill
  • OSX at Freshmeat
  • Web 2.0

  • TV watching vs. time to create Wikipedia
  • Distributed commenting: Disqus, Echo and IntenseDebate
  • Tungle and Batchbook now integrated
  • Flow-based organizations can grow an archive with microblogging
  • Social media is…
  • Questions for Backbone Magazine - Fixing a stale web site
  • Open Web Vancouver, Open Restaurants, Open Data
  • TweetLens is the Google Reader of Twitter clients
  • MicroPlaza shows you links from people you follow on Twitter
  • Semantic Web Community Barn Raising in Vancouver
  • Web apps should let me "Bring my own storage"
  • Side loading, pre-fetching, and cloud storage
  • Jaiku is going open source on Google App Engine
  • Redanyway, a distributed social network
  • Google Friend Connect paves over your site and plonks down a social network
  • Flock 1.1 beta tire kicking
  • Tool time: Highrise and Merlin
  • Switching to use Gmail IMAP - great for and iPhones, too
  • The Future of Facebook Q&A
  • More Digital Ethnography: Information R/Evolution Video
  • Facebook shutting down useful developers
  • Email vs. Facebook
  • What to attend and pay attention to after BarCamp Vancouver 2007
  • PubSub will be Something Simpler
  • New Google Map stuff link roundup
  • Yahoo Pipes on Upcoming - reconfigurable feeds
  • On Facebook apps and friend requests
  • Facebook is Mall of America
  • Les Orchard: XMPP for self-hosted Twitter-esque nodes
  • Experimenting with Freebase
  • Google Apps and SXIP Access Identity and the Google Platform
  • Marc Canter is building his heart out
  • OpenID MashPit in Vancouver
  • Google's Identity Infrastructure is messed up and no one is talking
  • Personal Info Cloud
  • Yahoo! Canada Panama Search preview at Opus Hotel
  • Mobile apps vs. The mobile web
  • Presenting at BCTIA Go 2 Market Roundtable: Using the tools of Web 2.0
  • OpenID bounties and identity convergence
  • Google's challenge: searching the live web
  • Drupal Camp Seattle finishes, Gnomedex starts, TechMeme hacked
  • We can give Blogging 101 and Wiki 101 every single year for the next 5 years
  • Never miss Google Blog Search
  • Cloning technology, aka technology barriers
  • Verisign chooses OpenID
  • Internet Identity Workshop open for registration
  • YouTube to iTunes?
  • CoComment comments
  • bought, ma.gnolia being built
  • Wayfaring
  • Maps, travel, and making the world a smaller place
  • 43 People feedback: let me cheer everything
  • Gmail supports "from"
  • Flock feedback
  • Battle of the widget platforms
  • Idea farming
  • Tag clouds are not a replacement for UI
  • Can you say "maps for everyone"?
  • Start thinking OPML
  • TiddlyWiki as note system
  • Google Maps now has Keynote satellite imagery
  • Vancouver Webloggers Meetup March 31st: next, Web 2.0 Meetups?
  • Another business just went massively multiplayer
  • Google Registrar Concepts
  • Photo Management Chain of Pain on Windows
  • 2005 will be the year my inboxes die
  • FotoBuzz -- like Flickr notes
  • BitTorrent Whack-a-Mole: Give us legal video downloads!
  • URLs are dead
  • Ubiquitous Browser Evolution
  • Google invades (Windows) desktops: what's the Mac plan?
  • Eric Meyer's PowerPoint implemented in HTML
  • Amazon's Search Engine Web App: Here's A9 Again
  • Viral needs more than just cool
  • Cocoalicious
  • An overview of the Basecamp project management system
  • Off-line Web Applications
  • More Oddpost comments
  • Yahoo gets Odd to go beyond the browser
  • Web is still gaining developer mindshare at the expense of Win32
  • Sxip comes out of stealth
  • Google looking at Texturize
  • Pretty Sticky Things
  • Oh Crap Marketing
  • Entellium
  • EditThisPagePHP
  • Next version of WordPress goes beta
  • SubEthaTrack
  • More on Project Management Tools
  • Tasks Pro 1.1
  • Batelle on Furl
  • PDTP - Let's get rid of FTP
  • Consumer Price Index (CPI) Inflation Calculator
  • PHPGedView
  • Userplane
  • reBlogging
  • Netomat
  • Bloglet
  • WordPress
  • FavIcon Generation
  • Magnolia
  • Serendipity
  • MovableType
  • coWiki
  • Underground London World Weather RSS Feeds
  • OpenWeather
  • phpCommunityCalendar
  • Rodin
  • pMachine
  • PHPWiki
  • Gallery
  • Coppermine
  • Is blogging breaking Google's usefulness?
  • I Know Where You Live
  • Finding Andrew Jones
  • LinkedIn: Friendster without the gonad-centrism
  • Audioscrobbler
  • Blogchalking
  • Feedreader
  • Online recipes
  • LaughingMeme: RSSifying the Mailing List, an update
  • "Blo(o)gle" The End of Blogging
  • Brad Delong's Notes on Larry Page Google Talk
  • iPhoto and Gallery integration
  • PHP Collab
  • Plone
  • Microsoft

  • Microsoft Social Networking Patent Application on Peer-to-Patent
  • NPR interview with Bill Gates on the Microsoft Vancouver dev center
  • Game console dilemma - Xbox 360 or Sony Playstation 3
  • Media appearance: Is Microsoft doing enough to reinvent itself? on Business News Network
  • Microsoft Canada opening software dev center in Vancouver (commentary)
  • Microsoft Expression launch event at Canvas Lounge with GK VanPatter (and Silverlight)
  • How to lose a platform: Adobe tries to make PDF and Flash play nice
  • Synching iTunes with rsync
  • Welcome to Vancouver, Dan - let the Outliner games begin
  • XBox 360 - How Microsoft wins
  • IE7 RSS display == Safari
  • Photo Management Chain of Pain on Windows
  • MSN now does search, thinks Google is a good result
  • Do we actually want one super app?
  • Windows is everyone's problem
  • Web is still gaining developer mindshare at the expense of Win32
  • RSS for downloading .torrent files
  • Steve Gillmor on Gates, RSS, Customer-driven Lock-In
  • OS X on Windows via PearPC
  • BitPal - Address Book and To Do's on your removable drive
  • SnapStream Firefly Remote giveaway
  • Spike
  • Scalix does Exchange on Linux
  • Mankind vs. Microsoft
  • Think Secret: Microsoft developing MSN Messenger for Mac 4.0 (with images)
  • iTALK2U
  • More XBox 2 and Windows on G5 Info
  • MS Access - Why the need for Visual Basic?
  • Intravnews
  • SageTV (Frey Technologies)
  • WaMCon
  • VLC Media Player
  • MyIE2
  • ExtremeTech: Media Front-End Roundup
  • Ole Eichhorn: Comments on XAML and the PDC Experience
  • IBM to build chips for XBox 2
  • Longhorn's Special Sauce
  • iTunes for Windows
  • Windows RSS Readers?
  • Windows Media Center Edition 2004 - New Version
  • PVR Blog: SnapStream Personal Video Station 3.0 review
  • Steve Gillmor: Another Fine Mesh
  • BitTorrent
  • Testing bloggar
  • Scobleizer: YAAMR
  • Back to building multimedia PCs
  • Mac to PC Filesharing
  • osOpinion: The Ultimate Lock-In
  • Now for wrath, now for ruin, and the redeye dawn.
  • Feedreader
  • Adobe uses Qt to develop new application
  • Remote Desktop Connection for Mac OS X
  • Jon Udell on XDocs / InfoPath
  • Microsoft to buy Connectix
  • HelloWorld
  • Laser Squad Nemesis
  • The Register - Microsoft to Acquire Macromedia?
  • Application

  • iTunes Sleep Timer - iTunesShut
  • Mac Alarm clock, this morning's tune
  • SubEthaEdit
  • Welcome to Vancouver, Dan - let the Outliner games begin
  • UC Berkeley - Photon iPhoto plug-in test
  • Flock feedback
  • Ubiquitous Mac Apps I don't use: Quicksilver
  • Request for Tutorial: Using SSHKeyChain
  • Testing the OPML Editor
  • Delicious Construction Kit
  • MoJave and Litefeeds
  • Photo Management Chain of Pain on Windows
  • Panic's Story of Audion
  • Near-Time Flow Example
  • Do we actually want one super app?
  • Cocoalicious
  • SSH Keys and Subversion on OS X
  • Asterisk on OS X?
  • AdiumX Interview
  • Dashboard apps multiplying
  • Buttress
  • RSS for downloading .torrent files
  • P900 Manager
  • Tumult HyperEdit and a rant on collaboration
  • Setting up an iTunes server in FreeBSD
  • SubEthaEdit turns 2.0
  • OS X on Windows via PearPC
  • DarwinPorts
  • BitPal - Address Book and To Do's on your removable drive
  • iPhoto to Everything
  • SnapStream Firefly Remote giveaway
  • And what about contact management and calendaring?
  • SubEthaTrack
  • Spike
  • Gush for OS X
  • Microsoft Expression for Mac
  • PulpFiction, new aggregator for OS X
  • Good apps on Mac OS X
  • Another Life Log Application
  • Schubert it Plugins
  • iTALK2U
  • VoodooPad
  • cvsFinder
  • MailPictures
  • Intravnews
  • Shrook
  • TunesAtWork
  • SageTV (Frey Technologies)
  • iTunes Catalog
  • WaMCon
  • Unofficial Mozilla for Mac OS 9
  • iCal Birthday Shifter
  • GroupCal
  • iTunes Album Art and Cell Phones
  • VLC Media Player
  • MyIE2
  • Carbon Copy Cloner
  • iTunes for Windows
  • Windows RSS Readers?
  • SubEthaEdit
  • Clearing your favicon cache
  • PVR Blog: SnapStream Personal Video Station 3.0 review
  • Daring Fireball: VaporOffice
  • 9 Mac Browser Shootout
  • Spaces is Clever Cactus
  • Wired News: 101 Uses for Apple iChat
  • BitTorrent
  • Transmit
  • RBrowser Lite
  • Small Business Directory Service Ideas? Maybe a beer?
  • More fun with RSS Weather
  • Working with iChat
  • Circus Ponies NoteBook and Aquaminds NoteTaker
  • Camino
  • Testing bloggar
  • Finely-interwingled Blogging
  • Safari beta2 - Tabs and more
  • Apple Hot Downloads: X11 Public Beta 3
  • Spaces
  • au: Rendezvous mail and more
  • Adobe uses Qt to develop new application
  • Remote Desktop Connection for Mac OS X
  • BIOS No More!
  • Yay! Browser PDF Plug-in!
  • You've got Desktops!
  • HelloWorld
  • Emila
  • NetNewsWire
  • Laser Squad Nemesis
  • Hunting with Bungalow Bill
  • Game

  • Xbox 360 FTW
  • Will Wright's TED talk: Toys that make worlds
  • Game console dilemma - Xbox 360 or Sony Playstation 3
  • WeeWar
  • Game downloads and experimenting with online games
  • Wii Report
  • My first mobile purchase
  • XBox 360 - How Microsoft wins
  • No games for the Mac and gaming micro-content
  • Massive traffic on Wow, still fun
  • WoW Beta is over, some comments
  • WoW Open Beta
  • $4000US per month for playing a game
  • IBM to build chips for XBox 2
  • MMORPG: Start small?
  • How does a game company start?
  • Scaleable MMORPG
  • Ninja school!
  • Boing Boing: Patent for mind control via TV? (Blipverts!)
  • PS3 chip to be 1 TeraFLOP.
  • Games as collectors items?
  • Salon: The legend of M.U.L.E.
  • Costik: A Specter is Haunting Gaming
  • Rebuilding a working iMac
  • The Ultimate MMORPG
  • Nokia intros Phone/Game/Music device.
  • Laser Squad Nemesis
  • OS X

  • Windows on a Mac - Apple releases Boot Camp beta
  • MySQL 4.1 OS X Installer
  • Marc Liyanage's PHP Apache Module
  • Invalid BTree node size and other joys
  • Deleting installed packages under OS X
  • Instructions for 10.2.x (Jaguar)
  • FTP

  • Instructions for 10.2.x (Jaguar)
  • PHP

  • Drupal in Python
  • Gold stars for Drupal contrib modules -- and how to get one
  • Open Source in Vancouver Panel
  • Should I learn Eclipse, Xcode, or...something else?
  • Synching iTunes with rsync
  • Marc Liyanage's PHP Apache Module
  • Jabber and the search for the best PHP CMS that uses PostgreSQL
  • WordPress
  • Using PHP to integrate RSS feeds into your website
  • Serendipity
  • coWiki
  • phpCommunityCalendar
  • Rodin
  • pMachine
  • PHPWiki
  • Gallery
  • Coppermine
  • Cruelacid PHP Realtime Weather
  • Ever wonder where MIME types come from?
  • Weather Block
  • Online recipes
  • PHP Collab
  • CSS

  • New theme
  • themes

  • New theme
  • Ottawa

  • Cora's does have good breakfasts...more podcasts from the CBC, please
  • Kate and I are Oktoberfest stars
  • Trevor Jones has a blog
  • Walk along the canal
  • CinemaClock Movie Listings - Ottawa
  • Ottawa Power Outage
  • Art Gallery and Byward Market
  • Welcome to the liquor store
  • What time is it, anyway?
  • Le Grande Sucre (a.k.a. Big Sugar)
  • Coffee with Honey, and Snow
  • Nortel-ian's rejoice!
  • Weather Block
  • Tux Adventure and Ribs
  • Bingo?!
  • Picklecatz play Zaphod's, get featured in the Ottawa Sun
  • Skating on the Rideau Canal
  • Multimedia PC

  • Buying an LCD Monitor as a TV
  • Pluto Home plus Squeezebox = Sonos killer?
  • LCD TVs and Monitors...there is no difference
  • Mac Tablet, Media Macs, and iTunes Movies (predictions, that is)
  • LCD TV or LCD Monitor?
  • Don't expect a converged information superhighway
  • TiVo Online
  • Apple AirPort Express
  • Roku Soundbridge
  • SnapStream Firefly Remote giveaway
  • No TV, watching the latest episodes
  • Pluto Home
  • SageTV (Frey Technologies)
  • Hints for Apple: Tablet coming, please give us iPhoto for Windows
  • Squeezebox
  • Sites offline, plus my own multimedia PC
  • iTunes Album Art and Cell Phones
  • KnoppMyth
  • ExtremeTech: Media Front-End Roundup
  • eHomeUpgrade: Pre-Packaged Media Servers
  • Quickies: It's Small Form Factor Craziness!
  • ASUS DiGiMatrix
  • Windows Media Center Edition 2004 - New Version
  • Extremetech: Building a Wireless Home Media Network Server
  • PVR Blog: SnapStream Personal Video Station 3.0 review
  • Tech Report: The MSI MEGA PC and Abit SFF
  • Wired News: Tired of the Telly? Reprogram It
  • Business 2.0: Is TiVo NeXT?
  • Back to building multimedia PCs
  • ExtremeTech: Linux Media Jukebox
  • Sonicblue go bye bye
  • Mini PC, Mini Hi-Fi look.
  • Flipping the relationship: GPU becomes CPU
  • AMD 2500+?
  • osOpinion: Lindows Media Center Takes on XP Counterpart
  • Small Form Factor

  • Apple iBox in production
  • Sites offline, plus my own multimedia PC
  • Quickies: It's Small Form Factor Craziness!
  • Tech Report: The MSI MEGA PC and Abit SFF
  • ExtremeTech: Clash of the Tiny Titans
  • Finally in Canada!!
  • ExtremeTech: Linux Media Jukebox
  • Mini PC, Mini Hi-Fi look.
  • osOpinion: Lindows Media Center Takes on XP Counterpart
  • VoIP

  • Skype turns 5
  • Voicemail coming to Google Talk, Gmail
  • Skype benefits and drawbacks
  • Why the Nokia N91 is delayed: Voice over WLAN support?
  • Gizmo SIP client hopes to break Skype silo
  • Mac Asterisk community, and dial Skype from your Address Book
  • Skype killing IM networks, too?
  • SkypeIn live, list of US area codes available
  • Skype to offer "real" phone numbers soon
  • The best days of VoIP are yet to come
  • What DOES the world look like when every router is a SIP proxy?
  • The Deal-eo with Teleo
  • My non-appearance on CBC talking about VoIP
  • No LNP in Canada equals no competition
  • Unlimitel plus Question about Yak VoIP in Canada
  • VOIPail is voicemail for Skype
  • To quote myself, on VoIP
  • VoIP and Social Software
  • 15,000 paying subscribers in Canadian VoIP Marketplace
  • Daniel Berninger: All new communication applications benefit the Internet
  • Broadband Telephone Numbers
  • Asterisk for Windows?
  • Skype for OS X Available
  • - Trying another Canadian VoIP Option
  • Cheap home networking companies are now selling VoIP adapters
  • Asterisk on OS X?
  • nLoci Java-based SIP server being sold by bankruptcy trustee for $9,500
  • Alec and Andy do VoIP futures
  • Primus TalkBroadband will be available at Future Shop/Best Buy stores in Canada
  • Knopsterisk
  • Don't expect a converged information superhighway
  • Bell does $5 for 1000 long distance minutes
  • X-Ten Interface is Terrible
  • Erik Lagerway wants to take the gloves off
  • My ILEC charges me to call numbers 10 miles away
  • Residential VoIP in Canada: Not looking so good
  • Content separated from delivery media
  • Brad Gibson has entered the building
  • 2004 Canadian Telecom Summit
  • Canadians don't know nuthin' about VoIP, Willis
  • Comcast Testing Integrated Cable Modem & VoIP Box
  • Open Standards Skype
  • Primus Talkbroadband is currently down (June 1, 2004)
  • Success in the future is increasingly defined by non-network attributes
  • Peerio Offically Announces Themselves
  • Voxilla: Skype Adds Pictures
  • Ted Shelton: Will Telephony go to Zero (dollars)?
  • Lagerway vs. Zennstrom - Smackdown!
  • Goodbye Calltrex
  • Palm GPhone does SIP
  • Voice goes live in the corporate data center
  • Price, Service, and Port Blocking Wars
  • Evans on NYT Article - VOIP in Canada
  • TalkBroadband vs. Telus
  • Jeff Pulver Blog: Free World Dialup now supports Asterisk!
  • Free ENUM efforts
  • Skype to Speak Out at VON Canada 2004
  • Qwest Eliminates Access Charges on 'True' VoIP Calls
  • CallVantage Service Works Well
  • Big Fat Dumb Pipes
  • Medium and Large Business VoIP has 50% CAGR
  • AT&T CallVantage Details
  • Stealth ENUM Registry
  • Start with smart edges and a dumb center
  • AT&T VoIP Marketing in NY
  • Alec Saunders leaves Versatel, starts Iotum
  • Disrupting the Canadian IP Communications Industry
  • Primus buys Magma
  • Peer1 spawns Symmetric Broadband
  • A stew of packetized content
  • VocalData Powers VoIP for Primus, Telus
  • Softswitch projected growth numbers
  • Session Border Controllers combined with firewalls
  • Big telcos may do better than you think
  • VoIP Value Adds
  • Blow to Canadian VoIP
  • VoIP Testing
  • Test Your VoIP
  • Primus TalkBroadband Updates Pricing, Features to Compete
  • Asterisk for Tech Support Voicemail
  • FASTMOBILE - Another 'Better than Skype' Application
  • IM will win VoIP
  • Vonage now live in Canada
  • Vonage Sues AT&T
  • Sipura Announces VoIP/PSTN Gateway Adaptor
  • Peer 1 subsidizes bandwidth and colocation for approved VoIP startups
  • Primus Talkbroadband expands service
  • Price hostilities in the VoIP space
  • Om Malik on VoIP: Why Skype is No Different
  • Jim Kohlenberger: Anyone in their garage can now be a telephone company for the entire planet
  • iTALK2U
  • Open source VoIP…works
  • Nimcat Networks
  • How to build a business around VoIP
  • What if voice were free?
  • Wired News: Cable Guy Whupping Phone Guy
  • Broadvox is coming to Canada
  • Consumer VoIP Arrives in the US
  • MKC Networks Offers VoIP Licenses for E-smith
  • iChat, Flickr (et al), and Skype
  • TalkBroadband - Steady state
  • iChat + Bluetooth Headset = Phone
  • TalkBroadband - Forum setup
  • TalkBroadband - Some glitches and solutions
  • TalkBroadband - First setup
  • BusinessWeek: Technology Special Report - VoIP
  • TalkBroadband - Canadian VoIP with Primus
  • VoIP Channels to Market
  • Is the PSTN more secure?
  • CNET: VoIP top priority for Bell Canada in 2004
  • Fatport now offering VoIP service through mobitus
  • David Isenberg: SMART Letter #91
  • ACM Queue: Conversation with Peter Ford (Chief Architect for MSN Messenger)
  • WiFI VoIP Phone from Jeff Pulver
  • CommsDesign: VoIP chip targets home gateways
  • Canadian VoIP
  • Apple Rumours
  • Wired News: Mr. Disruption Strikes Again
  • Free World Dialup
  • VoIP Presence System
  • IMPP

  • VoIP Presence System
  • Palm

  • Palm doing well in smartphone market
  • Palm GPhone does SIP
  • Dell might buy PalmOne
  • Java and Handhelds, Goodbye Palm
  • WiFi Plus Phones
  • The Inquirer: Why Palm is Doomed
  • North America is Toast (aka Build a Wireless Network, Stupid!)
  • Russell Beattie: Delineating Devices
  • Todd Asks: What PDA Should I buy?
  • Sony WiFI in a MemoryStick
  • Handheld

  • Who needs books?
  • Java and Handhelds, Goodbye Palm
  • The Inquirer: Why Palm is Doomed
  • Russell Beattie: Delineating Devices
  • Todd Asks: What PDA Should I buy?
  • MiPod?
  • Sony WiFI in a MemoryStick
  • drupal

  • From the Drupal archives
  • DC Drupalcon 2009
  • Speaking at Net Tuesday - How Drupal can help you save the world
  • Drupy aka Drupal in Python
  • Social Graph applications: why not for every community website?
  • Chris Pirillo of Lockergnome announces Drupal-powered Community Participation Platform, hackfest in Seattle
  • Off to Boston for Drupalcon, see you on Jaiku, Twemes, Utterz, and at my sessions
  • Sustainable Community Involvement: on the Drupal community and Drupal Association
  • Pop is a machine - Ethan Kaplan at Gnomedex
  • Notify (I might have accidentally spammed you)
  • Drupal Camp Seattle finishes, Gnomedex starts, TechMeme hacked
  • DrupalCamp, BarCamp, and Mesh Conference Toronto
  • Standards pingbacking
  • Identity 2.0: We must federate and cooperate
  • Free Software, FOSDEM attendance
  • Announcement: Open Source CMS and Blogging Tools Summit, Vancouver, February 7 - 9, 2006
  • mini-review: audio via phone and video posting
  • Back from 3 conferences in Amsterdam, busy week ahead
  • Jabber and the search for the best PHP CMS that uses PostgreSQL
  • Maps, travel, and making the world a smaller place
  • UC Berkeley - Photon iPhoto plug-in test
  • BarCamp Amsterdam (or, oops, we did it again)
  • Talk like a Pirate Day
  • Sick of Social Networks
  • reBlogging
  • Drupal
  • Install completed
  • Blog bundle
  • RSS

  • Feeds and Subscriptions
  • Using PHP to integrate RSS feeds into your website
  • RSS Weather
  • RSS Aggregator with Trust Experience
  • trust

  • RSS Aggregator with Trust Experience
  • Social Media

  • The Facebook Economy
  • Distributed commenting: Disqus, Echo and IntenseDebate
  • Speaking: Social Media for Social Change - Social Media Primer
  • Federated micro-blogging for Canadian startup networking?
  • Flow-based organizations can grow an archive with microblogging
  • Social media is…
  • MicroPlaza shows you links from people you follow on Twitter
  • Redanyway, a distributed social network
  • Microsoft Social Networking Patent Application on Peer-to-Patent
  • Social Graph applications: why not for every community website?
  • This whole community platform thing might have some legs
  • Northern Voice 2008 Wrap
  • Federated Social Networks at Barcamp Amsterdam III
  • a person who is, above all things, enamoured by the future
  • I think I might become an RDF fan boy (again)
  • Not so much with the Facebook, but strong on mobile
  • Northern Voice 2008 is up and rolling in classy brown
  • Google announces OpenSocial - open API for connecting social networks
  • The Future of Facebook Q&A
  • Facebook shutting down useful developers
  • Email vs. Facebook
  • OpenID Attribute Exchange is portable social networking and more
  • Europe Photobloggers looking for photography related sponsors
  • On Facebook apps and friend requests
  • Facebook is Mall of America
  • Subscribe to the social designers at Common Craft
  • Marc Canter is building his heart out
  • Susan Mernit on the role of "no" in product development
  • LinkedIn Answers Answers
  • LinkedIn Answers Getting Hot
  • Personal Info Cloud
  • MyBlogLog is distributed social networking
  • Subscribing to people and GigaOM re-visited
  • Google Reader Update
  • Switching to Google Reader
  • Industrial Brand Creative blogging up a storm
  • Flickr patents interestingness
  • Get your Moose on: This IS your mother's conference
  • Idea Fragments: Face to Face with Ton Zijlstra, Part 2
  • Feed Reading via People: Face to Face with Ton Zijlstra, Part 1
  • Reverse Microformat-ing at BarCamp San Francisco
  • BarCamp SF: The Jive Live, or how to make money from great video content
  • Out of Towner Dinner in San Francisco at Osha Thai
  • Identity, Profiles, and Reputation -- Federated Networks
  • Stop with the guest posting already
  • Registered for IIW 2006
  • BarCamp Brussels...For The Impatient
  • Meeting ClipperZ
  • Liberty Alliance People Service Webcast on January
  • Speak at Northern Voice 2006
  • Distributed Social Networking
  • Maps, travel, and making the world a smaller place
  • 43 People feedback: let me cheer everything
  • Why Web2.0 Matters: Preparing for Glocalization
  • Shifting paradigms: The mental evolutionary process of moving from web 1.0 to web 2.0 in 18 steps
  • The new feedback will not be controlled
  • Tagspaces, blessed tags, and more
  • Link farming the future
  • Microformats love vCards
  • Fussing about formats, Micro or otherwise
  • Test post from Flock blog manager
  • Come get your p*ker and v14gr4 -- spam is being nuked
  • Flock feedback
  • Testing the OPML Editor
  • Q: Why do bloggers sleep?
  • Read-only calendars were nice in 2002
  • Dinner in Seattle was great
  • Hanging with the 'Gnomes in Seattle: Dinner anyone?
  • Idea farming
  • Cora's does have good breakfasts...more podcasts from the CBC, please
  • scottstuff is flickring
  • Richard explains the "for" tag in, expands on social software
  • Tag clouds are not a replacement for UI
  • Matt May, Standards Evangelist at Large
  • The Dark Web
  • Gnomedex 2005 Closing Rumours
  • The Fever Theme-song
  • Really - easy shared bookmarks
  • Heading to Gnomedex 5.0 in Seattle
  • Heya neighblog, check out my blogmap
  • Count me in for FamilyDimSum, event formats
  • How I hate the "b" word
  • Wiki Resume
  • Hire Matt May
  • Civilities and ViewPoints
  • Blog Therapist Answer #1: Aggregating everything
  • Another business just went massively multiplayer
  • The first business plan with social networking features: LinkedIn
  • Marqui - Content Management in Vancouver and Blogging for Money
  • finds my comment thread
  • Not on the web? You won't get hired
  • Calendaring in XHTML
  • VoIP and Social Software
  • Google Local in Canada: So what?
  • Open comments and the interesting things that can happen
  • Amazon's Search Engine Web App: Here's A9 Again
  • Viral needs more than just cool
  • Overview of i-neighbors
  • jluster at the Social Tools Weblog
  • YASN rankings *aren't* newsworthy
  • An overview of the Basecamp project management system
  • Vancouver Ecademy: Blogging for Business
  • Spoke vs. LinkedIn
  • Social networking inaccuracies
  • Social networking is a feature
  • Companies prefer authoritarianism to democracy
  • Steve Gillmor on Gates, RSS, Customer-driven Lock-In
  • Flickr News: Cool stuff I want to pay for
  • Why I will likely delete my Ecademy account
  • Rendezvous + WiFi + FOAF = People in my Neighbourhood
  • Social Software Ideas in Practice
  • Social Networking Doesn't Have a Business Model
  • Deep Enterprise Search
  • Why Ecademy will succeed
  • Gush for OS X
  • TrendIQ Tracks Internet Presence of Social Networking Sites
  • $4000US per month for playing a game
  • Another Life Log Application
  • Blogware adds Friends and Address Book
  • Situational Software
  • Social Networking: It's the apps, stupid
  • Presence Blogging
  • Lunch with Microsoft and Sun
  • I hate the term blog
  • Flickr Buddy Icons Fun
  • Test PostFlickr Test Post
  • Sick of Social Networks
  • Nova Spivack: The Pattern of Online Technology Fads
  • The R's Have It
  • Robert Scoble: I still don't get social software
  • Kids and Social Software
  • Flickr Services?!
  • iChat, Flickr (et al), and Skype
  • Netomat
  • Flickr kicks off rich media arms race for social networking apps
  • Globe and Mail: to add networking
  • Social Networking vs. Blogging
  • Zerendipity - Nick Tattersall VEF Meeting
  • Online identity pollution is happening today
  • Loïc Le Meur: Build and check your virtual identity and online reputation or you will be in trouble
  • Social Networking Industry Analyzed via the Value Framework
  • Use of social network sites accelerating?
  • Running your own social network
  • A Whole Lotta Nothing: Social Software ideas
  • VentureBlog: Conserving Social Capital
  • Minding the Planet: The Birth of the Metaweb
  • Reading up on Social Software
  • OpenSourceXperts Redux
  • Spoke
  • Feedback points to Spoke, Serence's KlipFolio
  • What kind of Social Software are you?
  • It's Just Common Sense
  • CBC Has a Free Headline Service...but no RSS Feed
  • Blogs are Torpedoes
  • P.R.O.F.I.L.E.
  • Wandering back to Victoria
  • Imaginary Friends
  • Turning down friends
  • Wired News: 101 Uses for Apple iChat
  • Congrats on the new blog Andrew
  • Feedback
  • A polluted trust web
  • Tim Bray: RSS: Promise and Peril
  • My place
  • Joi Ito: Attention Concentration and becoming a place
  • What is a person connected to?
  • Saving Private Links
  • Social Software Link-fest
  • On the bursty evolution of blogspace
  • Don Park's blog: Introducing Chaos to Social Software
  • Environment Canada

  • RSS Weather
  • Trackbacks

  • RSS Weather
  • weather

  • RSS Weather
  • Canada

  • Federated micro-blogging for Canadian startup networking?
  • Trying out Nokia Sports Tracker
  • Semantic Web Community Barn Raising in Vancouver
  • Rogers to launch iPhone in Canada with $30 6GB data plan
  • CTV Newsnet appearance: Bell and Telus incoming SMS charges debacle
  • Rogers is bringing the iPhone to Canada (CTV Newsnet edition)
  • Sun Labs Open House 2008, first post acquisition MySQL release
  • Utterz: Interview with Sales Manager of Juliet Development, venue for DemoCampVictoria01
  • Upcoming events in Vancouver, April 2008 edition
  • Highlights elsewhere: Attending CCI2008, BNN appearance
  • 2008 events are go for launch
  • Rogers gets sane(r) data plans
  • Not so much with the Facebook, but strong on mobile
  • Bell launches distances based miles
  • Media appearance: Is Microsoft doing enough to reinvent itself? on Business News Network
  • Congrats to John and Igor at Handimobility - LiveVote launched
  • Media appearance: Tod Maffin's CBC technology column - more on
  • DrupalCon Barcelona over, first Drupal Association report
  • Drupal~ish meetup at Smith's Pub in Victoria was good fun
  • Microsoft Canada opening software dev center in Vancouver (commentary)
  • Mossberg iPhone Review: no SIM card, CDMA only?
  • Microsoft Expression launch event at Canvas Lounge with GK VanPatter (and Silverlight)
  • Trip to Galiano
  • Can the CRTC help?
  • The Travesty of Canadian Mobile Data Rates
  • Canadian cell phone rates are higher than Mexico
  • Community Wireless in Vancouver - FON, Meraki, something else?
  • Northern Voice 2007 final speaker submissions
  • Yahoo! Canada Panama Search preview at Opus Hotel
  • Syncing the Nokia E61 (and the rest of the E-Series) with Mac OS X
  • Nokia E61 First Impressions
  • A Vancouver Job connection area here on BMC?
  • BarCamp Vancouver, and more great Vancouver people
  • Matt Everard, Entrepreunerial PM
  • Out with EBA, in with Nitobi
  • Stephanie Rieger talks mobile snacks
  • Ambient Vector doing startup blog in the Globe and Mail
  • is buzz marketing gone wrong
  • DrupalCamp, BarCamp, and Mesh Conference Toronto
  • Real Estate and the Web in Canada - Listen to Ben
  • Web 2.0 Mesh Conference in Toronto announced - May 15th - 16th
  • DUGs (Drupal User Groups, that is)
  • How Canadian mobile providers are stifling their own growth
  • Bell offers flat-rate Global Roaming with a CDMA/GSM $2.49 per minute!
  • Wireless data in Canada is ridiculously expensive
  • Broadband providers blocking podcasts in Canada?
  • TiVo in Canada and other PVR info
  • Apple predictions, how video is useful
  • News from the UVic Alumni Association
  • iTunes phone in Canada - will we be able to ROKR?
  • Fido yanking unlimited data plans?
  • Telus blocking access to union website
  • Cora's does have good breakfasts...more podcasts from the CBC, please
  • First Apple Store in Canada - Yorkdale in Toronto opened today
  • My non-appearance on CBC talking about VoIP
  • No LNP in Canada equals no competition
  • Daring Fireball DOESN'T hate Canada
  • The first business plan with social networking features: LinkedIn
  • President, Rick Anderson, Responds to Complaints
  • Unlimitel plus Question about Yak VoIP in Canada
  • CBC removes agreement on RSS usage, my feedback email
  • CBC now has (headline only) RSS feeds
  • iTunes Canada -- finally!
  • Todd Maffin: Great work on covering Mozilla
  • Save Canada's Internet(s)
  • Google Local in Canada: So what?
  • 15,000 paying subscribers in Canadian VoIP Marketplace
  • - Trying another Canadian VoIP Option
  • New Brunswick Business Blog Survey
  • Alec and Andy do VoIP futures
  • Primus TalkBroadband will be available at Future Shop/Best Buy stores in Canada
  • Bell does $5 for 1000 long distance minutes
  • No more .ca for non-Canadians
  • Residential VoIP in Canada: Not looking so good
  • Content separated from delivery media
  • Brad Gibson has entered the building
  • 2004 Canadian Telecom Summit
  • Canadians don't know nuthin' about VoIP, Willis
  • Primus Talkbroadband is currently down (June 1, 2004)
  • Lagerway vs. Zennstrom - Smackdown!
  • Telus-Microcell: An Unholy Union?
  • Evans on NYT Article - VOIP in Canada
  • TalkBroadband vs. Telus
  • Skype to Speak Out at VON Canada 2004
  • Alec Saunders leaves Versatel, starts Iotum
  • Disrupting the Canadian IP Communications Industry
  • Primus buys Magma
  • Peer1 spawns Symmetric Broadband
  • VocalData Powers VoIP for Primus, Telus
  • Big telcos may do better than you think
  • Blow to Canadian VoIP
  • Primus TalkBroadband Updates Pricing, Features to Compete
  • Vonage now live in Canada
  • The Register: Circuit City buys InterTAN
  • Peer 1 subsidizes bandwidth and colocation for approved VoIP startups
  • Primus Talkbroadband expands service
  • Nimcat Networks
  • How to build a business around VoIP
  • Broadvox is coming to Canada
  • Sites that don't work:
  • The Snow Walker
  • Pictures of Newfoundland Snowstorm
  • TalkBroadband - Steady state
  • Globe and Mail has RSS Feeds
  • Canadians are square
  • ShopKits
  • Currency Converter - Bank of Canada
  • Canada Post Postal Code Locator
  • Environment Canada FAQ
  • Music

  • Hypemachine + Nokia Podcasting client = constant new music
  • Ringtones need separate licenses?
  • iTunes Sleep Timer - iTunesShut
  • Mac Alarm clock, this morning's tune
  • Synching (and backing up) your iTunes music using MP3Tunes
  • Pop is a machine - Ethan Kaplan at Gnomedex
  • Open formats: how to make enhanced podcasts without Apple
  • Syncing iTunes Music folders using rsync
  • iTunes phone in Canada - will we be able to ROKR?
  • A microformat for music?
  • iTunes 4.9 has podcasting, RSS, and a phone
  • My first iTunes video purchase
  • Mac Tablet, Media Macs, and iTunes Movies (predictions, that is)
  • iTunes Canada -- finally!
  • iPod Photo Thoughts
  • Don't expect a converged information superhighway
  • Apple AirPort Express
  • Setting up an iTunes server in FreeBSD
  • Roku Soundbridge
  • Apple should license FairPlay DRM
  • Wired: Pay Once, Share Often With LWDRM
  • 10 Random Songs
  • TunesAtWork
  • RipDigital
  • ArsTechnica: Apple to manufacture HP-branded digital music player
  • iTunes Catalog
  • iTunes for Windows
  • Soundfeeder Wireless Audio Adapter
  • Bankrupt EMI
  • Trademarking your key words
  • Vonage Sues AT&T
  • Apple should license FairPlay DRM
  • Wired: Pay Once, Share Often With LWDRM
  • Bankrupt EMI
  • CVS

  • Sandbox for Purple module
  • Install Profile API for Drupal
  • Should I learn Eclipse, Xcode, or...something else?
  • Drupal
  • FOAF

  • Social Graph applications: why not for every community website?
  • I think I might become an RDF fan boy (again)
  • OpenID Attribute Exchange is portable social networking and more
  • Distributed Social Networking
  • P.R.O.F.I.L.E.
  • Wireless, Cellular, and Mobile

  • Trying out Nokia Sports Tracker
  • Quick audio preview of upcoming mobile related posts
  • Nokia N78 First take and setup
  • Site specific browsers for mobile?
  • Rogers to launch iPhone in Canada with $30 6GB data plan
  • CTV Newsnet appearance: Bell and Telus incoming SMS charges debacle
  • Hypemachine + Nokia Podcasting client = constant new music
  • Rogers is bringing the iPhone to Canada (CTV Newsnet edition)
  • LoadMyTracks now supports the Globalsat DG-100 on Mac OS X
  • I Utterz
  • More iPhone / Nokia / etc. thoughts
  • iPhone Nano
  • Rogers gets sane(r) data plans
  • Remember the DG-100? It works on the Mac now
  • Not so much with the Facebook, but strong on mobile
  • Switching to use Gmail IMAP - great for and iPhones, too
  • Congrats to John and Igor at Handimobility - LiveVote launched
  • Media appearance: Tod Maffin's CBC technology column - more on
  • Media appearance: The Christy Clark show, talking
  • Vancouver.FreeTheNet.Ca - how to buy your wireless mesh node
  • Vancouver.FreeTheNet.Ca - Community Wireless in your neighbourhood
  • Vancouver Wireless Cadre Kick Off Meeting
  • Ringtones need separate licenses?
  • Apple Rumours Sept 2007: touchscreen iPod, AppleTV revs
  • Bulk buy of Globalsat DG100-GPS through Expansys
  • Experimenting with Bluetooth GPS Receivers: my first GPS Adventure
  • Want to buy a GPS logging device?
  • iPhone Hints
  • Mossberg iPhone Review: no SIM card, CDMA only?
  • Why you should send interesting tech gadgets to my dad for testing
  • Twitter is Jabber, Part II
  • Twitter is Jabber
  • Can the CRTC help?
  • The Travesty of Canadian Mobile Data Rates
  • Canadian cell phone rates are higher than Mexico
  • Is the iPhone really locked to Cingular?
  • Community Wireless in Vancouver - FON, Meraki, something else?
  • Flat rate mobile from 3 in the UK
  • Syncing the Nokia E61 (and the rest of the E-Series) with Mac OS X
  • Switching to Google Reader
  • Nokia E61 First Impressions
  • Mobile apps vs. The mobile web
  • Stephanie Rieger talks mobile snacks
  • Ambient Vector doing startup blog in the Globe and Mail
  • is buzz marketing gone wrong
  • How Canadian mobile providers are stifling their own growth
  • SamePlace
  • Bell offers flat-rate Global Roaming with a CDMA/GSM $2.49 per minute!
  • Wireless data in Canada is ridiculously expensive
  • ShoZu
  • Yiibu: re-inventing microcontent
  • Why the Nokia N91 is delayed: Voice over WLAN support?
  • My first mobile purchase
  • iTunes phone in Canada - will we be able to ROKR?
  • Fido yanking unlimited data plans?
  • Buying wireless smart stuff? Choose unlocked and open
  • GPRS > Nokia 6630 > Bluetooth > Powerbook > Ethernet > iBook
  • Battle of the widget platforms
  • iSync update means my Nokia 6630 now syncs
  • Citizen Journalism and the London Bombings: Interview Alert
  • Blackberry or Treo, Rogers or Telus
  • MoJave and Litefeeds
  • Widgets for your Series 60 phone - Nokia goes WebCore
  • Tiger-ized
  • New phone: Nokia 6630
  • No LNP in Canada equals no competition
  • Apple and Motorola are making a phone?
  • Sending free SMS from a website
  • Who needs books?
  • Comcast Testing Integrated Cable Modem & VoIP Box
  • Apple AirPort Express
  • P900 Manager
  • Telus-Microcell: An Unholy Union?
  • Roku Soundbridge
  • Palm doing well in smartphone market
  • Rendezvous + WiFi + FOAF = People in my Neighbourhood
  • WRT54G Firmware
  • WiFi Box
  • Palm GPhone does SIP
  • Do not buy an InexQ Wireless Router
  • Dell might buy PalmOne
  • Phonepage Homepage
  • A Whole Lotta Nothing: All Hail Bluetooth
  • Telepocalypse: Open systems will continue to crush closed ones
  • iChat + Bluetooth Headset = Phone
  • HowardForums - T616 Beginner Info
  • Sony Ericsson Handsfree HPR-20
  • A Week with the Sony Ericsson T616
  • Fatport now offering VoIP service through mobitus
  • Snarb's Controller - Salling Clicker Plug-Ins
  • Hints for Apple: Tablet coming, please give us iPhoto for Windows
  • iTunes Album Art and Cell Phones
  • Computerworld: Free Hot Spots Pay Dividends
  • Micro Solutions Backpack Wireless Workgroup Server
  • WiFI VoIP Phone from Jeff Pulver
  • Extremetech: Building a Wireless Home Media Network Server
  • Soundfeeder Wireless Audio Adapter
  • Steve Gillmor: Another Fine Mesh
  • are you a reall ninja or wana be?

  • Ninja school!
  • Movie

  • VLC Media Player
  • and other video storage options
  • mini-review: audio via phone and video posting
  • Video iPod or....Airport Express Video?
  • Cringely thinks ClickStar is iTunes Movie Store
  • My first iTunes video purchase
  • Here come iTunes purchased video
  • LCD TVs and Monitors...there is no difference
  • Mac Tablet, Media Macs, and iTunes Movies (predictions, that is)
  • President, Rick Anderson, Responds to Complaints
  • iPod Photo Thoughts
  • Don't expect a converged information superhighway
  • RSS for downloading .torrent files
  • The Snow Walker
  • No TV, watching the latest episodes
  • The Corporation
  • Return of the Awesome.
  • Matchstick Men
  • CinemaClock Movie Listings - Ottawa
  • Personal Publishing

  • On demand book printing - bits come to the real world
  • Buy the MonkeyBlaster 9000: podcast with Elastic Path
  • Northern Voice 2007 final speaker submissions
  • Subscribing to people and GigaOM re-visited
  • Switching to Google Reader
  • Interacting with Bloggers 101: Permalinks, Product Info, and Personality
  • Opportunities, people, and tools
  • Speak at Northern Voice 2006
  • mini-review: audio via phone and video posting
  • Blog Flux MapStats
  • Three ways of syndicating beyond blogging content
  • A microformat for music?
  • Tagspaces, blessed tags, and more
  • Link farming the future
  • Testing the OPML Editor
  • Citizen Journalism and the London Bombings: Interview Alert
  • RSS, OPML, and Pirate Weather
  • The "B" Word: Blogrolls are bare links
  • Picking OPML: no use swimming upstream
  • The Dark Web
  • Gnomedex 2005 Closing Rumours
  • Heading to Gnomedex 5.0 in Seattle
  • Heya neighblog, check out my blogmap
  • Online ad networks or online content networks?
  • How I hate the "b" word
  • Civilities and ViewPoints
  • Vancouver Webloggers Meetup March 31st: next, Web 2.0 Meetups?
  • Blog Therapist Answer #2: No more Meta-blogging
  • Blog Therapist Answer #1: Aggregating everything
  • Daring Fireball DOESN'T hate Canada
  • Google Registrar Concepts
  • At the Blog Business Summit
  • President, Rick Anderson, Responds to Complaints
  • Syndication Subscription Service
  • The future of online aggregators: Skydasher
  • Aggregators are tomorrow's newspapers
  • Macs rule RSS - Custom RSS Apps are next
  • Vote for Troy's Technology Buyer's Manifesto
  • Fortune 500 Blogging
  • CBC removes agreement on RSS usage, my feedback email
  • CBC now has (headline only) RSS feeds
  • Todd Maffin: Great work on covering Mozilla
  • Google is a deaf user that loves reading metadata
  • Marqui - Content Management in Vancouver and Blogging for Money
  • Near-Time Flow Example
  • What do I expect from my blog?
  • finds my comment thread
  • PR isn't dead?
  • Open comments and the interesting things that can happen
  • Amazon's Search Engine Web App: Here's A9 Again
  • John Batelle: Searchblog's New Look, Ad Update
  • Windows as opposed to Linux, MT vs. Wordpress
  • Vancouver Ecademy: Blogging for Business
  • New Brunswick Business Blog Survey
  • People rarely comment
  • Compete on merit
  • Time to demonstrate Simpletracks again
  • Feed splicing begins to really deliver on the promise of syndication
  • SEB turns off comment counters, saves the day
  • Common definition of XML "readership"
  • RSS is a big blue icon
  • PubSub notification via Jabber
  • OS X "Tiger" Server does blogging and IM
  • Not advertising via blogs? You're "doing your client a disservice"
  • More types of information to be syndicated
  • Make whatever you offer a vehicle for advertisements
  • Blogging Tools Suck
  • Bloggers are becoming subject matter experts
  • Google looking at Texturize
  • John Gruber: I am trying to write the **** out of this stuff
  • Social networking is a feature
  • Scoble wants full-text RSS
  • Jeffrey Veen on Feedburner and Ping-O-Matic
  • Weblogs do help businesses
  • Purple everywhere
  • Posting to Blogware via...MS Word?!
  • Giving IE team members a nugie for standards
  • Don Park: Give RSS 2.0 to W3C
  • Blogs aren't anything special (but they are better than CMSs)
  • Is a collaborative, cross-platform, rich-text editor too much to ask?
  • Dave Winer Impressed Me Today
  • Break your news feed to easily lose readers
  • PubSub LinkRank
  • Atom will create the two-way web
  • Steve Gillmor on Gates, RSS, Customer-driven Lock-In
  • Atom Linkblog Instructions
  • More MT vs. EE
  • Meta Data on the mind
  • RobotRadio
  • What's new in MT 3.0? (other than a licensing controversy)
  • Information Overload Dissolves Into Nothingness
  • A quick way to generate obvious links
  • That old Trackback magic
  • Newspapers See Danger in Text Messaging
  • MT vs. EE for a Corporate Weblogs Farm
  • What is a Wiki?
  • New bloggers on the block
  • Next version of WordPress goes beta
  • Deep Enterprise Search
  • This is
  • Thank You, Moveable Type
  • Jon's Radio: Active résumés
  • Hyperlocal
  • Show value in K-logs to senior management
  • Batelle on Furl
  • PulpFiction, new aggregator for OS X
  • Blogger meeting in Seattle on Wednesday night
  • Get your own blog! (or, "The Real Problem with TypeKey")
  • Personal publishing is not just tech
  • Near-Time Flow
  • Less blogging, more personal publishing
  • Simon Willison: Personalisation? We've already got it
  • Document Management for Small Business
  • adding adsense to your RSS feed
  • Microsoft now does search
  • Lost Boy: Scattered Self
  • Tips for Andy
  • ollicle: text 2 HTML without the lock down
  • Lunch with Microsoft and Sun
  • MovableType is the Windows of the Personal Publishing World
  • urlgreyhot: It's time to start using a wiki for my personal knowledge management
  • WebProNews: Blogs mean Better Listings on Google
  • I hate the term blog
  • Why RSS sucks, but it's still fantastic
  • Roland's big move
  • Yet more content from me
  • TextPattern
  • Big-time Bellevue Geek Dinner
  • Yahoo new search engine, does RSS
  • K. Scott Allen: Newsgroups, Blogs, and Magazines
  • reBlogging
  • More peeps with blogs
  • Bloglet
  • Social Networking vs. Blogging
  • Globe and Mail has RSS Feeds
  • quickSub
  • Minding the Planet: The Birth of the Metaweb
  • David Isenberg: SMART Letter #91
  • MovableType
  • COREblog
  • RSS-Data
  • Canada Post

  • Canada Post Postal Code Locator
  • postal code

  • Canada Post Postal Code Locator
  • cooking

  • Gourmet Sleuth - Roasting Timetable
  • roasting

  • Gourmet Sleuth - Roasting Timetable
  • meat

  • Gourmet Sleuth - Roasting Timetable
  • RSS Weather

  • NOAA - Experimental Listings of Watches, Warnings, and Advisoriesby State and Territory
  • NOAA

  • NOAA - Experimental Listings of Watches, Warnings, and Advisoriesby State and Territory
  • CAP

  • NOAA - Experimental Listings of Watches, Warnings, and Advisoriesby State and Territory
  • iTunes

  • iTunes Sleep Timer - iTunesShut
  • Mac Alarm clock, this morning's tune
  • Synching (and backing up) your iTunes music using MP3Tunes
  • YouTube to iTunes?
  • Open formats: how to make enhanced podcasts without Apple
  • Using rsync to sync iTunes on two computers
  • Synching iTunes with rsync
  • Syncing iTunes Music folders using rsync
  • Mac as media center with Front Row, video iPods, and video downloads
  • iTunes phone in Canada - will we be able to ROKR?
  • Mac Tablet, Media Macs, and iTunes Movies (predictions, that is)
  • Sharing iTunes and iPhoto libraries between users
  • iPhoto

  • UC Berkeley - Photon iPhoto plug-in test
  • Sharing iTunes and iPhoto libraries between users
  • sharing

  • Sharing iTunes and iPhoto libraries between users
  • file upload

  • Sharing iTunes and iPhoto libraries between users
  • YouSendIt

  • Sharing iTunes and iPhoto libraries between users
  • CMS

  • Web Directions North 2008: 3 stages of dynamic systems, wrap up
  • Speaking: Web Directions North 08 - Three Stages of Content Management
  • Successful Launch Party
  • Jabber and the search for the best PHP CMS that uses PostgreSQL
  • Marqui - Content Management in Vancouver and Blogging for Money
  • Blogs aren't anything special (but they are better than CMSs)
  • Break your news feed to easily lose readers
  • More MT vs. EE
  • EditThisPagePHP
  • Document Management for Small Business
  • ollicle: text 2 HTML without the lock down
  • I hate the term blog
  • TextPattern
  • CMS Mailing List
  • Two wikis and a microphone
  • CMSReview Feature Directory
  • IM

  • Les Orchard: XMPP for self-hosted Twitter-esque nodes
  • Announcing Pretzel, a Python-based Jabber server on Twisted
  • Officially a member of the Jabber Software Foundation
  • Jabber geeking: merge JEP-0080 and JEP-0112?
  • Skype benefits and drawbacks
  • 2006 will be the year of XMPP
  • Jabber's JINGLE comes out of the closet in time for the holidays
  • Parceltongue
  • Google Talks Jabber
  • Gizmo SIP client hopes to break Skype silo
  • Tiger-ized
  • Skype killing IM networks, too?
  • 2005 will be the year my inboxes die
  • Do we actually want one super app?
  • IM *is* texting in North America
  • Tiger iChat has Jabber support
  • Google loves IM
  • Skype for OS X Available
  • AdiumX Interview
  • PubSub notification via Jabber
  • OS X "Tiger" Server does blogging and IM
  • Dell might buy PalmOne
  • Gush for OS X
  • FASTMOBILE - Another 'Better than Skype' Application
  • IM will win VoIP
  • Think Secret: Microsoft developing MSN Messenger for Mac 4.0 (with images)
  • What if voice were free?
  • More instant messaging from ACM Queue
  • ACM Queue: Conversation with Peter Ford (Chief Architect for MSN Messenger)
  • Knowledge Management

  • Email is the place where information goes to die
  • Tag clouds are not a replacement for UI
  • Knowledge Gardening
  • OS X "Tiger" Server does blogging and IM
  • KM == Work Effectiveness Improvement
  • Companies prefer authoritarianism to democracy
  • Information Overload Dissolves Into Nothingness
  • Zoe and Email Choices
  • Show value in K-logs to senior management
  • Batelle on Furl
  • Document Management for Small Business
  • VoodooPad
  • urlgreyhot: It's time to start using a wiki for my personal knowledge management
  • reBlogging
  • Social Networking vs. Blogging
  • Vancouver Knowledge Management Community of Practice (KMCOP)
  • Classification for email and images
  • WhoHasMyBirthday

  • birthday

  • ideas

  • Musings

  • Vancouver

  • Vancouver tech and the civic election
  • Committed to building Vancouver's startup community
  • Build more startups in Vancouver
  • Reinventing the wheel one directory at a time
  • Vancouver's Talent Are Like Raw Resources
  • I want to vote with my dollars that the Vancouver tech community is important
  • Vancouver tech needs to wake up
  • Cataloging city neighbourhood assets - Love My Hood
  • Android Developers in Vancouver
  • Grow Conference 2010
  • BC Apps for Climate Action Announcement
  • We failed at making the Vancouver 2010 Olympics an Internet showcase
  • BarCamp Vancouver 2009 wrapped
  • BarCamp (and EVERY conference) is what YOU make of it
  • Federated micro-blogging for Canadian startup networking?
  • Open Web Vancouver, Open Restaurants, Open Data
  • Trying out Nokia Sports Tracker
  • Semantic Web Community Barn Raising in Vancouver
  • Northern Voice 2009
  • Vancouver Akoha Decksgiving
  • Interesting Vancouver 2008 Ticket giveaway
  • Knight News Challenge prep in Vancouver: Digital Media Experiments to Innovate Journalism
  • NowPublic MostPublic Index for Vancouver
  • Speaking at Net Tuesday - How Drupal can help you save the world
  • At VinoCamp 2008 for the day
  • New Ventures BC mentor panel makes my brain full
  • Quoted in 24 hours - Buzz Bishop's "Head in the Clouds" article
  • VinoCamp is open for registration: August 16th, 2008 at UBC Botanical Gardens
  • Sponsor Rachael for the Camp Moomba Yogathon
  • Omnibus: BBQ, Jungle Disk, WordPress etc.
  • DrupalCamp Vancouver 2008 this week
  • More Vancouver events, thoughts on one calendar for TechCouver
  • Snow in Vancouver
  • Strutta has launched
  • Upcoming events in Vancouver, April 2008 edition
  • NPR interview with Bill Gates on the Microsoft Vancouver dev center
  • CCI2008 wrap, going offline
  • Utterz: On the way to the Northern Voice 2008 organizer's debrief lunch
  • Highlights elsewhere: Attending CCI2008, BNN appearance
  • Utterz: Rob Lewis on Strutta Super Sekret Alpha Launch
  • Northern Voice 2008 Wrap
  • Web Directions North 2008: 3 stages of dynamic systems, wrap up
  • 2008 events are go for launch
  • New jacket
  • The multi week summary of missed blog posts
  • Northern Voice 2008 is up and rolling in classy brown
  • DemoCampVancouver04 on Nov. 22nd, now with more beer
  • The Future of Facebook Q&A
  • Congrats to John and Igor at Handimobility - LiveVote launched
  • Colours of Fall in Vancouver
  • Speaking: Web Directions North 08 - Three Stages of Content Management
  • DemoCampVancouver03 - first iteration of Battle Decks, fun as always
  • Media appearance: The Christy Clark show, talking
  • Will MailCo, Mozilla's Thunderbird spin off to be run by David Ascher, be headquartered in Vancouver?
  • Vancouver.FreeTheNet.Ca - how to buy your wireless mesh node
  • Vancouver.FreeTheNet.Ca - Community Wireless in your neighbourhood
  • Vancouver Wireless Cadre Kick Off Meeting
  • Vancouver SEO Birthday Gift: Alex Brabant is emarketing 101
  • Uncle Fatih's Pizza to Pigeon's Park
  • DemoCampVancouver03 -- September 13th or October 4th?
  • Can Drupal help commoditize Facebook app development?
  • Third Tuesday attended yesterday, nPost is today
  • What to attend and pay attention to after BarCamp Vancouver 2007
  • BarCamp Vancouver 2007 a wrap
  • BarCamp Vancouver 2007 kicks off this eve
  • PubSub will be Something Simpler
  • Going swimming
  • First Joyent Taco Tuesday meetup at Chill Winston
  • VanCity BikeShare Handoff from Roland
  • Microsoft Canada opening software dev center in Vancouver (commentary)
  • DemoCampVancouver, now with more gong
  • FreeGeek Vancouver and Vancouver PHP offer "Summer of PHP"
  • Trip to Galiano
  • DemoCampVancouver01 and on using Facebook for getting the word out
  • Super Happy indeed
  • SuperHappyDevHouse Vancouver, May 11th, 2007
  • Ben Wong pushes out of the nest
  • Google Apps and SXIP Access Identity and the Google Platform
  • Guy Gavriel Kay talk at the VIWF
  • Open Source in Vancouver Panel
  • Buy the MonkeyBlaster 9000: podcast with Elastic Path
  • OpenID MashPit Vancouver wrap up
  • Northern Voice Travel Bursaries
  • OpenID MashPit in Vancouver
  • Community Wireless in Vancouver - FON, Meraki, something else?
  • Social Media Club Vancouver
  • Northern Voice 2007 final speaker submissions
  • Yahoo! Canada Panama Search preview at Opus Hotel
  • Innovator's Gathering tonight at Steamworks
  • Should I learn Eclipse, Xcode, or...something else?
  • Industrial Brand Creative blogging up a storm
  • Get your Moose on: This IS your mother's conference
  • Innovation in Vancouver funded by the BDC
  • Presenting at BCTIA Go 2 Market Roundtable: Using the tools of Web 2.0
  • Back from Belgium
  • Notes from BarCamp Vancouver
  • 2Paths, Java web app experts in Vancouver
  • A Vancouver Job connection area here on BMC?
  • BarCamp Vancouver, and more great Vancouver people
  • Matt Everard, Entrepreunerial PM
  • Out with EBA, in with Nitobi
  • Heading to Stuttgart, 9 hour layover at Heathrow tips (don't forget IOS Van)
  • Stephanie Rieger talks mobile snacks
  • Congrats Vancouver Innovation: Avi and Andrew's DabbleDB gets funded
  • is buzz marketing gone wrong
  • IOSVan: Identity Open Space in Vancouver in July
  • Innovation Commons must get built in Vancouver
  • Vancouver is a fine place to start a company (or to join one)
  • DUGs (Drupal User Groups, that is)
  • Innovation is alive and well in Vancouver: DabbleDB getting a ton of press
  • Free Software, FOSDEM attendance
  • ICANN brings cool people to town...geek dinner Tuesday?
  • Innovation Commons request: post a video on why you want the commons
  • Yiibu: re-inventing microcontent
  • Innovation Commons: Please take the survey
  • Speak at Northern Voice 2006
  • IETF 64 Social - Tuesday, Nov. 8th: Anyone attending?
  • Innovation Commons: Wednesday, October 26th, 2005 - 6:30pm
  • Back from 3 conferences in Amsterdam, busy week ahead
  • Innovation Commons follow-up, Snowball edition
  • Brent Holliday with Web 2.0 anti-hype (and get ready for Vancouver Enterprise Forum 2.0)
  • Innovation Commons First Meeting: Wednesday, October 5, 2005
  • Welcome to Vancouver, Dan - let the Outliner games begin
  • The Innovation Commons
  • Northern Voice and Moose Camp: now in blue
  • Yiibu Crew Back to YVR
  • You know you're busy when...
  • Rice, photo by B. Mann
  • Vancouver Perl Mongers with Casey West, July 28th
  • Citizen Journalism and the London Bombings: Interview Alert
  • Blackberry or Treo, Rogers or Telus
  • Gnomedex 2005 Closing Rumours
  • Count me in for FamilyDimSum, event formats
  • Birth of a baby (g)URL
  • Google Maps now has Keynote satellite imagery
  • Vancouver Webloggers Meetup March 31st: next, Web 2.0 Meetups?
  • Blog Therapist Answer #1: Aggregating everything
  • MASSIVE and Beercasting
  • Not exactly a Mac Mini
  • My non-appearance on CBC talking about VoIP
  • Todd Maffin: Great work on covering Mozilla
  • Marqui - Content Management in Vancouver and Blogging for Money
  • Greenthing theme and this week
  • How to pick beer (even the kind that comes in a tower)
  • SteamWorks invaded by Germans
  • Sha Lin Noodle House and Kristian at Kino
  • I'm a Bryght guy
  • Spoke vs. LinkedIn
  • X-Ten Interface is Terrible
  • Sxip comes out of stealth
  • Open Standards Skype
  • Flickr News: Cool stuff I want to pay for
  • Goodbye Calltrex
  • New bloggers on the block
  • Peer1 spawns Symmetric Broadband
  • Premier's Technology Council Regional Consultation and Reception
  • Peer 1 subsidizes bandwidth and colocation for approved VoIP startups
  • Lunch with Microsoft and Sun
  • Vancouver Dinner Club Inaugural Event
  • Free Email (and other options for not using web-based email)
  • ASI Exchange in Vancouver
  • The Snow Walker
  • Dot Easy
  • pseudorandom: Vancouver Hilights
  • Things to do in Vancouver
  • Big-time Bellevue Geek Dinner
  • Radio doesn't get it
  • Winter Storm Damage in Vancouver and Victoria
  • J2EE Consulting with Eversun Software
  • Vancouver Geek Dinner Wrap-up
  • Just signed up for Spud
  • Vij's, Recommended by Stuart McLean
  • TalkBroadband - Steady state
  • WestWorld Computers on Broadway in Vancouver
  • Dining Out for Life
  • Roland Tanglao: Vancouver Geek Dinner
  • Darren Barefoot: Exciting News Indeed
  • Getting a place in Vancouver
  • Plastic bags make great shoes
  • ShopKits
  • Vancouver Knowledge Management Community of Practice (KMCOP)
  • Bowen Island

  • Easter on Bowen
  • Help me find out what vegetables and fruit are in season when
  • Sunshine Coast Accommodations
  • Translink to run passenger ferries to Bowen?
  • MagpieRSS

  • Using PHP to integrate RSS feeds into your website
  • Roland Tanglao

  • Nokia N78 First take and setup
  • Site specific browsers for mobile?
  • Roland's big move
  • Roland Tanglao: Vancouver Geek Dinner
  • Avi Bryant

  • Trip to Galiano
  • Congrats Vancouver Innovation: Avi and Andrew's DabbleDB gets funded
  • Innovation is alive and well in Vancouver: DabbleDB getting a ton of press
  • Roland Tanglao: Vancouver Geek Dinner
  • Vancouver Geek Dinner

  • Roland Tanglao: Vancouver Geek Dinner
  • reblogging

  • reBlogging
  • Eyebeam

  • reBlogging
  • Movable Type

  • Open Source stands together
  • Roland's big move
  • reBlogging
  • mailing list

  • Side discussions for increasing signal-to-noise
  • Karma Mailing List
  • karma

  • Karma Mailing List
  • email

  • Sendible
  • Switching to use Gmail IMAP - great for and iPhones, too
  • Email vs. Facebook
  • Email is the place where information goes to die
  • Notify (I might have accidentally spammed you)
  • Voicemail coming to Google Talk, Gmail
  • Request for Tutorial: Using SSHKeyChain
  • Pretty Sticky Things
  • Side discussions for increasing signal-to-noise
  • Karma Mailing List
  • QuickTopic

  • Side discussions for increasing signal-to-noise
  • SEO

  • Vancouver SEO Birthday Gift: Alex Brabant is emarketing 101
  • The Big Secret of Search Optimisation
  • SEO: Use Images Wisely
  • XML Resume and Resume Promotion
  • Validate Your Code
  • validate

  • Validate Your Code
  • W3C

  • Validate Your Code

  • Validate Your Code
  • Vancouver SEO Birthday Gift: Alex Brabant is emarketing 101
  • Personal Info Cloud
  • Yahoo! Canada Panama Search preview at Opus Hotel
  • Google's challenge: searching the live web
  • Interacting with Bloggers 101: Permalinks, Product Info, and Personality
  • Google BlogSearch Launches
  • Google Talks Jabber
  • Wiki Resume
  • Helping with the Gouranga meme
  • Google Registrar Concepts
  • Please, follow
  • Google is a deaf user that loves reading metadata
  • The Deep Web...only courtesy of Search Portal X
  • MSN now does search, thinks Google is a good result
  • URLs are dead
  • How to pick beer (even the kind that comes in a tower)
  • Not on the web? You won't get hired
  • Google invades (Windows) desktops: what's the Mac plan?
  • It appears I never have to throw anything away again
  • Google Local in Canada: So what?
  • Amazon's Search Engine Web App: Here's A9 Again
  • John Batelle: Searchblog's New Look, Ad Update
  • Xoduszero
  • Is Drupal a "second generation blog/RSS aggregation" site?
  • The Big Secret of Search Optimisation
  • PubSub LinkRank
  • Search changes how business works
  • Meta Data on the mind
  • Google Image Ads offer free Brand Advertising
  • A quick way to generate obvious links
  • Zoe and Email Choices
  • Deep Enterprise Search
  • Help the Googlebot understand your web site
  • Batelle on Furl
  • Darren tries AdSense
  • Trademarking your key words
  • adding adsense to your RSS feed
  • Minding the Planet: Google Launches gMail
  • marcosweskamp: a map of the news media
  • Microsoft now does search
  • WebProNews: Blogs mean Better Listings on Google
  • Digital Web Magazine: Optimizing Your Chances with Accessibility
  • Google's PageRank Explained
  • RankPulse
  • W3C MarkUp Validation Service
  • Use of the longdesc attribute for img tags
  • Stop Design: Using Background-Image to Replace Text
  • Sites that don't work:
  • SEO: Use Images Wisely
  • Image replacement decision grid
  • Digital Web Magazine: In Defense of Fahrner Image Replacement
  • A List Apart: Facts and Opinion About Fahrner Image Replacement
  • Validate Your Code
  • books

  • Boris' Big Book List, Oh Boy!
  • Armed Bear J

  • Boris' Big Book List, Oh Boy!
  • BBC

  • Boris' Big Book List, Oh Boy!
  • United States

  • Boris goes to Washington
  • Going to San Fran, attending Burning Geek
  • Dinner in Seattle was great
  • Hanging with the 'Gnomes in Seattle: Dinner anyone?
  • SkypeIn live, list of US area codes available
  • Palm doing well in smartphone market
  • Fast DSL?
  • AT&T CallVantage Details
  • Wired News: Cable Guy Whupping Phone Guy
  • What is the Message: Language as Metaphor? President as Magician
  • Wordpress

  • Questions for Backbone Magazine - Fixing a stale web site
  • The 3 Stages of Ecommerce Tools
  • Omnibus: BBQ, Jungle Disk, WordPress etc.
  • More Vancouver events, thoughts on one calendar for TechCouver
  • Open Source stands together
  • Subscribing to people and GigaOM re-visited
  • Roland's big move
  • Resume

  • XML Resume and Resume Promotion
  • XML

  • XML Resume and Resume Promotion
  • social networks

  • Sick of Social Networks
  • Flickr

  • a person who is, above all things, enamoured by the future
  • Remember the DG-100? It works on the Mac now
  • Europe Photobloggers looking for photography related sponsors
  • Andy Smith at the Stud in San Francisco Schmap
  • Why you should send interesting tech gadgets to my dad for testing
  • Subscribe to the social designers at Common Craft
  • Flickr patents interestingness
  • ShoZu
  • Sick of Social Networks
  • Mindjack

  • Sick of Social Networks
  • Melanie McBride

  • Sick of Social Networks
  • LinkedIn

  • Google announces OpenSocial - open API for connecting social networks
  • LinkedIn Answers Answers
  • LinkedIn Answers Getting Hot
  • News from the UVic Alumni Association
  • Sick of Social Networks
  • Chandrasutra

  • Sick of Social Networks
  • validation

  • SEO: Use Images Wisely
  • img

  • SEO: Use Images Wisely
  • longdesc

  • SEO: Use Images Wisely
  • alt

  • SEO: Use Images Wisely
  • packages

  • Deleting installed packages under OS X
  • wired

  • B. Mann in Wired News
  • Deleting installed packages under OS X
  • pkg

  • Marc Liyanage's PHP Apache Module
  • Deleting installed packages under OS X
  • mac os x

  • DoubleTake: best panorama stitch tool for Mac OS X
  • EXT2 Filesystem for Mac OS X
  • Mac OS X Tiger: What is the "one more thing"?
  • Enabling Dynamically Configured Name-based Virtual Hosting on Mac OS X
  • apache

  • Updated Mass Virtual Hosting How to for Mac OS X Leopard
  • Marc Liyanage's PHP Apache Module
  • Enabling Dynamically Configured Name-based Virtual Hosting on Mac OS X
  • VirtualHost

  • Updated Mass Virtual Hosting How to for Mac OS X Leopard
  • Enabling Dynamically Configured Name-based Virtual Hosting on Mac OS X
  • mod_vhost_alias

  • Updated Mass Virtual Hosting How to for Mac OS X Leopard
  • Enabling Dynamically Configured Name-based Virtual Hosting on Mac OS X
  • Education

  • Does Computer Science in Academia suck?
  • ePortfolio

  • Jon's Radio: Active résumés
  • Near-Time Flow
  • Ultimate Online

  • $4000US per month for playing a game

  • Game downloads and experimenting with online games
  • $4000US per month for playing a game
  • virtual worlds

  • Get your Moose on: This IS your mother's conference
  • $4000US per month for playing a game
  • IT

  • Request for Tutorial: Using SSHKeyChain
  • Scalable, distributed backups with BitTorrent
  • 2005 will be the year my inboxes die
  • BitTorrent Whack-a-Mole: Give us legal video downloads!
  • P2P has provided the blueprint for the next generation of web applications
  • OS X "Tiger" Server does blogging and IM
  • DRM inhibits communications
  • Another victory for Hardware RAID
  • No more .ca for non-Canadians
  • Maybe my milk will tell [the fridge] jokes
  • Dual WAN NAT Router
  • Web Hosting Server Control Panels
  • More on Project Management Tools
  • Scalix does Exchange on Linux
  • marketing

  • Oh Crap Marketing
  • purple numbers

  • More Purple
  • Testing Purple
  • Purple everywhere
  • Tim Bray

  • Site specific browsers for mobile?
  • Purple everywhere
  • Gmail

  • Switching to use Gmail IMAP - great for and iPhones, too
  • Mobile apps vs. The mobile web
  • Voicemail coming to Google Talk, Gmail
  • Pretty Sticky Things
  • IMAP

  • Switching to use Gmail IMAP - great for and iPhones, too
  • Pretty Sticky Things
  • Hotmail

  • Pretty Sticky Things
  • HTML

  • Eric Meyer's PowerPoint implemented in HTML
  • The bleeding edge of the Web has moved away from HTML
  • Robert Scoble

  • Get your Moose on: This IS your mother's conference
  • Stop with the guest posting already
  • The bleeding edge of the Web has moved away from HTML
  • nLoci

  • nLoci Java-based SIP server being sold by bankruptcy trustee for $9,500
  • Java

  • Game downloads and experimenting with online games
  • Mobile apps vs. The mobile web
  • nLoci Java-based SIP server being sold by bankruptcy trustee for $9,500
  • SIP

  • Skype turns 5
  • Skype benefits and drawbacks
  • Why the Nokia N91 is delayed: Voice over WLAN support?
  • Mac Asterisk community, and dial Skype from your Address Book
  • nLoci Java-based SIP server being sold by bankruptcy trustee for $9,500
  • Pingtel

  • nLoci Java-based SIP server being sold by bankruptcy trustee for $9,500
  • feed splicing

  • Feed splicing begins to really deliver on the promise of syndication
  • Feedburner

  • Boring site note: which feed do you want?
  • Feed splicing begins to really deliver on the promise of syndication
  • ipipi

  • Sending free SMS from a website
  • Send SMS Now

  • Sending free SMS from a website
  • SMS

  • Sendible
  • CTV Newsnet appearance: Bell and Telus incoming SMS charges debacle
  • Not so much with the Facebook, but strong on mobile
  • Congrats to John and Igor at Handimobility - LiveVote launched
  • Phreaky Phonez
  • Text One Free
  • Sweet Crazy Boy
  • PSWinCom
  • Media Deck
  • ipipi
  • Twitter is Jabber
  • Sending free SMS from a website
  • Vodafone

  • Sending free SMS from a website
  • potatoes

  • Fried Potatoes
  • Food

  • Help me find out what vegetables and fruit are in season when
  • Zak's Chinese Market Butter Chicken
  • Sha Lin Noodle House and Kristian at Kino
  • Fried Potatoes
  • Eric Meyer

  • Eric Meyer's PowerPoint implemented in HTML
  • PowerPoint

  • Eric Meyer's PowerPoint implemented in HTML
  • VoWLAN

  • To quote myself, on VoIP
  • Skype

  • Skype turns 5
  • Flat rate mobile from 3 in the UK
  • Skype benefits and drawbacks
  • Why the Nokia N91 is delayed: Voice over WLAN support?
  • My first mobile purchase
  • Mac Asterisk community, and dial Skype from your Address Book
  • SkypeIn live, list of US area codes available
  • To quote myself, on VoIP
  • NorthPoint

  • To quote myself, on VoIP
  • Covad

  • To quote myself, on VoIP
  • softphone

  • To quote myself, on VoIP
  • CDX2

  • BMP Presents: CDX2
  • Burning Monkey Productions

  • BMP Presents: CDX2
  • Sunday afternoon link-o-rama
  • Linkies
  • Links of Interest: March 20, 2004
  • Links of Interest: December 12, 2004
  • LCD

  • Buying an LCD Monitor as a TV
  • LCD TV or LCD Monitor?
  • LCD Monitor

  • Buying an LCD Monitor as a TV
  • LCD TVs and Monitors...there is no difference
  • LCD TV or LCD Monitor?
  • LCD TV

  • Buying an LCD Monitor as a TV
  • LCD TVs and Monitors...there is no difference
  • LCD TV or LCD Monitor?
  • Monitor

  • LCD TV or LCD Monitor?
  • TV

  • Watching 'The IT Crowd'
  • Buying an LCD Monitor as a TV
  • LCD TV or LCD Monitor?
  • Dell W2600

  • LCD TV or LCD Monitor?
  • Mac Tablet

  • Om thinks the Mac Tablet is imminent
  • Apple Macworld 2009 rumours - Macbook DS (and still no tablet)
  • Mac even-more-mini rumours: come on, we *know* it's a tablet!
  • Mac Tablet, Media Macs, and iTunes Movies (predictions, that is)
  • media

  • TiVo in Canada and other PVR info
  • Mac Tablet, Media Macs, and iTunes Movies (predictions, that is)
  • movies

  • Mac Tablet, Media Macs, and iTunes Movies (predictions, that is)
  • rumours

  • Om thinks the Mac Tablet is imminent
  • Apple Macworld 2009 rumours - Macbook DS (and still no tablet)
  • iPhone Nano
  • Apple predictions, how video is useful
  • Mac even-more-mini rumours: come on, we *know* it's a tablet!
  • Mac Tablet, Media Macs, and iTunes Movies (predictions, that is)
  • DVI

  • LCD TVs and Monitors...there is no difference
  • HDMI

  • Buying an LCD Monitor as a TV
  • LCD TVs and Monitors...there is no difference
  • Toshiba

  • LCD TVs and Monitors...there is no difference
  • Sharp

  • LCD TVs and Monitors...there is no difference
  • ViewSonic

  • LCD TVs and Monitors...there is no difference
  • SkypeIn

  • SkypeIn live, list of US area codes available
  • area code

  • SkypeIn live, list of US area codes available
  • Mac OS X Tiger

  • Mac OS X Tiger: What is the "one more thing"?
  • EXT2

  • Mounting EXT2 Linux filesystems on Mac OS X
  • EXT2 Filesystem for Mac OS X
  • Linux

  • Mounting EXT2 Linux filesystems on Mac OS X
  • ext2fsx

  • Mounting EXT2 Linux filesystems on Mac OS X
  • EXT3

  • Mounting EXT2 Linux filesystems on Mac OS X
  • Address Book

  • Mac Asterisk community, and dial Skype from your Address Book
  • Asterisk

  • Mac Asterisk community, and dial Skype from your Address Book
  • Apple

  • Apple Macworld 2009 rumours - Macbook DS (and still no tablet)
  • iPhone Nano
  • iPhone Hints
  • 12" Macbook Pro...with touchscreen keyboard
  • iPhone is a tablet
  • Apple notes after WWDC 2006 keynote
  • Windows on a Mac - Apple releases Boot Camp beta
  • Mac as media center with Front Row, video iPods, and video downloads
  • Apple predictions, how video is useful
  • Video iPod or....Airport Express Video?
  • iTunes phone in Canada - will we be able to ROKR?
  • First Apple Store in Canada - Yorkdale in Toronto opened today
  • Apple Store

  • First Apple Store in Canada - Yorkdale in Toronto opened today
  • Toronto

  • 2008 events are go for launch
  • Ambient Vector doing startup blog in the Globe and Mail
  • DrupalCamp, BarCamp, and Mesh Conference Toronto
  • Web 2.0 Mesh Conference in Toronto announced - May 15th - 16th
  • DUGs (Drupal User Groups, that is)
  • First Apple Store in Canada - Yorkdale in Toronto opened today
  • Yorkdale

  • First Apple Store in Canada - Yorkdale in Toronto opened today

  • Sucking in Delicious
  • bought, ma.gnolia being built
  • Link farming the future
  • Really - easy shared bookmarks
  • social bookmarking

  • bought, ma.gnolia being built
  • Link farming the future
  • Really - easy shared bookmarks
  • gnomedex

  • Pop is a machine - Ethan Kaplan at Gnomedex
  • Gnomedex (Video): Let us buy smartphones, with Bre Pettis
  • Interacting with Bloggers 101: Permalinks, Product Info, and Personality
  • Drupal Camp Seattle finishes, Gnomedex starts, TechMeme hacked
  • Web 2.0 Mesh Conference in Toronto announced - May 15th - 16th
  • Gnomedex 2005 Closing Rumours
  • Gnomedex 2005

  • Gnomedex 2005 Closing Rumours
  • Video and Podcast

  • Quick audio preview of upcoming mobile related posts
  • Utterz: Toronto passing US Customs
  • Utterz: Leaving YVR for Drupalcon Boston
  • Utterz: Rob Lewis on Strutta Super Sekret Alpha Launch
  • Gnomedex (Video): Let us buy smartphones, with Bre Pettis
  • Citizen Journalism and the London Bombings: Interview Alert
  • My first video blog: The Eric Rice Fanboy edition
  • SSHKeyChain

  • Request for Tutorial: Using SSHKeyChain
  • SSH

  • Request for Tutorial: Using SSHKeyChain
  • Motorola

  • iTunes phone in Canada - will we be able to ROKR?
  • cellphone

  • My first mobile purchase
  • iTunes phone in Canada - will we be able to ROKR?
  • ROKR

  • iTunes phone in Canada - will we be able to ROKR?
  • Cingular

  • Is the iPhone really locked to Cingular?
  • iTunes phone in Canada - will we be able to ROKR?
  • GSM

  • Mossberg iPhone Review: no SIM card, CDMA only?
  • Bell offers flat-rate Global Roaming with a CDMA/GSM $2.49 per minute!
  • iTunes phone in Canada - will we be able to ROKR?
  • Rogers

  • Quick audio preview of upcoming mobile related posts
  • Rogers to launch iPhone in Canada with $30 6GB data plan
  • Rogers is bringing the iPhone to Canada (CTV Newsnet edition)
  • Rogers gets sane(r) data plans
  • Not so much with the Facebook, but strong on mobile
  • Mossberg iPhone Review: no SIM card, CDMA only?
  • Canadian cell phone rates are higher than Mexico
  • How Canadian mobile providers are stifling their own growth
  • Wireless data in Canada is ridiculously expensive
  • Broadband providers blocking podcasts in Canada?
  • iTunes phone in Canada - will we be able to ROKR?
  • iPod

  • Apple Rumours Sept 2007: touchscreen iPod, AppleTV revs
  • Open formats: how to make enhanced podcasts without Apple
  • Mac as media center with Front Row, video iPods, and video downloads
  • Apple predictions, how video is useful
  • iTunes phone in Canada - will we be able to ROKR?
  • iPod Nano

  • iTunes phone in Canada - will we be able to ROKR?
  • Outlook

  • iTunes phone in Canada - will we be able to ROKR?
  • sync

  • iTunes phone in Canada - will we be able to ROKR?
  • SiteStats

  • Google BlogSearch Launches
  • Google BlogSearch Launches
  • PubSub

  • PubSub will be Something Simpler
  • Personal Info Cloud
  • Google's challenge: searching the live web
  • Never miss Google Blog Search
  • Google BlogSearch Launches
  • microformats

  • Reverse Microformat-ing at BarCamp San Francisco
  • Google BlogSearch Launches
  • Google

  • Jaiku is going open source on Google App Engine
  • Switching to use Gmail IMAP - great for and iPhones, too
  • New Google Map stuff link roundup
  • Microsoft Canada opening software dev center in Vancouver (commentary)
  • Google Apps and SXIP Access Identity and the Google Platform
  • Google's Identity Infrastructure is messed up and no one is talking
  • Google Reader Update
  • Switching to Google Reader
  • Mobile apps vs. The mobile web
  • Save us from Flash video
  • Google's challenge: searching the live web
  • Never miss Google Blog Search
  • Voicemail coming to Google Talk, Gmail
  • Google BlogSearch Launches
  • blog

  • Google BlogSearch Launches
  • flock

  • Social Graph applications: why not for every community website?
  • Flock 1.1 beta tire kicking
  • B. Mann in Wired News
  • interview

  • B. Mann in Wired News
  • Series 60

  • How to setup Gravity to post to your Flickr account
  • Spanning Sync for Mac to Google syncing
  • Nokia N78 First take and setup
  • Hypemachine + Nokia Podcasting client = constant new music
  • Experimenting with Bluetooth GPS Receivers: my first GPS Adventure
  • ShoZu
  • Why the Nokia N91 is delayed: Voice over WLAN support?
  • My first mobile purchase
  • Nokia 6630

  • Gnomedex (Video): Let us buy smartphones, with Bre Pettis
  • How Canadian mobile providers are stifling their own growth
  • My first mobile purchase
  • Nokia

  • Trying out Nokia Sports Tracker
  • Quick audio preview of upcoming mobile related posts
  • Nokia N78 First take and setup
  • Hypemachine + Nokia Podcasting client = constant new music
  • More iPhone / Nokia / etc. thoughts
  • Nokia E61 First Impressions
  • Gnomedex (Video): Let us buy smartphones, with Bre Pettis
  • is buzz marketing gone wrong
  • Why the Nokia N91 is delayed: Voice over WLAN support?
  • My first mobile purchase
  • eBay

  • My first mobile purchase
  • PayPal

  • The 3 Stages of Ecommerce Tools
  • My first mobile purchase
  • mobile

  • ipipi
  • ShoZu
  • Yiibu Crew Back to YVR
  • My first mobile purchase
  • yiibu

  • Stephanie Rieger talks mobile snacks
  • Yiibu: re-inventing microcontent
  • Yiibu Crew Back to YVR
  • bryan rieger

  • Yiibu: re-inventing microcontent
  • Yiibu Crew Back to YVR
  • steph rieger

  • Yiibu Crew Back to YVR
  • vancouver

  • Nameless homeless
  • ipipi
  • Vancouver is a fine place to start a company (or to join one)
  • Innovation Commons request: post a video on why you want the commons
  • Announcement: Open Source CMS and Blogging Tools Summit, Vancouver, February 7 - 9, 2006
  • Speak at Northern Voice 2006
  • Innovation Commons: Wednesday, October 26th, 2005 - 6:30pm
  • Innovation Commons follow-up, Snowball edition
  • Brent Holliday with Web 2.0 anti-hype (and get ready for Vancouver Enterprise Forum 2.0)
  • Why the Nokia N91 is delayed: Voice over WLAN support?
  • Innovation Commons First Meeting: Wednesday, October 5, 2005
  • Welcome to Vancouver, Dan - let the Outliner games begin
  • The Innovation Commons
  • Northern Voice and Moose Camp: now in blue
  • Yiibu Crew Back to YVR
  • northern voice 2006

  • Speak at Northern Voice 2006
  • Northern Voice and Moose Camp: now in blue
  • northern voice

  • Northern Voice 2009
  • Utterz: On the way to the Northern Voice 2008 organizer's debrief lunch
  • Northern Voice 2008 Wrap
  • The multi week summary of missed blog posts
  • Northern Voice 2008 is up and rolling in classy brown
  • Northern Voice Travel Bursaries
  • Northern Voice 2007 final speaker submissions
  • Get your Moose on: This IS your mother's conference
  • Speak at Northern Voice 2006
  • Northern Voice and Moose Camp: now in blue
  • moose camp

  • Speak at Northern Voice 2006
  • Northern Voice and Moose Camp: now in blue
  • feedback

  • Flock 1.1 beta tire kicking
  • The new feedback will not be controlled
  • comments

  • CoComment comments
  • The new feedback will not be controlled
  • talk like a pirate day

  • Talk like a Pirate Day
  • pirate

  • Talk like a Pirate Day
  • module

  • Talk like a Pirate Day
  • open source

  • Speaking at Net Tuesday - How Drupal can help you save the world
  • Chris Pirillo of Lockergnome announces Drupal-powered Community Participation Platform, hackfest in Seattle
  • Dries announces Drupal startup Acquia
  • Will MailCo, Mozilla's Thunderbird spin off to be run by David Ascher, be headquartered in Vancouver?
  • Bulk buy of Globalsat DG100-GPS through Expansys
  • Open Source in Vancouver Panel
  • SocialText is going open source, the return of jluster
  • Announcement: Open Source CMS and Blogging Tools Summit, Vancouver, February 7 - 9, 2006
  • Parceltongue
  • VLC Media Player
  • Breaking the Web Wide Open
  • Back from 3 conferences in Amsterdam, busy week ahead
  • DrupalCon, EuroOSCON, and BarCamp - Amsterdam is hopping
  • BarCamp Amsterdam (or, oops, we did it again)
  • DrupalCon

  • DC Drupalcon 2009
  • Off to Boston for Drupalcon, see you on Jaiku, Twemes, Utterz, and at my sessions
  • DrupalCon Barcelona over, first Drupal Association report
  • I am heading to Barcelona for Drupalcon
  • Vanguardistas in Barcelona
  • Back from Belgium
  • Back from 3 conferences in Amsterdam, busy week ahead
  • DrupalCon, EuroOSCON, and BarCamp - Amsterdam is hopping
  • BarCamp Amsterdam (or, oops, we did it again)
  • barcamp amsterdam

  • Federated Social Networks at Barcamp Amsterdam III
  • Distributed Social Networking
  • Back from 3 conferences in Amsterdam, busy week ahead
  • Jabber and the search for the best PHP CMS that uses PostgreSQL
  • DrupalCon, EuroOSCON, and BarCamp - Amsterdam is hopping
  • BarCamp Amsterdam (or, oops, we did it again)
  • barcamp

  • BarCamp Vancouver 2007 a wrap
  • BarCamp Vancouver 2007 kicks off this eve
  • Notes from BarCamp Vancouver
  • BarCamp Vancouver, and more great Vancouver people
  • Reverse Microformat-ing at BarCamp San Francisco
  • BarCamp SF: The Jive Live, or how to make money from great video content
  • Web 2.0 Mesh Conference in Toronto announced - May 15th - 16th
  • BarCamp Brussels...For The Impatient
  • Meeting ClipperZ
  • Back from 3 conferences in Amsterdam, busy week ahead
  • Jabber and the search for the best PHP CMS that uses PostgreSQL
  • DrupalCon, EuroOSCON, and BarCamp - Amsterdam is hopping
  • BarCamp Amsterdam (or, oops, we did it again)
  • amsterdam

  • Back from 3 conferences in Amsterdam, busy week ahead
  • DrupalCon, EuroOSCON, and BarCamp - Amsterdam is hopping
  • BarCamp Amsterdam (or, oops, we did it again)
  • statistics

  • Blog Flux MapStats
  • maps

  • Wayfaring
  • Maps, travel, and making the world a smaller place
  • Blog Flux MapStats
  • Blog Flux

  • Blog Flux MapStats
  • Photon

  • UC Berkeley - Photon iPhoto plug-in test
  • Recommended Links
  • web 2.0

  • Real Estate and the Web in Canada - Listen to Ben
  • Web 2.0 Mesh Conference in Toronto announced - May 15th - 16th
  • Wayfaring
  • Brent Holliday with Web 2.0 anti-hype (and get ready for Vancouver Enterprise Forum 2.0)
  • Maps, travel, and making the world a smaller place
  • News from the UVic Alumni Association
  • Why Web2.0 Matters: Preparing for Glocalization
  • Shifting paradigms: The mental evolutionary process of moving from web 1.0 to web 2.0 in 18 steps
  • Recommended Links
  • mental evolution

  • Shifting paradigms: The mental evolutionary process of moving from web 1.0 to web 2.0 in 18 steps
  • glocalization

  • Why Web2.0 Matters: Preparing for Glocalization
  • innovation commons

  • What to attend and pay attention to after BarCamp Vancouver 2007
  • Innovation in Vancouver funded by the BDC
  • Congrats Vancouver Innovation: Avi and Andrew's DabbleDB gets funded
  • Innovation Commons must get built in Vancouver
  • Innovation Commons request: post a video on why you want the commons
  • Innovation Commons: Please take the survey
  • Innovation Commons: Wednesday, October 26th, 2005 - 6:30pm
  • Innovation Commons follow-up, Snowball edition
  • Innovation Commons First Meeting: Wednesday, October 5, 2005
  • The Innovation Commons
  • Windows

  • Windows on a Mac - Apple releases Boot Camp beta
  • Welcome to Vancouver, Dan - let the Outliner games begin
  • outliner

  • Welcome to Vancouver, Dan - let the Outliner games begin
  • OPML

  • Welcome to Vancouver, Dan - let the Outliner games begin
  • Dan V

  • Welcome to Vancouver, Dan - let the Outliner games begin
  • OS X Tiger

  • Invalid BTree node size and other joys
  • firewire

  • Invalid BTree node size and other joys
  • enclosure

  • Invalid BTree node size and other joys
  • disk corruption

  • Invalid BTree node size and other joys
  • Robot Co-op

  • 43 People feedback: let me cheer everything
  • 43 people

  • 43 People feedback: let me cheer everything
  • 43

  • 43 People feedback: let me cheer everything
  • cheers

  • 43 People feedback: let me cheer everything
  • uvic

  • News from the UVic Alumni Association
  • university of victoria

  • News from the UVic Alumni Association
  • alumni

  • News from the UVic Alumni Association
  • Take 5 Cafe

  • bought, ma.gnolia being built
  • Innovation Commons: Wednesday, October 26th, 2005 - 6:30pm
  • Innovation Commons First Meeting: Wednesday, October 5, 2005

  • Maps, travel, and making the world a smaller place
  • The World is Not Flat

  • Maps, travel, and making the world a smaller place
  • Platial

  • Maps, travel, and making the world a smaller place
  • Lee Lefever

  • Subscribe to the social designers at Common Craft
  • Maps, travel, and making the world a smaller place
  • Common Craft

  • More Digital Ethnography: Information R/Evolution Video
  • Subscribe to the social designers at Common Craft
  • Maps, travel, and making the world a smaller place
  • Bryght

  • Questions for Backbone Magazine - Fixing a stale web site
  • SIte moved to Rimu Hosting
  • DaveO does a podcast with me on Bryght, Raincity Studios, and Bootup Labs
  • Open Source stands together
  • Sustainable Community Involvement: on the Drupal community and Drupal Association
  • Bryght and Raincity are joining forces
  • Can Drupal help commoditize Facebook app development?
  • First Joyent Taco Tuesday meetup at Chill Winston
  • SuperHappyDevHouse Vancouver, May 11th, 2007
  • Ben Wong pushes out of the nest
  • Install Profile API for Drupal
  • Maps, travel, and making the world a smaller place
  • J2ME

  • Why the Nokia N91 is delayed: Voice over WLAN support?
  • Nokia N91

  • Why the Nokia N91 is delayed: Voice over WLAN support?
  • Voice over WLAN

  • Why the Nokia N91 is delayed: Voice over WLAN support?
  • wi-fi

  • Why the Nokia N91 is delayed: Voice over WLAN support?
  • speculation

  • Apple predictions, how video is useful
  • Video iPod or....Airport Express Video?
  • Why the Nokia N91 is delayed: Voice over WLAN support?
  • airport express

  • Video iPod or....Airport Express Video?
  • video

  • Snow in Vancouver
  • More Digital Ethnography: Information R/Evolution Video
  • Uncle Fatih's Pizza to Pigeon's Park
  • Save us from Flash video
  • BarCamp SF: The Jive Live, or how to make money from great video content
  • Cloning technology, aka technology barriers
  • YouTube to iTunes?
  • Innovation Commons request: post a video on why you want the commons
  • VLC Media Player
  • and other video storage options
  • mini-review: audio via phone and video posting
  • Mac as media center with Front Row, video iPods, and video downloads
  • Video iPod or....Airport Express Video?
  • Video iPod

  • Apple Rumours Sept 2007: touchscreen iPod, AppleTV revs
  • Apple predictions, how video is useful
  • Airport Express Video

  • Apple predictions, how video is useful
  • Brent Holliday

  • Brent Holliday with Web 2.0 anti-hype (and get ready for Vancouver Enterprise Forum 2.0)
  • VEF

  • Brent Holliday with Web 2.0 anti-hype (and get ready for Vancouver Enterprise Forum 2.0)
  • Vancouver Enterprise Forum

  • Brent Holliday with Web 2.0 anti-hype (and get ready for Vancouver Enterprise Forum 2.0)
  • Front Row

  • TiVo in Canada and other PVR info
  • Mac as media center with Front Row, video iPods, and video downloads
  • EuroOSCON

  • Meeting ClipperZ
  • Back from 3 conferences in Amsterdam, busy week ahead
  • DrupalCon, EuroOSCON, and BarCamp - Amsterdam is hopping
  • ejabberd

  • Jabber and the search for the best PHP CMS that uses PostgreSQL
  • jabber

  • Federated Social Networks at Barcamp Amsterdam III
  • Les Orchard: XMPP for self-hosted Twitter-esque nodes
  • Twitter is Jabber, Part II
  • Twitter is Jabber
  • Announcing Pretzel, a Python-based Jabber server on Twisted
  • Officially a member of the Jabber Software Foundation
  • OpenID bounties and identity convergence
  • Jabber geeking: merge JEP-0080 and JEP-0112?
  • Jabber at FOSDEM 2006
  • SamePlace
  • 2006 will be the year of XMPP
  • Jabber's JINGLE comes out of the closet in time for the holidays
  • Parceltongue
  • Distributed Social Networking
  • Jabber and the search for the best PHP CMS that uses PostgreSQL
  • Twisted

  • Announcing Pretzel, a Python-based Jabber server on Twisted
  • Parceltongue
  • Jabber and the search for the best PHP CMS that uses PostgreSQL
  • erlang

  • Jabber and the search for the best PHP CMS that uses PostgreSQL
  • p2p

  • Les Orchard: XMPP for self-hosted Twitter-esque nodes
  • Distributed Social Networking
  • ton zylstra

  • Opportunities, people, and tools
  • Distributed Social Networking
  • XFN

  • OpenID Attribute Exchange is portable social networking and more
  • Distributed Social Networking
  • vCard

  • Distributed Social Networking
  • Canter's Law

  • Verisign chooses OpenID
  • Distributed Social Networking
  • social networking

  • Redanyway, a distributed social network
  • Distributed Social Networking
  • Windows MCE

  • TiVo in Canada and other PVR info
  • TiVo

  • TiVo in Canada and other PVR info
  • PVR

  • TiVo in Canada and other PVR info
  • Media Center

  • TiVo in Canada and other PVR info
  • Global TV

  • Microsoft Canada opening software dev center in Vancouver (commentary)
  • TiVo in Canada and other PVR info
  • standards

  • Standards pingbacking
  • Breaking the Web Wide Open
  • marc canter

  • Social Graph applications: why not for every community website?
  • Google announces OpenSocial - open API for connecting social networks
  • Marc Canter is building his heart out
  • Breaking the Web Wide Open
  • always on network

  • Breaking the Web Wide Open
  • review

  • My AdHack for the Canon S5 IS
  • Mossberg iPhone Review: no SIM card, CDMA only?
  • Wayfaring
  • DoubleTake: best panorama stitch tool for Mac OS X
  • mini-review: audio via phone and video posting

  • YouTube to iTunes?
  • and other video storage options
  • mini-review: audio via phone and video posting
  • YouTube

  • Save us from Flash video
  • BarCamp SF: The Jive Live, or how to make money from great video content
  • Cloning technology, aka technology barriers
  • YouTube to iTunes?
  • and other video storage options
  • Revver

  • BarCamp SF: The Jive Live, or how to make money from great video content
  • YouTube to iTunes?
  • and other video storage options
  • ourmedia

  • and other video storage options
  • MediaRSS

  • and other video storage options
  • BitTorrent for Dummies

  • and other video storage options
  • BitTorrent

  • and other video storage options
  • marc liyanage

  • Marc Liyanage's PHP Apache Module
  • mac

  • Marc Liyanage's PHP Apache Module
  • mysql

  • Sun Labs Open House 2008, first post acquisition MySQL release
  • MySQL 4.1 OS X Installer
  • database

  • MySQL 4.1 OS X Installer
  • IETF

  • IETF 64 Social - Tuesday, Nov. 8th: Anyone attending?
  • IETF 64

  • IETF 64 Social - Tuesday, Nov. 8th: Anyone attending?
  • Vancouver Acquarium

  • IETF 64 Social - Tuesday, Nov. 8th: Anyone attending?
  • Nortel

  • IETF 64 Social - Tuesday, Nov. 8th: Anyone attending?
  • photo

  • IETF 64 Social - Tuesday, Nov. 8th: Anyone attending?
  • nv06

  • Speak at Northern Voice 2006
  • VLC

  • VLC Media Player
  • tools

  • Opportunities, people, and tools
  • anniversary

  • Opportunities, people, and tools
  • pretzel

  • Announcing Pretzel, a Python-based Jabber server on Twisted
  • Parceltongue
  • python

  • Drupy aka Drupal in Python
  • Drupal in Python
  • Vanguardistas in Barcelona
  • Parceltongue
  • parceltongue

  • Parceltongue
  • pretzelserver

  • Parceltongue
  • shareware

  • DoubleTake: best panorama stitch tool for Mac OS X
  • panorama

  • DoubleTake: best panorama stitch tool for Mac OS X
  • hReview

  • DoubleTake: best panorama stitch tool for Mac OS X
  • DoubleTake

  • DoubleTake: best panorama stitch tool for Mac OS X
  • application

  • DoubleTake: best panorama stitch tool for Mac OS X
  • Hugin

  • DoubleTake: best panorama stitch tool for Mac OS X
  • Photostich

  • DoubleTake: best panorama stitch tool for Mac OS X
  • AutoPano

  • DoubleTake: best panorama stitch tool for Mac OS X
  • text editor

  • SubEthaEdit
  • collaboration

  • SubEthaEdit
  • survey

  • Innovation Commons: Please take the survey
  • sustainability

  • Innovation Commons: Please take the survey
  • Google Maps

  • Class Afloat itinerary on Google Maps
  • New Google Map stuff link roundup
  • Mobile apps vs. The mobile web
  • Wayfaring
  • tags

  • Wayfaring
  • microcontent

  • Yiibu: re-inventing microcontent
  • andaman

  • Yiibu: re-inventing microcontent
  • ShoZu

  • Gnomedex (Video): Let us buy smartphones, with Bre Pettis
  • ShoZu
  • photos

  • I have a mission
  • ShoZu
  • cameraphone

  • ShoZu
  • Joomla

  • Open Source stands together
  • Announcement: Open Source CMS and Blogging Tools Summit, Vancouver, February 7 - 9, 2006
  • ezPublish

  • Announcement: Open Source CMS and Blogging Tools Summit, Vancouver, February 7 - 9, 2006
  • rsync

  • Using rsync to sync iTunes on two computers
  • Synching iTunes with rsync
  • Syncing iTunes Music folders using rsync
  • TorCamp

  • Broadband providers blocking podcasts in Canada?
  • Shaw

  • Broadband providers blocking podcasts in Canada?
  • podcast

  • DaveO does a podcast with me on Bryght, Raincity Studios, and Bootup Labs
  • Hypemachine + Nokia Podcasting client = constant new music
  • Dave Olson interviews me about the Drupal Association,, and ham in Barcelona
  • Broadband providers blocking podcasts in Canada?
  • Alec Saunders

  • Canadian cell phone rates are higher than Mexico
  • How Canadian mobile providers are stifling their own growth
  • Broadband providers blocking podcasts in Canada?
  • Windows XP

  • Windows on a Mac - Apple releases Boot Camp beta
  • Synching iTunes with rsync
  • synch

  • Synching (and backing up) your iTunes music using MP3Tunes
  • Using rsync to sync iTunes on two computers
  • Synching iTunes with rsync
  • music

  • Using rsync to sync iTunes on two computers
  • Sparkle

  • How to lose a platform: Adobe tries to make PDF and Flash play nice
  • PDF

  • How to lose a platform: Adobe tries to make PDF and Flash play nice
  • Macromedia

  • How to lose a platform: Adobe tries to make PDF and Flash play nice
  • Flash

  • Microsoft Expression launch event at Canvas Lounge with GK VanPatter (and Silverlight)
  • Save us from Flash video
  • How to lose a platform: Adobe tries to make PDF and Flash play nice
  • Adobe

  • Microsoft Expression launch event at Canvas Lounge with GK VanPatter (and Silverlight)
  • How to lose a platform: Adobe tries to make PDF and Flash play nice
  • namecheap

  • Lots of domains...because it's cheap and easy
  • paul kedrosky

  • Congrats Vancouver Innovation: Avi and Andrew's DabbleDB gets funded
  • Lots of domains...because it's cheap and easy
  • domain names

  • Lots of domains...because it's cheap and easy
  • domains

  • Lots of domains...because it's cheap and easy
  • XIPF

  • Open formats: how to make enhanced podcasts without Apple
  • XSPF

  • Open formats: how to make enhanced podcasts without Apple
  • Songbird

  • Open formats: how to make enhanced podcasts without Apple
  • 3G

  • Rogers is bringing the iPhone to Canada (CTV Newsnet edition)
  • How Canadian mobile providers are stifling their own growth
  • Wireless data in Canada is ridiculously expensive
  • GPRS

  • Wireless data in Canada is ridiculously expensive
  • Fido

  • Quick audio preview of upcoming mobile related posts
  • Rogers to launch iPhone in Canada with $30 6GB data plan
  • Flat rate mobile from 3 in the UK
  • is buzz marketing gone wrong
  • How Canadian mobile providers are stifling their own growth
  • Wireless data in Canada is ridiculously expensive
  • Bell

  • Rogers to launch iPhone in Canada with $30 6GB data plan
  • CTV Newsnet appearance: Bell and Telus incoming SMS charges debacle
  • Bell launches distances based miles
  • Bell offers flat-rate Global Roaming with a CDMA/GSM $2.49 per minute!
  • Wireless data in Canada is ridiculously expensive
  • Telus

  • Rogers to launch iPhone in Canada with $30 6GB data plan
  • CTV Newsnet appearance: Bell and Telus incoming SMS charges debacle
  • Wireless data in Canada is ridiculously expensive
  • 1X

  • Wireless data in Canada is ridiculously expensive
  • ma.gnolia

  • bought, ma.gnolia being built
  • yahoo

  • Yahoo Pipes on Upcoming - reconfigurable feeds
  • Europe Photobloggers looking for photography related sponsors
  • Microsoft Canada opening software dev center in Vancouver (commentary)
  • OSCMS Summit starts Thursday
  • OSCMS Summit at Yahoo! Rolling - Call for participation
  • Yahoo! Canada Panama Search preview at Opus Hotel
  • Flickr patents interestingness
  • bought, ma.gnolia being built
  • Todd Sieling

  • bought, ma.gnolia being built
  • CDMA

  • Mossberg iPhone Review: no SIM card, CDMA only?
  • Bell offers flat-rate Global Roaming with a CDMA/GSM $2.49 per minute!
  • Motorola A840

  • Bell offers flat-rate Global Roaming with a CDMA/GSM $2.49 per minute!

  • Skype benefits and drawbacks
  • 2006 will be the year of XMPP
  • Jabber's JINGLE comes out of the closet in time for the holidays
  • XMPP

  • Federated Social Networks at Barcamp Amsterdam III
  • Les Orchard: XMPP for self-hosted Twitter-esque nodes
  • Twitter is Jabber, Part II
  • Twitter is Jabber
  • Jabber geeking: merge JEP-0080 and JEP-0112?
  • Jabber at FOSDEM 2006
  • Skype benefits and drawbacks
  • SamePlace
  • 2006 will be the year of XMPP
  • Jabber's JINGLE comes out of the closet in time for the holidays
  • JEP

  • Jabber's JINGLE comes out of the closet in time for the holidays
  • press release

  • Jabber's JINGLE comes out of the closet in time for the holidays
  • SAML

  • Looking for Drupal SAML SP implementation
  • Verisign chooses OpenID
  • Liberty Alliance People Service Webcast on January
  • People Service

  • Liberty Alliance People Service Webcast on January
  • Liberty Alliance

  • IOSVan: Identity Open Space in Vancouver in July
  • Liberty Alliance People Service Webcast on January
  • identity

  • Skype turns 5
  • Federated Social Networks at Barcamp Amsterdam III
  • Google announces OpenSocial - open API for connecting social networks
  • OpenID Attribute Exchange is portable social networking and more
  • Looking for Drupal SAML SP implementation
  • Google Apps and SXIP Access Identity and the Google Platform
  • Marc Canter is building his heart out
  • OpenID MashPit in Vancouver
  • LinkedIn Answers Getting Hot
  • Google's Identity Infrastructure is messed up and no one is talking
  • MyBlogLog is distributed social networking
  • OpenID bounties and identity convergence
  • Heading to Stuttgart, 9 hour layover at Heathrow tips (don't forget IOS Van)
  • IOSVan: Identity Open Space in Vancouver in July
  • Verisign chooses OpenID
  • Identity, Profiles, and Reputation -- Federated Networks
  • Registered for IIW 2006
  • Internet Identity Workshop open for registration
  • Meeting ClipperZ
  • Identity 2.0: We must federate and cooperate
  • CoComment comments
  • Liberty Alliance People Service Webcast on January
  • Event

  • Static Site Generators Lightning Talk at HTML5 Vancouver Meetup
  • Northern Voice 2012 - Web Literacy
  • Batchbook User Group & Intro June 15th, 2010
  • OSCMS Summit is go for launch
  • Conference

  • OSCMS Summit is go for launch
  • Firefox

  • SamePlace

  • Jabber at FOSDEM 2006
  • FOSDEM attendees and European hacker culture
  • Free Software, FOSDEM attendance
  • FOSDEM 2006

  • Jabber at FOSDEM 2006
  • FOSDEM attendees and European hacker culture
  • Free Software, FOSDEM attendance
  • FSF

  • Free Software, FOSDEM attendance
  • free software

  • Free Software, FOSDEM attendance
  • JSF

  • Officially a member of the Jabber Software Foundation
  • Jabber geeking: merge JEP-0080 and JEP-0112?
  • Jabber at FOSDEM 2006
  • Free Software, FOSDEM attendance
  • coComment

  • Meeting ClipperZ
  • Identity 2.0: We must federate and cooperate
  • CoComment comments
  • SXIP

  • The Future of Facebook Q&A
  • OpenID Attribute Exchange is portable social networking and more
  • Google Apps and SXIP Access Identity and the Google Platform
  • OpenID MashPit Vancouver wrap up
  • OpenID MashPit in Vancouver
  • OpenID bounties and identity convergence
  • Vancouver is a fine place to start a company (or to join one)
  • Meeting ClipperZ
  • CoComment comments

  • Meeting ClipperZ
  • CoComment comments
  • ClipperZ

  • Identity, Profiles, and Reputation -- Federated Networks
  • Internet Identity Workshop open for registration
  • Meeting ClipperZ
  • Identity 2.0: We must federate and cooperate
  • Project Gizmo

  • Skype turns 5
  • Skype benefits and drawbacks
  • GoogleTalk

  • Apple Rumours Sept 2007: touchscreen iPod, AppleTV revs
  • Voicemail coming to Google Talk, Gmail
  • Skype benefits and drawbacks
  • iChat

  • Skype benefits and drawbacks
  • identity.

  • Skype benefits and drawbacks
  • UMTS

  • How Canadian mobile providers are stifling their own growth
  • Vodaphone

  • How Canadian mobile providers are stifling their own growth
  • SIM

  • Mossberg iPhone Review: no SIM card, CDMA only?
  • How Canadian mobile providers are stifling their own growth
  • Italy

  • Meeting ClipperZ
  • How Canadian mobile providers are stifling their own growth
  • innovation

  • Innovation is alive and well in Vancouver: DabbleDB getting a ton of press
  • How Canadian mobile providers are stifling their own growth
  • Barcamp Brussels

  • Feed Reading via People: Face to Face with Ton Zijlstra, Part 1
  • Back from Belgium
  • BarCamp Brussels...For The Impatient
  • Meeting ClipperZ
  • pingback

  • Standards pingbacking
  • Europe

  • Vanguardistas in Barcelona
  • Europe Photobloggers looking for photography related sponsors
  • Flat rate mobile from 3 in the UK
  • BarCamp Brussels...For The Impatient
  • FOSDEM attendees and European hacker culture
  • Brussels

  • BarCamp Brussels...For The Impatient
  • FOSDEM attendees and European hacker culture
  • BarCamp Brussels ForTheImpatient

  • BarCamp Brussels...For The Impatient
  • DabbleDB

  • Can Drupal help commoditize Facebook app development?
  • Congrats Vancouver Innovation: Avi and Andrew's DabbleDB gets funded
  • Innovation is alive and well in Vancouver: DabbleDB getting a ton of press
  • Andrew Catton

  • Congrats Vancouver Innovation: Avi and Andrew's DabbleDB gets funded
  • Innovation is alive and well in Vancouver: DabbleDB getting a ton of press
  • Montreal

  • DUGs (Drupal User Groups, that is)
  • DUG

  • DUGs (Drupal User Groups, that is)
  • Drupal User Groups

  • DUGs (Drupal User Groups, that is)
  • mesh06

  • We can give Blogging 101 and Wiki 101 every single year for the next 5 years
  • Verisign chooses OpenID
  • Web 2.0 Mesh Conference in Toronto announced - May 15th - 16th
  • mesh conference

  • DrupalCamp, BarCamp, and Mesh Conference Toronto
  • Web 2.0 Mesh Conference in Toronto announced - May 15th - 16th
  • barcamp tdot

  • Web 2.0 Mesh Conference in Toronto announced - May 15th - 16th
  • The Level

  • Vancouver is a fine place to start a company (or to join one)
  • Google North

  • Vancouver is a fine place to start a company (or to join one)
  • get a job

  • Vancouver is a fine place to start a company (or to join one)
  • EZ Systems

  • Vancouver is a fine place to start a company (or to join one)
  • ebusiness Apps

  • Vancouver is a fine place to start a company (or to join one)
  • Active State

  • Vancouver is a fine place to start a company (or to join one)
  • voicemail

  • Voicemail coming to Google Talk, Gmail
  • phil windley

  • Registered for IIW 2006
  • Internet Identity Workshop open for registration
  • open space

  • Internet Identity Workshop open for registration
  • microid

  • Internet Identity Workshop open for registration
  • kaliya hamlin

  • Internet Identity Workshop open for registration
  • IIW

  • Identity, Profiles, and Reputation -- Federated Networks
  • Registered for IIW 2006
  • Internet Identity Workshop open for registration
  • doc searls

  • Internet Identity Workshop open for registration
  • conference

  • Northern Voice 2009
  • CCI2008 wrap, going offline
  • Northern Voice 2008 is up and rolling in classy brown
  • Notes from Geo talk at BarCamp Vancouver 2007
  • Northern Voice 2007 final speaker submissions
  • Get your Moose on: This IS your mother's conference
  • DrupalCamp, BarCamp, and Mesh Conference Toronto
  • Internet Identity Workshop open for registration
  • sutton

  • Ben Wong pushes out of the nest
  • Real Estate and the Web in Canada - Listen to Ben
  • real estate

  • Ben Wong pushes out of the nest
  • Real Estate and the Web in Canada - Listen to Ben
  • ben wong

  • Ben Wong pushes out of the nest
  • Real Estate and the Web in Canada - Listen to Ben
  • Xen

  • SIte moved to Rimu Hosting
  • Windows on a Mac - Apple releases Boot Camp beta
  • Boot Camp

  • Game downloads and experimenting with online games
  • Windows on a Mac - Apple releases Boot Camp beta
  • dual boot

  • Windows on a Mac - Apple releases Boot Camp beta
  • Leopard

  • Updated Mass Virtual Hosting How to for Mac OS X Leopard
  • 12" Macbook Pro...with touchscreen keyboard
  • Windows on a Mac - Apple releases Boot Camp beta
  • IIW 2006

  • Out of Towner Dinner in San Francisco at Osha Thai
  • Identity, Profiles, and Reputation -- Federated Networks
  • Registered for IIW 2006
  • goodstorm

  • Registered for IIW 2006
  • cafepress

  • Registered for IIW 2006
  • guest posts

  • Stop with the guest posting already
  • Joi Ito

  • Stop with the guest posting already
  • Om Malik

  • Subscribing to people and GigaOM re-visited
  • Stop with the guest posting already
  • rant

  • Stop with the guest posting already
  • profiles

  • Identity, Profiles, and Reputation -- Federated Networks
  • reputation

  • Identity, Profiles, and Reputation -- Federated Networks
  • federated networks

  • Identity, Profiles, and Reputation -- Federated Networks
  • mark pincus

  • Identity, Profiles, and Reputation -- Federated Networks
  • san francisco

  • In San Francisco, going to Drupal 6 Release Party at PariSoMa
  • Andy Smith at the Stud in San Francisco Schmap
  • Out of Towner Dinner in San Francisco at Osha Thai
  • dinner

  • Out of Towner Dinner in San Francisco at Osha Thai
  • california

  • Out of Towner Dinner in San Francisco at Osha Thai
  • chris messina

  • From the Drupal archives
  • Out of Towner Dinner in San Francisco at Osha Thai
  • osha thai

  • Out of Towner Dinner in San Francisco at Osha Thai
  • drupal camp

  • DrupalCamp, BarCamp, and Mesh Conference Toronto
  • bar camp

  • DrupalCamp, BarCamp, and Mesh Conference Toronto
  • workspace

  • DemoCampVancouver04 on Nov. 22nd, now with more beer
  • DemoCampVancouver03 - first iteration of Battle Decks, fun as always
  • Uncle Fatih's Pizza to Pigeon's Park
  • DemoCampVancouver, now with more gong
  • Trip to Galiano
  • Innovation Commons must get built in Vancouver
  • harold jarche

  • Innovation Commons must get built in Vancouver
  • centre for social innovation

  • Innovation Commons must get built in Vancouver
  • verisign

  • Verisign chooses OpenID
  • OpenID

  • Federated Social Networks at Barcamp Amsterdam III
  • Web Directions North 2008: 3 stages of dynamic systems, wrap up
  • Google announces OpenSocial - open API for connecting social networks
  • The Future of Facebook Q&A
  • OpenID Attribute Exchange is portable social networking and more
  • Looking for Drupal SAML SP implementation
  • Google Apps and SXIP Access Identity and the Google Platform
  • Marc Canter is building his heart out
  • OpenID MashPit Vancouver wrap up
  • OpenID MashPit in Vancouver
  • Google's Identity Infrastructure is messed up and no one is talking
  • MyBlogLog is distributed social networking
  • Going to Portland: Drupal, Identity, and Geek Dinners
  • OpenID bounties and identity convergence
  • Verisign chooses OpenID
  • Personal Identity Provider

  • Verisign chooses OpenID
  • InfoCard

  • Verisign chooses OpenID
  • AOL Uncut Video

  • Cloning technology, aka technology barriers
  • Google Video

  • Save us from Flash video
  • Cloning technology, aka technology barriers
  • MySpace Video

  • Cloning technology, aka technology barriers
  • Plenty of Fish

  • Cloning technology, aka technology barriers
  • cloning technology

  • Cloning technology, aka technology barriers
  • Technorati

  • MyBlogLog is distributed social networking
  • Never miss Google Blog Search
  • Never miss Google Blog Search
  • Debbie Weil

  • We can give Blogging 101 and Wiki 101 every single year for the next 5 years
  • Where does the RSS live

  • We can give Blogging 101 and Wiki 101 every single year for the next 5 years
  • Blogging 101

  • We can give Blogging 101 and Wiki 101 every single year for the next 5 years
  • Wiki 101

  • We can give Blogging 101 and Wiki 101 every single year for the next 5 years
  • wikiCalc

  • SocialText is going open source, the return of jluster
  • Socialtext

  • Super Happy indeed
  • SocialText is going open source, the return of jluster
  • Jonas Luster

  • SocialText is going open source, the return of jluster
  • jluster

  • SocialText is going open source, the return of jluster
  • OSI

  • SocialText is going open source, the return of jluster
  • IOSVan

  • Heading to Stuttgart, 9 hour layover at Heathrow tips (don't forget IOS Van)
  • IOSVan: Identity Open Space in Vancouver in July
  • Kaliya

  • IOSVan: Identity Open Space in Vancouver in July
  • unconference

  • BarCamp Vancouver 2007 kicks off this eve
  • IOSVan: Identity Open Space in Vancouver in July
  • Lauren Wood

  • IOSVan: Identity Open Space in Vancouver in July

  • is buzz marketing gone wrong
  • Nokia 6682

  • is buzz marketing gone wrong
  • Greg Narain

  • BarCamp SF: The Jive Live, or how to make money from great video content
  • Jive Live

  • BarCamp SF: The Jive Live, or how to make money from great video content
  • barcamp san francisco

  • Reverse Microformat-ing at BarCamp San Francisco
  • BarCamp SF: The Jive Live, or how to make money from great video content

  • BarCamp SF: The Jive Live, or how to make money from great video content
  • tantek

  • Reverse Microformat-ing at BarCamp San Francisco
  • Ventures West

  • DemoCampVancouver, now with more gong
  • Congrats Vancouver Innovation: Avi and Andrew's DabbleDB gets funded
  • Sutha Kamal

  • Ambient Vector doing startup blog in the Globe and Mail
  • Globe and Mail

  • Ambient Vector doing startup blog in the Globe and Mail
  • Ambient Vector

  • Ambient Vector doing startup blog in the Globe and Mail
  • startup

  • Strutta has launched
  • NPR interview with Bill Gates on the Microsoft Vancouver dev center
  • Ambient Vector doing startup blog in the Globe and Mail
  • drupalcamp seattle

  • Drupal Camp Seattle finishes, Gnomedex starts, TechMeme hacked
  • techmeme

  • Drupal Camp Seattle finishes, Gnomedex starts, TechMeme hacked
  • Flow-based organizations can grow an archive with microblogging
  • Interacting with Bloggers 101: Permalinks, Product Info, and Personality
  • product info

  • Interacting with Bloggers 101: Permalinks, Product Info, and Personality
  • Steve Rubel

  • Interacting with Bloggers 101: Permalinks, Product Info, and Personality
  • notify

  • Notify (I might have accidentally spammed you)
  • Stephanie Rieger

  • Stephanie Rieger talks mobile snacks
  • Will Pate

  • Gnomedex (Video): Let us buy smartphones, with Bre Pettis
  • smartphone

  • Gnomedex (Video): Let us buy smartphones, with Bre Pettis
  • Bre Pettis

  • Gnomedex (Video): Let us buy smartphones, with Bre Pettis
  • headautomattica

  • Pop is a machine - Ethan Kaplan at Gnomedex
  • gnomedex 2006

  • Pop is a machine - Ethan Kaplan at Gnomedex
  • Ethan Kaplan

  • iPhone Hints
  • Pop is a machine - Ethan Kaplan at Gnomedex
  • travel

  • Heading to Stuttgart, 9 hour layover at Heathrow tips (don't forget IOS Van)
  • Heathrow

  • Heading to Stuttgart, 9 hour layover at Heathrow tips (don't forget IOS Van)
  • London

  • Heading to Stuttgart, 9 hour layover at Heathrow tips (don't forget IOS Van)
  • Stuttgart

  • Heading to Stuttgart, 9 hour layover at Heathrow tips (don't forget IOS Van)
  • Germany

  • Europe Photobloggers looking for photography related sponsors
  • Heading to Stuttgart, 9 hour layover at Heathrow tips (don't forget IOS Van)
  • layover

  • Heading to Stuttgart, 9 hour layover at Heathrow tips (don't forget IOS Van)
  • Cathy Wang

  • BMC Blog Design
  • cathycracks

  • BMC Blog Design
  • design

  • BMC Blog Design
  • JEP-0112

  • Jabber geeking: merge JEP-0080 and JEP-0112?
  • JEP-0080

  • Announcing Pretzel, a Python-based Jabber server on Twisted
  • Jabber geeking: merge JEP-0080 and JEP-0112?
  • geolocation

  • Remember the DG-100? It works on the Mac now
  • Bulk buy of Globalsat DG100-GPS through Expansys
  • Notes from Geo talk at BarCamp Vancouver 2007
  • Experimenting with Bluetooth GPS Receivers: my first GPS Adventure
  • Want to buy a GPS logging device?
  • New Google Map stuff link roundup
  • Get your Moose on: This IS your mother's conference
  • Announcing Pretzel, a Python-based Jabber server on Twisted
  • Jabber geeking: merge JEP-0080 and JEP-0112?
  • Live Web

  • Google's challenge: searching the live web
  • Google's challenge: searching the live web
  • Google Sitemaps

  • Google's challenge: searching the live web
  • Andre Charland

  • Presenting at BCTIA Go 2 Market Roundtable: Using the tools of Web 2.0
  • Out with EBA, in with Nitobi
  • Nitobi

  • Out with EBA, in with Nitobi
  • AJAX

  • Out with EBA, in with Nitobi
  • rebranding

  • Out with EBA, in with Nitobi
  • Atimi

  • Matt Everard, Entrepreunerial PM
  • project management

  • Tool time: Highrise and Merlin
  • Matt Everard, Entrepreunerial PM
  • matt everard

  • Matt Everard, Entrepreunerial PM
  • jobseeker

  • Matt Everard, Entrepreunerial PM
  • entrepreneur

  • Matt Everard, Entrepreunerial PM
  • blog intro

  • Matt Everard, Entrepreunerial PM
  • Scott Kveton

  • OpenID Attribute Exchange is portable social networking and more
  • Going to Portland: Drupal, Identity, and Geek Dinners
  • OpenID bounties and identity convergence
  • bounty

  • OpenID bounties and identity convergence
  • barcamp vancouver

  • BarCamp Vancouver 2007 a wrap
  • BarCamp Vancouver 2007 kicks off this eve
  • Notes from BarCamp Vancouver
  • BarCamp Vancouver, and more great Vancouver people
  • jobs

  • A Vancouver Job connection area here on BMC?
  • Mac OS X Leopard

  • Apple notes after WWDC 2006 keynote
  • MacPro

  • Apple notes after WWDC 2006 keynote
  • Blu-Ray

  • Apple notes after WWDC 2006 keynote
  • iCal

  • Apple notes after WWDC 2006 keynote
  • CalDAV

  • Apple notes after WWDC 2006 keynote
  • Time Machine

  • Apple notes after WWDC 2006 keynote
  • Jabber Software Foundation

  • Officially a member of the Jabber Software Foundation
  • Pretzel Server

  • Announcing Pretzel, a Python-based Jabber server on Twisted
  • BarCamp Earth

  • Notes from BarCamp Vancouver
  • euro oscon

  • Back from Belgium
  • eurooscon06

  • Back from Belgium
  • belgium

  • Back from Belgium
  • govcamp

  • Back from Belgium
  • Ton Zijlstra

  • Idea Fragments: Face to Face with Ton Zijlstra, Part 2
  • Feed Reading via People: Face to Face with Ton Zijlstra, Part 1
  • feed reading

  • Feed Reading via People: Face to Face with Ton Zijlstra, Part 1
  • RDF

  • Open Web Vancouver, Open Restaurants, Open Data
  • Semantic Web Community Barn Raising in Vancouver
  • Social Graph applications: why not for every community website?
  • I think I might become an RDF fan boy (again)
  • Idea Fragments: Face to Face with Ton Zijlstra, Part 2
  • NINA

  • Idea Fragments: Face to Face with Ton Zijlstra, Part 2
  • Mixel

  • Idea Fragments: Face to Face with Ton Zijlstra, Part 2

  • Idea Fragments: Face to Face with Ton Zijlstra, Part 2
  • corporate blogging

  • Idea Fragments: Face to Face with Ton Zijlstra, Part 2
  • presentation

  • CCI2008 wrap, going offline
  • Web Directions North 2008: 3 stages of dynamic systems, wrap up
  • Presenting at BCTIA Go 2 Market Roundtable: Using the tools of Web 2.0

  • Presenting at BCTIA Go 2 Market Roundtable: Using the tools of Web 2.0
  • Quicktime

  • Save us from Flash video
  • MPEG4

  • Save us from Flash video
  • Democracy

  • Save us from Flash video
  • DivX

  • Save us from Flash video
  • BDC

  • Innovation in Vancouver funded by the BDC
  • DemoCampVancouver

  • More Vancouver events, thoughts on one calendar for TechCouver
  • Upcoming events in Vancouver, April 2008 edition
  • 2008 events are go for launch
  • The multi week summary of missed blog posts
  • DemoCampVancouver04 on Nov. 22nd, now with more beer
  • DemoCampVancouver03 -- September 13th or October 4th?
  • DemoCampVancouver, now with more gong
  • DemoCampVancouver01 and on using Facebook for getting the word out
  • SuperHappyDevHouse Vancouver, May 11th, 2007
  • Innovation in Vancouver funded by the BDC
  • DemoCamp

  • Utterz: Interview with Sales Manager of Juliet Development, venue for DemoCampVictoria01
  • Upcoming events in Vancouver, April 2008 edition
  • DemoCampVancouver01 and on using Facebook for getting the word out
  • Innovator's Gathering tonight at Steamworks
  • Innovation in Vancouver funded by the BDC
  • Digital Coast

  • Innovation in Vancouver funded by the BDC
  • MoMoVan

  • Innovation in Vancouver funded by the BDC
  • Portland

  • Going to Portland: Drupal, Identity, and Geek Dinners
  • Identity 2.0

  • Skype turns 5
  • OpenID MashPit Vancouver wrap up
  • Going to Portland: Drupal, Identity, and Geek Dinners
  • Geek Dinner

  • Going to Portland: Drupal, Identity, and Geek Dinners
  • Dries Buytaert

  • Dries announces Drupal startup Acquia
  • Going to Portland: Drupal, Identity, and Geek Dinners
  • JanRain

  • Going to Portland: Drupal, Identity, and Geek Dinners
  • Northern Voice 2007

  • Northern Voice Travel Bursaries
  • Northern Voice 2007 final speaker submissions
  • Get your Moose on: This IS your mother's conference
  • Google Reader

  • Blogroll
  • Google Reader Update
  • Switching to Google Reader
  • Mobile apps vs. The mobile web
  • Nokia E61

  • Experimenting with Bluetooth GPS Receivers: my first GPS Adventure
  • Guy Gavriel Kay talk at the VIWF
  • Syncing the Nokia E61 (and the rest of the E-Series) with Mac OS X
  • Switching to Google Reader
  • Nokia E61 First Impressions
  • Nokia N95

  • Trying out Nokia Sports Tracker
  • More iPhone / Nokia / etc. thoughts
  • Nokia E61 First Impressions
  • Nokia N80

  • Nokia N78 First take and setup
  • Nokia E61 First Impressions
  • iSync

  • Nokia N78 First take and setup
  • Syncing the Nokia E61 (and the rest of the E-Series) with Mac OS X
  • Nokia E61 First Impressions
  • patent

  • Microsoft Social Networking Patent Application on Peer-to-Patent
  • Flickr patents interestingness
  • Industrial Brand Creative

  • Industrial Brand Creative blogging up a storm
  • NetNewsWire

  • Switching to Google Reader
  • expansys

  • Bulk buy of Globalsat DG100-GPS through Expansys
  • Want to buy a GPS logging device?
  • Syncing the Nokia E61 (and the rest of the E-Series) with Mac OS X
  • GPS

  • Remember the DG-100? It works on the Mac now
  • Bulk buy of Globalsat DG100-GPS through Expansys
  • Experimenting with Bluetooth GPS Receivers: my first GPS Adventure
  • Want to buy a GPS logging device?
  • Northern Voice 2007 final speaker submissions
  • Syncing the Nokia E61 (and the rest of the E-Series) with Mac OS X
  • Offline Online

  • Google Reader Update
  • Gordita

  • Google Reader Update
  • newsreader

  • Google Reader Update
  • X-Series

  • Flat rate mobile from 3 in the UK
  • UK

  • Flat rate mobile from 3 in the UK
  • 3 Group

  • Flat rate mobile from 3 in the UK
  • Eclipse

  • Should I learn Eclipse, Xcode, or...something else?
  • Xcode

  • Should I learn Eclipse, Xcode, or...something else?
  • IDE

  • Should I learn Eclipse, Xcode, or...something else?
  • Komodo

  • Should I learn Eclipse, Xcode, or...something else?
  • ActiveState

  • Will MailCo, Mozilla's Thunderbird spin off to be run by David Ascher, be headquartered in Vancouver?
  • Email vs. Facebook
  • Can Drupal help commoditize Facebook app development?
  • Should I learn Eclipse, Xcode, or...something else?
  • SVN

  • Trip to Galiano
  • Should I learn Eclipse, Xcode, or...something else?
  • svnX

  • Should I learn Eclipse, Xcode, or...something else?
  • Smultron

  • Should I learn Eclipse, Xcode, or...something else?
  • Steamworks

  • Innovator's Gathering tonight at Steamworks
  • DemoCamp Vancouver

  • DemoCampVancouver03 - first iteration of Battle Decks, fun as always
  • Third Tuesday attended yesterday, nPost is today
  • What to attend and pay attention to after BarCamp Vancouver 2007
  • Innovator's Gathering tonight at Steamworks
  • GigaOM

  • Subscribing to people and GigaOM re-visited
  • Yahoo Canada

  • Yahoo! Canada Panama Search preview at Opus Hotel
  • Yahoo! Canada Panama Search preview at Opus Hotel
  • Panama

  • Yahoo! Canada Panama Search preview at Opus Hotel
  • Opus Hotel

  • Yahoo! Canada Panama Search preview at Opus Hotel
  • Kerry Munro

  • Yahoo! Canada Panama Search preview at Opus Hotel
  • Fleishman-Hillard

  • Yahoo! Canada Panama Search preview at Opus Hotel
  • geocaching

  • Northern Voice 2007 final speaker submissions
  • SMC

  • Social Media Club Vancouver
  • Social Media Club

  • Social Media Club Vancouver
  • Social Media Club Vancouver

  • Social Media Club Vancouver
  • community wireless

  • Media appearance: Tod Maffin's CBC technology column - more on
  • Vancouver.FreeTheNet.Ca - Community Wireless in your neighbourhood
  • Vancouver Wireless Cadre Kick Off Meeting
  • BarCamp Vancouver 2007 a wrap
  • Community Wireless in Vancouver - FON, Meraki, something else?
  • BC Wireless

  • Community Wireless in Vancouver - FON, Meraki, something else?
  • Meraki

  • Vancouver.FreeTheNet.Ca - how to buy your wireless mesh node
  • Vancouver.FreeTheNet.Ca - Community Wireless in your neighbourhood
  • Vancouver Wireless Cadre Kick Off Meeting
  • Community Wireless in Vancouver - FON, Meraki, something else?
  • FON

  • Community Wireless in Vancouver - FON, Meraki, something else?
  • Wireless Toronto

  • Community Wireless in Vancouver - FON, Meraki, something else?
  • Île Sans Fil

  • Community Wireless in Vancouver - FON, Meraki, something else?
  • MyBlogLog

  • Redanyway, a distributed social network
  • MyBlogLog is distributed social networking
  • distributed social networking

  • Redanyway, a distributed social network
  • MyBlogLog is distributed social networking
  • backup

  • Omnibus: BBQ, Jungle Disk, WordPress etc.
  • Synching (and backing up) your iTunes music using MP3Tunes
  • MP3Tunes

  • Synching (and backing up) your iTunes music using MP3Tunes
  • Oboe Sync

  • Synching (and backing up) your iTunes music using MP3Tunes
  • Streampad

  • Synching (and backing up) your iTunes music using MP3Tunes
  • meme

  • Boris likes to...
  • 5 things about me you might not know
  • Thomas Vander Wal

  • Boris goes to Washington
  • Personal Info Cloud
  • serendipity feed

  • Personal Info Cloud
  • Personal Info Cloud

  • Personal Info Cloud
  • Google for Domains

  • Google's Identity Infrastructure is messed up and no one is talking
  • LinkedIn Answers

  • LinkedIn Answers Answers
  • LinkedIn Answers Getting Hot
  • Lori Pike

  • OpenID MashPit in Vancouver
  • MashPit

  • OpenID MashPit in Vancouver
  • OpenID MashPit

  • OpenID MashPit in Vancouver
  • Tablet

  • iPhone is a tablet
  • Steve Jobs

  • iPhone is a tablet
  • iPhone

  • Apple Macworld 2009 rumours - Macbook DS (and still no tablet)
  • Site specific browsers for mobile?
  • Rogers to launch iPhone in Canada with $30 6GB data plan
  • Rogers is bringing the iPhone to Canada (CTV Newsnet edition)
  • More iPhone / Nokia / etc. thoughts
  • iPhone Nano
  • Rogers gets sane(r) data plans
  • Switching to use Gmail IMAP - great for and iPhones, too
  • Ringtones need separate licenses?
  • Apple Rumours Sept 2007: touchscreen iPod, AppleTV revs
  • iPhone Hints
  • Mossberg iPhone Review: no SIM card, CDMA only?
  • 12" Macbook Pro...with touchscreen keyboard
  • Is the iPhone really locked to Cingular?
  • iPhone is a tablet
  • Scott Allen

  • LinkedIn Answers Answers
  • Betsy Kimak

  • LinkedIn Answers Answers
  • NV07

  • Northern Voice Travel Bursaries
  • travel bursary

  • Northern Voice Travel Bursaries
  • OpenID MashPit Vancouver

  • OpenID MashPit Vancouver wrap up
  • Jason Billingsley

  • Buy the MonkeyBlaster 9000: podcast with Elastic Path
  • Elastic Path

  • The 3 Stages of Ecommerce Tools
  • Buy the MonkeyBlaster 9000: podcast with Elastic Path
  • ecommerce

  • The 3 Stages of Ecommerce Tools
  • Buy the MonkeyBlaster 9000: podcast with Elastic Path
  • Dave Olsen

  • Buy the MonkeyBlaster 9000: podcast with Elastic Path
  • Susan Mernit

  • Susan Mernit on the role of "no" in product development
  • product development

  • Susan Mernit on the role of "no" in product development
  • product management

  • Susan Mernit on the role of "no" in product development
  • quotes

  • Email is the place where information goes to die
  • Bill French

  • Email is the place where information goes to die
  • Basecamp

  • Email is the place where information goes to die
  • PeopleAggregator

  • Marc Canter is building his heart out
  • CardSpace

  • Marc Canter is building his heart out
  • Attribute Exchange

  • Google announces OpenSocial - open API for connecting social networks
  • The Future of Facebook Q&A
  • OpenID Attribute Exchange is portable social networking and more
  • Marc Canter is building his heart out
  • Vancouver PHP Users Group

  • FreeGeek Vancouver and Vancouver PHP offer "Summer of PHP"
  • Open Source in Vancouver Panel
  • Vancouver PHP Conference 2007

  • Open Source in Vancouver Panel
  • FOSS

  • Open Source in Vancouver Panel
  • OSCMS Summit 2007

  • OSCMS Summit starts Thursday
  • OSCMS Summit at Yahoo! Rolling - Call for participation
  • OSCMS Summit

  • OSCMS Summit starts Thursday
  • OSCMS Summit at Yahoo! Rolling - Call for participation
  • Guy Gavriel Kay

  • Guy Gavriel Kay talk at the VIWF
  • Vancouver International Writers Festival

  • Guy Gavriel Kay talk at the VIWF
  • VIWF 2007

  • Guy Gavriel Kay talk at the VIWF
  • Wii

  • Game console dilemma - Xbox 360 or Sony Playstation 3
  • Wii Report
  • Nintendo

  • Wii Report
  • Dell

  • Subscribe to the social designers at Common Craft
  • IdeaStorm

  • Subscribe to the social designers at Common Craft
  • Salesforce

  • Google Apps and SXIP Access Identity and the Google Platform
  • Subscribe to the social designers at Common Craft
  • AppExchange

  • Subscribe to the social designers at Common Craft
  • Google Apps

  • Looking for Drupal SAML SP implementation
  • Google Apps and SXIP Access Identity and the Google Platform
  • Mexico

  • Canadian cell phone rates are higher than Mexico
  • wireless number portability

  • Canadian cell phone rates are higher than Mexico
  • Sunnyvale

  • OSCMS Summit starts Thursday
  • install profiles

  • Drupal out of the box: let's make a community
  • DC Drupalcon 2009
  • Open Source stands together
  • Install Profile API for Drupal
  • CRTC

  • Can the CRTC help?
  • Dave Shea

  • Ben Wong pushes out of the nest
  • Bright Creative

  • Ben Wong pushes out of the nest

  • Ben Wong pushes out of the nest
  • Freebase

  • Semantic Web Community Barn Raising in Vancouver
  • Experimenting with Freebase
  • metadata

  • Experimenting with Freebase
  • Nova Spivack

  • Experimenting with Freebase
  • Radar Networks

  • Experimenting with Freebase
  • Semantic Web

  • Open Web Vancouver, Open Restaurants, Open Data
  • Semantic Web Community Barn Raising in Vancouver
  • Social Graph applications: why not for every community website?
  • Testing Purple
  • Experimenting with Freebase
  • Web 3.0

  • Testing Purple
  • Experimenting with Freebase
  • SuperHappyDevHouse

  • Super Happy indeed
  • SuperHappyDevHouse Vancouver, May 11th, 2007
  • Vancouver PHP

  • SuperHappyDevHouse Vancouver, May 11th, 2007
  • Flapjax

  • Super Happy indeed
  • Free Geek

  • Super Happy indeed
  • Free Geek Vancouver

  • BarCamp Vancouver 2007 a wrap
  • FreeGeek Vancouver and Vancouver PHP offer "Summer of PHP"
  • Super Happy indeed
  • SHDH

  • Super Happy indeed
  • SHDHVan

  • Super Happy indeed
  • Dave Winer

  • Twitter is Jabber
  • Twitter

  • Federated micro-blogging for Canadian startup networking?
  • Flow-based organizations can grow an archive with microblogging
  • Social media is…
  • TweetLens is the Google Reader of Twitter clients
  • MicroPlaza shows you links from people you follow on Twitter
  • Skype turns 5
  • At VinoCamp 2008 for the day
  • I Utterz
  • Les Orchard: XMPP for self-hosted Twitter-esque nodes
  • Twitter is Jabber, Part II
  • Twitter is Jabber
  • simpletest

  • Gold stars for Drupal contrib modules -- and how to get one
  • unit testing

  • Gold stars for Drupal contrib modules -- and how to get one
  • decafbad

  • Les Orchard: XMPP for self-hosted Twitter-esque nodes
  • Les Orchard

  • Testing Purple
  • Les Orchard: XMPP for self-hosted Twitter-esque nodes
  • DemoCampVancouver01

  • DemoCampVancouver01 and on using Facebook for getting the word out
  • Facebook

  • Flow-based organizations can grow an archive with microblogging
  • Skype turns 5
  • This whole community platform thing might have some legs
  • Not so much with the Facebook, but strong on mobile
  • Media appearance: Is Microsoft doing enough to reinvent itself? on Business News Network
  • The Future of Facebook Q&A
  • Facebook shutting down useful developers
  • Email vs. Facebook
  • Can Drupal help commoditize Facebook app development?
  • Third Tuesday attended yesterday, nPost is today
  • On Facebook apps and friend requests
  • Why you should send interesting tech gadgets to my dad for testing
  • Facebook is Mall of America
  • DemoCampVancouver01 and on using Facebook for getting the word out
  • Horst Mann

  • Utterz: Vietnamese on broadway with Opa
  • Why you should send interesting tech gadgets to my dad for testing
  • Opa

  • Utterz: Vietnamese on broadway with Opa
  • Why you should send interesting tech gadgets to my dad for testing
  • 12

  • 12" Macbook Pro...with touchscreen keyboard
  • prediction

  • 12" Macbook Pro...with touchscreen keyboard
  • WWDC

  • 12" Macbook Pro...with touchscreen keyboard
  • Galiano

  • Trip to Galiano
  • Unfuddle

  • Trip to Galiano
  • Christian Nally

  • Trip to Galiano
  • Raincity Studios

  • Knight News Challenge prep in Vancouver: Digital Media Experiments to Innovate Journalism
  • DaveO does a podcast with me on Bryght, Raincity Studios, and Bootup Labs
  • Omnibus: BBQ, Jungle Disk, WordPress etc.
  • CCI2008 wrap, going offline
  • Highlights elsewhere: Attending CCI2008, BNN appearance
  • Utterz: Toronto passing US Customs
  • Utterz: Leaving YVR for Drupalcon Boston
  • Sustainable Community Involvement: on the Drupal community and Drupal Association
  • Tool time: Highrise and Merlin
  • Dries announces Drupal startup Acquia
  • Bryght and Raincity are joining forces
  • Dave Olson interviews me about the Drupal Association,, and ham in Barcelona
  • Alex is coming to town and needs a cool apartment
  • Trip to Galiano
  • OpenCoffee

  • Trip to Galiano
  • Trac

  • Trip to Galiano
  • Subversion

  • Trip to Galiano
  • upgrade

  • Drupal 5 Upgrade
  • LG

  • Buying an LCD Monitor as a TV
  • L226WA

  • Buying an LCD Monitor as a TV
  • DemoCampVancouver02

  • DemoCampVancouver, now with more gong
  • David Mcintyre

  • DemoCampVancouver, now with more gong
  • cohousing

  • DemoCampVancouver, now with more gong
  • EQO

  • DemoCampVancouver, now with more gong
  • DDO

  • Game downloads and experimenting with online games
  • digital downloads

  • Game downloads and experimenting with online games
  • Direct2Drive

  • Side loading, pre-fetching, and cloud storage
  • Game downloads and experimenting with online games
  • Eve Online

  • Game downloads and experimenting with online games
  • Java Web Start

  • Game downloads and experimenting with online games
  • PoxNora

  • Game downloads and experimenting with online games
  • Steam

  • Side loading, pre-fetching, and cloud storage
  • Game downloads and experimenting with online games
  • Valve

  • Side loading, pre-fetching, and cloud storage
  • Game downloads and experimenting with online games
  • Microsoft Expression

  • Microsoft Expression launch event at Canvas Lounge with GK VanPatter (and Silverlight)
  • Canvas Lounge

  • Microsoft Expression launch event at Canvas Lounge with GK VanPatter (and Silverlight)
  • GK VanPatter

  • Microsoft Expression launch event at Canvas Lounge with GK VanPatter (and Silverlight)
  • Silverlight

  • Microsoft Expression launch event at Canvas Lounge with GK VanPatter (and Silverlight)
  • XAML

  • Microsoft Expression launch event at Canvas Lounge with GK VanPatter (and Silverlight)
  • Adobe CS3

  • Microsoft Expression launch event at Canvas Lounge with GK VanPatter (and Silverlight)
  • Flex

  • Microsoft Expression launch event at Canvas Lounge with GK VanPatter (and Silverlight)
  • AIR

  • Microsoft Expression launch event at Canvas Lounge with GK VanPatter (and Silverlight)
  • David Crow

  • This whole community platform thing might have some legs
  • DemoCampVancouver04 on Nov. 22nd, now with more beer
  • Microsoft Expression launch event at Canvas Lounge with GK VanPatter (and Silverlight)
  • Mossberg

  • Mossberg iPhone Review: no SIM card, CDMA only?
  • Wall Street Journal

  • Mossberg iPhone Review: no SIM card, CDMA only?
  • code

  • Sandbox for Purple module
  • Testing Purple
  • Eugene Eric Kim

  • Testing Purple
  • purple

  • Sandbox for Purple module
  • More Purple
  • Testing Purple
  • purple-include

  • Sandbox for Purple module
  • More Purple
  • Testing Purple
  • transclusion

  • More Purple
  • Boring site note: which feed do you want?
  • Testing Purple
  • XPath

  • Testing Purple
  • BNN

  • Highlights elsewhere: Attending CCI2008, BNN appearance
  • Media appearance: Is Microsoft doing enough to reinvent itself? on Business News Network
  • Microsoft Canada opening software dev center in Vancouver (commentary)
  • Business News Network

  • Media appearance: Is Microsoft doing enough to reinvent itself? on Business News Network
  • Microsoft Canada opening software dev center in Vancouver (commentary)
  • Microsoft Canada

  • Microsoft Canada opening software dev center in Vancouver (commentary)
  • press

  • Microsoft Canada opening software dev center in Vancouver (commentary)
  • Andy Smith

  • Andy Smith at the Stud in San Francisco Schmap
  • Schmap

  • Andy Smith at the Stud in San Francisco Schmap
  • The Stud

  • Andy Smith at the Stud in San Francisco Schmap
  • Borisphere

  • Boring site note: which feed do you want?
  • feeds

  • Feeds and Subscriptions
  • Boring site note: which feed do you want?
  • Brad Neuberg

  • More Purple
  • Washington DC

  • Boris goes to Washington
  • Virginia

  • Boris goes to Washington
  • YVR

  • Boris goes to Washington
  • airport

  • Boris goes to Washington
  • power

  • Boris goes to Washington
  • Development Seed

  • Boris goes to Washington
  • AirPower

  • Boris goes to Washington
  • The IT Crowd

  • Watching 'The IT Crowd'
  • AllUC

  • Watching 'The IT Crowd'
  • VanCity Bike Share

  • VanCity BikeShare Handoff from Roland
  • ChangeEverything

  • VanCity BikeShare Handoff from Roland
  • bikeshare

  • VanCity BikeShare Handoff from Roland
  • Upside Wireless

  • ipipi
  • Europe Photobloggers

  • Europe Photobloggers looking for photography related sponsors
  • Berlin

  • Europe Photobloggers looking for photography related sponsors
  • 2007 Europe Photoblogger Meetup

  • Europe Photobloggers looking for photography related sponsors
  • Drupalcon Barcelona

  • DrupalCon Barcelona over, first Drupal Association report
  • I am heading to Barcelona for Drupalcon
  • Vanguardistas in Barcelona
  • Europe Photobloggers looking for photography related sponsors
  • IdP

  • Looking for Drupal SAML SP implementation
  • Smith's Pub

  • Drupal~ish meetup at Smith's Pub in Victoria was good fun
  • Victoria

  • Social Graph applications: why not for every community website?
  • Utterz: Interview with Sales Manager of Juliet Development, venue for DemoCampVictoria01
  • Drupal~ish meetup at Smith's Pub in Victoria was good fun
  • Upcoming

  • Yahoo Pipes on Upcoming - reconfigurable feeds
  • Yahoo Pipes

  • Yahoo Pipes on Upcoming - reconfigurable feeds
  • Boston

  • Off to Boston for Drupalcon, see you on Jaiku, Twemes, Utterz, and at my sessions
  • Back from Boston
  • Lisa Williams

  • Back from Boston
  • Placeblogger

  • Back from Boston
  • La Casa de Pedro

  • Back from Boston
  • wicked pissah

  • Back from Boston
  • Chill Winston

  • First Joyent Taco Tuesday meetup at Chill Winston
  • Joyent

  • Web apps should let me "Bring my own storage"
  • First Joyent Taco Tuesday meetup at Chill Winston
  • Mark Mayo

  • First Joyent Taco Tuesday meetup at Chill Winston
  • virtualization

  • First Joyent Taco Tuesday meetup at Chill Winston
  • electronica

  • Mac Alarm clock, this morning's tune
  • Alarm Clock

  • Mac Alarm clock, this morning's tune
  • iTunesShut

  • iTunes Sleep Timer - iTunesShut
  • camping

  • Back
  • Birkenhead Lake

  • Back
  • Duane Storey

  • Back
  • Google Local

  • New Google Map stuff link roundup
  • Google My Maps

  • New Google Map stuff link roundup
  • mapplets

  • New Google Map stuff link roundup
  • 43 Places

  • New Google Map stuff link roundup
  • ClueTrust

  • Want to buy a GPS logging device?
  • DG100-GPS

  • LoadMyTracks now supports the Globalsat DG-100 on Mac OS X
  • Remember the DG-100? It works on the Mac now
  • Bulk buy of Globalsat DG100-GPS through Expansys
  • Want to buy a GPS logging device?
  • Globalsat

  • LoadMyTracks now supports the Globalsat DG-100 on Mac OS X
  • Remember the DG-100? It works on the Mac now
  • Bulk buy of Globalsat DG100-GPS through Expansys
  • Want to buy a GPS logging device?
  • gps logging

  • Bulk buy of Globalsat DG100-GPS through Expansys
  • Experimenting with Bluetooth GPS Receivers: my first GPS Adventure
  • Want to buy a GPS logging device?
  • GPS-CS1

  • Want to buy a GPS logging device?
  • GPX

  • Want to buy a GPS logging device?
  • KML

  • Trying out Nokia Sports Tracker
  • Want to buy a GPS logging device?
  • LoadMyTracks

  • LoadMyTracks now supports the Globalsat DG-100 on Mac OS X
  • Want to buy a GPS logging device?
  • swimming

  • Going swimming
  • Jericho Beach

  • Going swimming
  • Spanish Banks

  • Going swimming
  • Vancouver Open Water Swimmers

  • Going swimming

  • Going swimming
  • Ian Bell

  • CTV Newsnet appearance: Bell and Telus incoming SMS charges debacle
  • PubSub will be Something Simpler
  • Lance Tracey

  • PubSub will be Something Simpler
  • Something Simpler

  • PubSub will be Something Simpler
  • Bluetooth

  • Experimenting with Bluetooth GPS Receivers: my first GPS Adventure
  • GEtrack

  • Experimenting with Bluetooth GPS Receivers: my first GPS Adventure
  • GPS Photo Linker

  • Experimenting with Bluetooth GPS Receivers: my first GPS Adventure
  • TomTom

  • Experimenting with Bluetooth GPS Receivers: my first GPS Adventure
  • barcamp vancouver 2007

  • What to attend and pay attention to after BarCamp Vancouver 2007
  • Notes from Geo talk at BarCamp Vancouver 2007
  • BarCamp Vancouver 2007 a wrap
  • BarCamp Vancouver 2007 kicks off this eve
  • Ad Hack

  • BarCamp Vancouver 2007 a wrap
  • b5media

  • BarCamp Vancouver 2007 a wrap
  • My Call Monster

  • BarCamp Vancouver 2007 a wrap
  • disc golf

  • Going disc golf...and to North Van?
  • Queen Elizabeth Park

  • Going disc golf...and to North Van?
  • North Vancouver

  • Going disc golf...and to North Van?
  • notes

  • Notes from Geo talk at BarCamp Vancouver 2007
  • Rob Lewis

  • Utterz: Rob Lewis on Strutta Super Sekret Alpha Launch
  • Successful Launch Party
  • Third Tuesday attended yesterday, nPost is today
  • What to attend and pay attention to after BarCamp Vancouver 2007
  • Startup Weekend

  • What to attend and pay attention to after BarCamp Vancouver 2007
  • TechVibes

  • NowPublic MostPublic Index for Vancouver
  • Utterz: Rob Lewis on Strutta Super Sekret Alpha Launch
  • DemoCampVancouver04 on Nov. 22nd, now with more beer
  • Successful Launch Party
  • Third Tuesday attended yesterday, nPost is today
  • What to attend and pay attention to after BarCamp Vancouver 2007
  • Jenn Lowther

  • Third Tuesday attended yesterday, nPost is today

  • Third Tuesday attended yesterday, nPost is today
  • nPost

  • Third Tuesday attended yesterday, nPost is today

  • Third Tuesday attended yesterday, nPost is today
  • Third Tuesday

  • Third Tuesday attended yesterday, nPost is today

  • Third Tuesday attended yesterday, nPost is today
  • WeeWar

  • WeeWar
  • GPSBabel

  • Bulk buy of Globalsat DG100-GPS through Expansys
  • Donat Group

  • Can Drupal help commoditize Facebook app development?
  • camel cheese

  • Can Drupal help commoditize Facebook app development?
  • Up4

  • Email vs. Facebook
  • Can Drupal help commoditize Facebook app development?
  • DabbleDo

  • Can Drupal help commoditize Facebook app development?
  • Project Opus

  • Can Drupal help commoditize Facebook app development?
  • Barcelona

  • Great memories from Barcelona September 2007
  • Barcelona: Tapas are delicious
  • I am heading to Barcelona for Drupalcon
  • Vanguardistas in Barcelona
  • Mark Pratt

  • Vanguardistas in Barcelona
  • Vanguardistas

  • Vanguardistas in Barcelona
  • Zope

  • Vanguardistas in Barcelona
  • Zope3

  • Vanguardistas in Barcelona
  • AppleTV

  • Apple Rumours Sept 2007: touchscreen iPod, AppleTV revs
  • iPod Touch

  • Apple Macworld 2009 rumours - Macbook DS (and still no tablet)
  • Apple Rumours Sept 2007: touchscreen iPod, AppleTV revs
  • DemoCampVancouver03

  • DemoCampVancouver03 - first iteration of Battle Decks, fun as always
  • Successful Launch Party
  • DemoCampVancouver03 -- September 13th or October 4th?
  • Launch Party

  • More Vancouver events, thoughts on one calendar for TechCouver
  • The multi week summary of missed blog posts
  • Successful Launch Party
  • DemoCampVancouver03 -- September 13th or October 4th?
  • Uncle Fatih's Pizza

  • Uncle Fatih's Pizza to Pigeon's Park
  • pizza

  • Uncle Fatih's Pizza to Pigeon's Park
  • DTES

  • Uncle Fatih's Pizza to Pigeon's Park
  • Pigeon Park

  • Uncle Fatih's Pizza to Pigeon's Park
  • Gastown

  • Vancouver.FreeTheNet.Ca - how to buy your wireless mesh node
  • Vancouver.FreeTheNet.Ca - Community Wireless in your neighbourhood
  • Uncle Fatih's Pizza to Pigeon's Park
  • development

  • Facebook shutting down useful developers
  • Mark Shropshire

  • Facebook shutting down useful developers
  • Friendster

  • Facebook shutting down useful developers
  • licensing

  • Ringtones need separate licenses?
  • Ringtones need separate licenses?
  • ringtone

  • Ringtones need separate licenses?
  • emarketing 101

  • Vancouver SEO Birthday Gift: Alex Brabant is emarketing 101
  • Alex Brabant

  • Vancouver SEO Birthday Gift: Alex Brabant is emarketing 101
  • DogOnRails

  • Vancouver Wireless Cadre Kick Off Meeting
  • Joe Bowser

  • Vancouver Wireless Cadre Kick Off Meeting
  • mesh

  • Vancouver Wireless Cadre Kick Off Meeting
  • wifi

  • Vancouver Wireless Cadre Kick Off Meeting
  • Canon S5 IS

  • Getting CHDK working on the Canon S5 IS from Mac OS X
  • My AdHack for the Canon S5 IS
  • Canon S5 IS - the Canon Powershot S series is still my favorite
  • canon

  • Getting CHDK working on the Canon S5 IS from Mac OS X
  • Canon S5 IS - the Canon Powershot S series is still my favorite
  • Future Shop

  • Canon S5 IS - the Canon Powershot S series is still my favorite
  • London Drugs

  • Canon S5 IS - the Canon Powershot S series is still my favorite

  • Media appearance: Tod Maffin's CBC technology column - more on
  • Media appearance: The Christy Clark show, talking
  • Vancouver.FreeTheNet.Ca - how to buy your wireless mesh node
  • Vancouver.FreeTheNet.Ca - Community Wireless in your neighbourhood
  • NetEquality

  • Vancouver.FreeTheNet.Ca - Community Wireless in your neighbourhood
  • EasySleep

  • Barcelona: Tapas are delicious
  • Mozilla

  • Will MailCo, Mozilla's Thunderbird spin off to be run by David Ascher, be headquartered in Vancouver?
  • David Ascher

  • Will MailCo, Mozilla's Thunderbird spin off to be run by David Ascher, be headquartered in Vancouver?
  • Thunderbird

  • Will MailCo, Mozilla's Thunderbird spin off to be run by David Ascher, be headquartered in Vancouver?
  • Drupal Association

  • DC Drupalcon 2009
  • Fund dww and hunmonk and the further development of Drupal itself
  • Drupal Association General Assembly 2008
  • Sustainable Community Involvement: on the Drupal community and Drupal Association
  • Dave Olson interviews me about the Drupal Association,, and ham in Barcelona
  • DrupalCon Barcelona over, first Drupal Association report
  • Euskal Etxea

  • Great memories from Barcelona September 2007
  • Mercat de la Boqueteria

  • Great memories from Barcelona September 2007
  • NowPublic

  • NowPublic MostPublic Index for Vancouver
  • Great memories from Barcelona September 2007
  • Maura Rodgers

  • Successful Launch Party
  • Twiistup

  • The multi week summary of missed blog posts
  • Successful Launch Party
  • Christy Clark

  • Media appearance: The Christy Clark show, talking
  • Miss 604

  • DemoCampVancouver03 - first iteration of Battle Decks, fun as always
  • live blogger

  • DemoCampVancouver03 - first iteration of Battle Decks, fun as always
  • Battle Decks

  • DemoCampVancouver03 - first iteration of Battle Decks, fun as always
  • Tod Maffin

  • Media appearance: Tod Maffin's CBC technology column - more on
  • CBC

  • Media appearance: Tod Maffin's CBC technology column - more on
  • Web Directions North

  • Web Directions North 2008: 3 stages of dynamic systems, wrap up
  • Speaking: Web Directions North 08 - Three Stages of Content Management
  • WDN08

  • Web Directions North 2008: 3 stages of dynamic systems, wrap up
  • Speaking: Web Directions North 08 - Three Stages of Content Management
  • Alex Rollin

  • Alex is coming to town and needs a cool apartment
  • Digital Ethnography

  • More Digital Ethnography: Information R/Evolution Video
  • Michael Wesch

  • More Digital Ethnography: Information R/Evolution Video
  • Dave Olson

  • Nokia N78 First take and setup
  • DaveO does a podcast with me on Bryght, Raincity Studios, and Bootup Labs
  • Dave Olson interviews me about the Drupal Association,, and ham in Barcelona
  • Planet Drupal

  • Dave Olson interviews me about the Drupal Association,, and ham in Barcelona
  • Handimobility

  • Congrats to John and Igor at Handimobility - LiveVote launched
  • LiveVote

  • Congrats to John and Igor at Handimobility - LiveVote launched

  • Congrats to John and Igor at Handimobility - LiveVote launched
  • SMS polling

  • Congrats to John and Igor at Handimobility - LiveVote launched
  • Class Afloat

  • Class Afloat itinerary on Google Maps
  • Scan Cafe

  • Class Afloat itinerary on Google Maps
  • John Batelle

  • The Future of Facebook Q&A
  • Mark Zuckerberg

  • The Future of Facebook Q&A
  • Web 2.0 Summit

  • The Future of Facebook Q&A
  • Fred Vogelstein

  • Media appearance: Is Microsoft doing enough to reinvent itself? on Business News Network
  • Xbox 360

  • Xbox 360 FTW
  • Game console dilemma - Xbox 360 or Sony Playstation 3
  • Playstation 3

  • Game console dilemma - Xbox 360 or Sony Playstation 3
  • Mark Yuasa

  • Game console dilemma - Xbox 360 or Sony Playstation 3
  • Xbox LIVE

  • Game console dilemma - Xbox 360 or Sony Playstation 3
  • Connect360

  • Game console dilemma - Xbox 360 or Sony Playstation 3
  • UPnP

  • Game console dilemma - Xbox 360 or Sony Playstation 3
  • MediaTomb

  • Game console dilemma - Xbox 360 or Sony Playstation 3
  • NullRiver

  • Game console dilemma - Xbox 360 or Sony Playstation 3
  • OpenSocial

  • Google announces OpenSocial - open API for connecting social networks
  • Ning

  • Google announces OpenSocial - open API for connecting social networks
  • Plaxo

  • Google announces OpenSocial - open API for connecting social networks
  • Movember

  • Movember has begun, and I'm behind
  • TED

  • Will Wright's TED talk: Toys that make worlds
  • Will Wright

  • Will Wright's TED talk: Toys that make worlds
  • Spore

  • Will Wright's TED talk: Toys that make worlds
  • Cudgelsan

  • Xbox 360 FTW
  • DemoCampVancouver04

  • The multi week summary of missed blog posts
  • DemoCampVancouver04 on Nov. 22nd, now with more beer
  • Communicate

  • DemoCampVancouver04 on Nov. 22nd, now with more beer
  • Peer1

  • DemoCampVancouver04 on Nov. 22nd, now with more beer
  • DemoCampToronto

  • DemoCampVancouver04 on Nov. 22nd, now with more beer
  • nv08

  • Utterz: On the way to the Northern Voice 2008 organizer's debrief lunch
  • Northern Voice 2008 Wrap
  • Northern Voice 2008 is up and rolling in classy brown

  • Switching to use Gmail IMAP - great for and iPhones, too
  • Information

  • Alqasim Electronics
  • Islam

  • Alqasim Electronics
  • Latest Mobiles

  • Alqasim Electronics
  • News

  • Alqasim Electronics
  • Chat

  • Alqasim Electronics
  • blogroll

  • Blogroll
  • long distance

  • Bell launches distances based miles
  • billing

  • Bell launches distances based miles
  • telecom

  • Bell launches distances based miles
  • Acquia

  • Site upgrade: Acquia Drupal 6
  • Dries announces Drupal startup Acquia
  • Highrise

  • Web apps should let me "Bring my own storage"
  • Tool time: Highrise and Merlin
  • 37signals

  • Tool time: Highrise and Merlin
  • Merlin2

  • Tool time: Highrise and Merlin
  • LDAP

  • Tool time: Highrise and Merlin
  • digital camera

  • Getting CHDK working on the Canon S5 IS from Mac OS X
  • My AdHack for the Canon S5 IS
  • AdHack

  • Flow-based organizations can grow an archive with microblogging
  • AdHack theming port on oDesk
  • My AdHack for the Canon S5 IS
  • Sitemasher

  • The multi week summary of missed blog posts
  • Shira Lazar

  • The multi week summary of missed blog posts
  • Vivitar Ultra Wide & Slim

  • I have a mission
  • Process Clothing

  • New jacket
  • Devil May Wear

  • New jacket
  • Main Street

  • New jacket
  • Jaiku

  • Jaiku is going open source on Google App Engine
  • Off to Boston for Drupalcon, see you on Jaiku, Twemes, Utterz, and at my sessions
  • I Utterz
  • Sucking in Delicious
  • Not so much with the Facebook, but strong on mobile
  • SpinVox

  • Not so much with the Facebook, but strong on mobile

  • NowPublic MostPublic Index for Vancouver
  • Help me find out what vegetables and fruit are in season when
  • geo

  • LoadMyTracks now supports the Globalsat DG-100 on Mac OS X
  • Remember the DG-100? It works on the Mac now
  • Arto Bendiken

  • I think I might become an RDF fan boy (again)

  • I think I might become an RDF fan boy (again)
  • Geek Week 2

  • I think I might become an RDF fan boy (again)
  • John Biehler

  • Rogers gets sane(r) data plans
  • Engadget

  • Rogers gets sane(r) data plans
  • TorCamp Swarm

  • Rogers gets sane(r) data plans
  • DemoCampVancouver05

  • 2008 events are go for launch
  • CaseCamp

  • Northern Voice 2008 Wrap
  • 2008 events are go for launch
  • Founders and Funders

  • 2008 events are go for launch
  • Sun

  • Sun Labs Open House 2008, first post acquisition MySQL release
  • 2008 events are go for launch
  • Stephanie Vacher

  • a person who is, above all things, enamoured by the future
  • Photophlow

  • a person who is, above all things, enamoured by the future
  • Chad Phillips

  • Fund dww and hunmonk and the further development of Drupal itself
  • Derek Wright

  • Fund dww and hunmonk and the further development of Drupal itself
  • dww

  • Fund dww and hunmonk and the further development of Drupal itself
  • hunmonk

  • Fund dww and hunmonk and the further development of Drupal itself
  • project

  • Fund dww and hunmonk and the further development of Drupal itself
  • project.module

  • Fund dww and hunmonk and the further development of Drupal itself
  • aclight

  • Fund dww and hunmonk and the further development of Drupal itself
  • iPhone Nano

  • iPhone Nano
  • Agentic

  • Web Directions North 2008: 3 stages of dynamic systems, wrap up
  • Expression Engine

  • The 3 Stages of Ecommerce Tools
  • Web Directions North 2008: 3 stages of dynamic systems, wrap up
  • nGen Works

  • Web Directions North 2008: 3 stages of dynamic systems, wrap up
  • Chris Bovard

  • More iPhone / Nokia / etc. thoughts
  • Nuvifone

  • More iPhone / Nokia / etc. thoughts
  • Garmin

  • More iPhone / Nokia / etc. thoughts
  • FeedAPI

  • Sucking in Delicious
  • All Consuming

  • Sucking in Delicious
  • DiSo

  • Federated Social Networks at Barcamp Amsterdam III
  • Ralph Meijer

  • Federated Social Networks at Barcamp Amsterdam III
  • Kieran Lal

  • In San Francisco, going to Drupal 6 Release Party at PariSoMa
  • PariSoMa

  • In San Francisco, going to Drupal 6 Release Party at PariSoMa
  • Northern Voice 2008

  • Utterz: On the way to the Northern Voice 2008 organizer's debrief lunch
  • Northern Voice 2008 Wrap
  • CaseCampVancouver3

  • Northern Voice 2008 Wrap
  • Music Directions

  • Northern Voice 2008 Wrap
  • Invoke Media

  • Northern Voice 2008 Wrap
  • Clayton Stark

  • Flock 1.1 beta tire kicking
  • Mark Lise

  • Flock 1.1 beta tire kicking
  • flockfeedback

  • Flock 1.1 beta tire kicking
  • Utterz

  • Utterz: Interview with Sales Manager of Juliet Development, venue for DemoCampVictoria01
  • Utterz: On the way to the Northern Voice 2008 organizer's debrief lunch
  • Utterz: Vietnamese on broadway with Opa
  • Utterz: Morning Green Phlegm
  • Off to Boston for Drupalcon, see you on Jaiku, Twemes, Utterz, and at my sessions
  • I Utterz
  • Strutta

  • Strutta has launched
  • Utterz: Rob Lewis on Strutta Super Sekret Alpha Launch
  • Drupalcon Boston 2008

  • Don't follow, a brief wrap up
  • Utterz: Toronto passing US Customs
  • Utterz: Leaving YVR for Drupalcon Boston
  • Off to Boston for Drupalcon, see you on Jaiku, Twemes, Utterz, and at my sessions
  • Twemes

  • Off to Boston for Drupalcon, see you on Jaiku, Twemes, Utterz, and at my sessions
  • Leap Day

  • Post Leap Day Link Omnibus
  • bacon

  • Post Leap Day Link Omnibus
  • Aspecton

  • Post Leap Day Link Omnibus
  • Bootup Labs

  • New Ventures BC mentor panel makes my brain full
  • DaveO does a podcast with me on Bryght, Raincity Studios, and Bootup Labs
  • Upcoming events in Vancouver, April 2008 edition
  • Highlights elsewhere: Attending CCI2008, BNN appearance
  • cci2008

  • CCI2008 wrap, going offline
  • Highlights elsewhere: Attending CCI2008, BNN appearance
  • Hostmaster

  • Open Source stands together
  • Matt Mullenweg

  • Open Source stands together
  • Bill Gates

  • NPR interview with Bill Gates on the Microsoft Vancouver dev center
  • NPR

  • NPR interview with Bill Gates on the Microsoft Vancouver dev center
  • easter

  • Easter on Bowen
  • DemoCampVancouver06

  • Upcoming events in Vancouver, April 2008 edition
  • DemoCampVictoria

  • Utterz: Interview with Sales Manager of Juliet Development, venue for DemoCampVictoria01
  • Upcoming events in Vancouver, April 2008 edition
  • Open Web Vancouver

  • Open Web Vancouver, Open Restaurants, Open Data
  • Upcoming events in Vancouver, April 2008 edition
  • chris pirillo

  • This whole community platform thing might have some legs
  • Chris Pirillo of Lockergnome announces Drupal-powered Community Participation Platform, hackfest in Seattle
  • Friend Feed

  • Chris Pirillo of Lockergnome announces Drupal-powered Community Participation Platform, hackfest in Seattle
  • install profile

  • Chris Pirillo of Lockergnome announces Drupal-powered Community Participation Platform, hackfest in Seattle
  • Lockergnome

  • Chris Pirillo of Lockergnome announces Drupal-powered Community Participation Platform, hackfest in Seattle
  • seattle

  • Chris Pirillo of Lockergnome announces Drupal-powered Community Participation Platform, hackfest in Seattle
  • social publishing

  • Chris Pirillo of Lockergnome announces Drupal-powered Community Participation Platform, hackfest in Seattle
  • community platform

  • This whole community platform thing might have some legs
  • Gnomepal

  • Social Graph applications: why not for every community website?
  • This whole community platform thing might have some legs
  • DemoCampVictoria01

  • Utterz: Interview with Sales Manager of Juliet Development, venue for DemoCampVictoria01
  • OAuth

  • MicroPlaza shows you links from people you follow on Twitter
  • Jaiku is going open source on Google App Engine
  • Social Graph applications: why not for every community website?
  • People Aggregator

  • Social Graph applications: why not for every community website?
  • social graph

  • Social Graph applications: why not for every community website?
  • Kevin Marks

  • Strutta has launched
  • Michael Arrington

  • Strutta has launched
  • TechCrunch

  • Strutta has launched
  • ComputerWorld Canada

  • Sun Labs Open House 2008, first post acquisition MySQL release
  • Sun Microsystems

  • Sun Labs Open House 2008, first post acquisition MySQL release
  • Sun Labs Open House

  • Sun Labs Open House 2008, first post acquisition MySQL release
  • cloud computing

  • Side loading, pre-fetching, and cloud storage
  • Quoted in 24 hours - Buzz Bishop's "Head in the Clouds" article
  • Sun Labs Open House 2008, first post acquisition MySQL release
  • Sun Startup Essentials

  • Sun Labs Open House 2008, first post acquisition MySQL release
  • snow

  • Snow in Vancouver
  • Canon PowerShot

  • Getting CHDK working on the Canon S5 IS from Mac OS X
  • CHDK

  • Getting CHDK working on the Canon S5 IS from Mac OS X
  • firmware

  • Getting CHDK working on the Canon S5 IS from Mac OS X
  • RAW

  • Getting CHDK working on the Canon S5 IS from Mac OS X
  • peer-to-patent

  • Microsoft Social Networking Patent Application on Peer-to-Patent
  • CTV

  • CTV Newsnet appearance: Bell and Telus incoming SMS charges debacle
  • Rogers is bringing the iPhone to Canada (CTV Newsnet edition)
  • DemoCampVancouver07

  • More Vancouver events, thoughts on one calendar for TechCouver
  • DrupalCamp

  • DrupalCamp Vancouver 2008 this week
  • More Vancouver events, thoughts on one calendar for TechCouver
  • DrupalCampVancouver

  • DrupalCamp Vancouver 2008 this week
  • More Vancouver events, thoughts on one calendar for TechCouver
  • TechCouver

  • More Vancouver events, thoughts on one calendar for TechCouver
  • WordPress Camp

  • More Vancouver events, thoughts on one calendar for TechCouver
  • DCV08

  • DrupalCamp Vancouver 2008 this week
  • ارسل رسلة اس ام اس لمن تحب

  • Ad Bard

  • Testing Ad Bard, a FOSS friendly ad network
  • ad.module

  • Testing Ad Bard, a FOSS friendly ad network
  • advertising network

  • Testing Ad Bard, a FOSS friendly ad network
  • Jeremy Andrews

  • Testing Ad Bard, a FOSS friendly ad network
  • bmann

  • From bmann to boris - an evolution of usernames
  • bopuc

  • From bmann to boris - an evolution of usernames
  • boris

  • From bmann to boris - an evolution of usernames
  • Boris Anthony

  • From bmann to boris - an evolution of usernames
  • borismann

  • From bmann to boris - an evolution of usernames
  • boris_mann

  • From bmann to boris - an evolution of usernames
  • username

  • From bmann to boris - an evolution of usernames
  • Drupy

  • Drupy aka Drupal in Python
  • BBQ

  • Omnibus: BBQ, Jungle Disk, WordPress etc.
  • Jungle Disk

  • Web apps should let me "Bring my own storage"
  • Side loading, pre-fetching, and cloud storage
  • Omnibus: BBQ, Jungle Disk, WordPress etc.
  • Amazon S3

  • Web apps should let me "Bring my own storage"
  • Omnibus: BBQ, Jungle Disk, WordPress etc.
  • Redwerks

  • Omnibus: BBQ, Jungle Disk, WordPress etc.
  • Freshbooks

  • Questions for Backbone Magazine - Fixing a stale web site
  • Omnibus: BBQ, Jungle Disk, WordPress etc.
  • Hypemachine

  • Hypemachine + Nokia Podcasting client = constant new music
  • Nokia Multimedia Transfer

  • Hypemachine + Nokia Podcasting client = constant new music
  • Nokia Podcasting

  • Hypemachine + Nokia Podcasting client = constant new music
  • CTV Newsnet

  • CTV Newsnet appearance: Bell and Telus incoming SMS charges debacle
  • Yule Heibel

  • CTV Newsnet appearance: Bell and Telus incoming SMS charges debacle
  • Camp Moomba Yogathon

  • Sponsor Rachael for the Camp Moomba Yogathon
  • sponsorship

  • Sponsor Rachael for the Camp Moomba Yogathon
  • yoga

  • Sponsor Rachael for the Camp Moomba Yogathon
  • Ghost Brothers

  • Sponsor Rachael for the Camp Moomba Yogathon
  • Gravitek Labs

  • Sponsor Rachael for the Camp Moomba Yogathon
  • vhost

  • Updated Mass Virtual Hosting How to for Mac OS X Leopard
  • event

  • Northern Voice 2009
  • VinoCamp is open for registration: August 16th, 2008 at UBC Botanical Gardens
  • VinoCamp

  • At VinoCamp 2008 for the day
  • VinoCamp is open for registration: August 16th, 2008 at UBC Botanical Gardens
  • VinoCamp 2008

  • VinoCamp is open for registration: August 16th, 2008 at UBC Botanical Gardens
  • wine

  • At VinoCamp 2008 for the day
  • VinoCamp is open for registration: August 16th, 2008 at UBC Botanical Gardens
  • WineCamp

  • VinoCamp is open for registration: August 16th, 2008 at UBC Botanical Gardens
  • SSB

  • Site specific browsers for mobile?
  • Fluid

  • Site specific browsers for mobile?
  • Prism

  • Site specific browsers for mobile?
  • Dean Bubley

  • Site specific browsers for mobile?
  • 24 Hours

  • Quoted in 24 hours - Buzz Bishop's "Head in the Clouds" article
  • Buzz Bishop

  • Quoted in 24 hours - Buzz Bishop's "Head in the Clouds" article

  • ibibo
  • New Ventures BC

  • New Ventures BC mentor panel makes my brain full
  • vinocamp08

  • At VinoCamp 2008 for the day
  • scrumpy

  • At VinoCamp 2008 for the day
  • schedule

  • Sendible
  • text message

  • Sendible
  • social

  • Blockchain Governance 101 - Vlad Zamfir
  • Sendible
  • Joe Solomon

  • Speaking at Net Tuesday - How Drupal can help you save the world
  • Net Tuesday

  • Speaking at Net Tuesday - How Drupal can help you save the world
  • NGO

  • Speaking at Net Tuesday - How Drupal can help you save the world
  • S60

  • Trying out Nokia Sports Tracker
  • Nokia N78 First take and setup
  • Nokia N78

  • Quick audio preview of upcoming mobile related posts
  • Nokia N78 First take and setup
  • N78

  • Quick audio preview of upcoming mobile related posts
  • Nokia N78 First take and setup
  • N80

  • Nokia N78 First take and setup
  • AutoLock

  • Nokia N78 First take and setup
  • free sms

  • LiveJournal

  • NowPublic MostPublic Index for Vancouver
  • MostPublic

  • NowPublic MostPublic Index for Vancouver
  • Vancouver Sun

  • NowPublic MostPublic Index for Vancouver
  • blogging

  • Sugar On Drupal
  • Brian Sugar

  • Sugar On Drupal
  • OnSugar

  • Sugar On Drupal
  • Sugar Inc.

  • Sugar On Drupal
  • Knight News Challenge

  • Knight News Challenge prep in Vancouver: Digital Media Experiments to Innovate Journalism
  • KDI

  • Knight News Challenge prep in Vancouver: Digital Media Experiments to Innovate Journalism
  • Google Friend Connect

  • Redanyway, a distributed social network
  • Redanyway

  • RedAnyWay
  • Redanyway, a distributed social network
  • Food Like That

  • Site upgrade: Acquia Drupal 6
  • Seven Hills Bed and Breakfast

  • Site upgrade: Acquia Drupal 6
  • Stewart Marshall

  • Quick audio preview of upcoming mobile related posts
  • Nokia E71

  • Quick audio preview of upcoming mobile related posts
  • E71

  • Quick audio preview of upcoming mobile related posts
  • Drupal 5

  • AdHack theming port on oDesk
  • Drupal 6

  • AdHack theming port on oDesk
  • theming

  • AdHack theming port on oDesk
  • oDesk

  • AdHack theming port on oDesk
  • Apple Tablet

  • Apple Macworld 2009 rumours - Macbook DS (and still no tablet)
  • Macbook DS

  • Apple Macworld 2009 rumours - Macbook DS (and still no tablet)
  • Macworld

  • Apple Macworld 2009 rumours - Macbook DS (and still no tablet)
  • Macworld 2009

  • Apple Macworld 2009 rumours - Macbook DS (and still no tablet)
  • netbook

  • Apple Macworld 2009 rumours - Macbook DS (and still no tablet)
  • Drupal Ecommerce

  • The 3 Stages of Ecommerce Tools
  • Etsy

  • The 3 Stages of Ecommerce Tools
  • Foodzie

  • The 3 Stages of Ecommerce Tools
  • FoxEE

  • The 3 Stages of Ecommerce Tools
  • FoxyCart

  • The 3 Stages of Ecommerce Tools
  • Google Checkout

  • The 3 Stages of Ecommerce Tools
  • Hop Studios

  • The 3 Stages of Ecommerce Tools
  • Magento

  • The 3 Stages of Ecommerce Tools
  • osCommerce

  • The 3 Stages of Ecommerce Tools
  • Travis Smith

  • The 3 Stages of Ecommerce Tools
  • Ubercart

  • The 3 Stages of Ecommerce Tools
  • Jaiku Engine

  • Jaiku is going open source on Google App Engine
  • microblogging

  • Federated micro-blogging for Canadian startup networking?
  • Flow-based organizations can grow an archive with microblogging
  • Jaiku is going open source on Google App Engine
  • Google App Engine

  • Jaiku is going open source on Google App Engine
  • Presently

  • Jaiku is going open source on Google App Engine

  • Federated micro-blogging for Canadian startup networking?
  • Jaiku is going open source on Google App Engine
  • Montreal Startup Fund

  • Jaiku is going open source on Google App Engine
  • Yammer

  • Jaiku is going open source on Google App Engine
  • Stowe Boyd

  • Jaiku is going open source on Google App Engine
  • sideloading

  • Side loading, pre-fetching, and cloud storage
  • cloud storage

  • Web apps should let me "Bring my own storage"
  • Side loading, pre-fetching, and cloud storage
  • Dropbox

  • Web apps should let me "Bring my own storage"
  • Side loading, pre-fetching, and cloud storage
  • LiveMesh

  • Side loading, pre-fetching, and cloud storage
  • ZumoDrive

  • Side loading, pre-fetching, and cloud storage
  • Wesabe

  • Side loading, pre-fetching, and cloud storage
  • prefetching

  • Side loading, pre-fetching, and cloud storage
  • Northern Voice 2009

  • Northern Voice 2009
  • DrupalCon DC 2009

  • DC Drupalcon 2009
  • Knight Foundation

  • DC Drupalcon 2009
  • Rob Loach

  • DC Drupalcon 2009
  • touchscreen

  • Om thinks the Mac Tablet is imminent
  • ebook

  • Om thinks the Mac Tablet is imminent
  • Batchbook

  • Web apps should let me "Bring my own storage"
  • Huddle

  • Web apps should let me "Bring my own storage"
  • Nirvanix

  • Web apps should let me "Bring my own storage"
  • Rackspace

  • Web apps should let me "Bring my own storage"
  • side loading

  • Web apps should let me "Bring my own storage"
  • Linked Data

  • Semantic Web Community Barn Raising in Vancouver
  • vanbase

  • Semantic Web Community Barn Raising in Vancouver
  • Jim Pick

  • Semantic Web Community Barn Raising in Vancouver
  • Rimu Hosting

  • SIte moved to Rimu Hosting
  • VPS

  • SIte moved to Rimu Hosting
  • CentOS

  • SIte moved to Rimu Hosting
  • MicroPlaza

  • MicroPlaza shows you links from people you follow on Twitter
  • Knowledge Plaza

  • MicroPlaza shows you links from people you follow on Twitter
  • Whatever Company

  • MicroPlaza shows you links from people you follow on Twitter
  • N95

  • Trying out Nokia Sports Tracker
  • Nokia Sports Tracker

  • Trying out Nokia Sports Tracker
  • TweetLens

  • TweetLens is the Google Reader of Twitter clients
  • Benson Wong

  • TweetLens is the Google Reader of Twitter clients
  • twhirl

  • TweetLens is the Google Reader of Twitter clients
  • twibble

  • TweetLens is the Google Reader of Twitter clients
  • Open Web Vancouver 2009

  • Open Web Vancouver, Open Restaurants, Open Data
  • owv09

  • Open Web Vancouver, Open Restaurants, Open Data
  • Open Restaurants

  • Open Web Vancouver, Open Restaurants, Open Data
  • BaconPatioBeer

  • Open Web Vancouver, Open Restaurants, Open Data
  • RDFa

  • Open Web Vancouver, Open Restaurants, Open Data
  • Food for Robots

  • Open Web Vancouver, Open Restaurants, Open Data
  • 2Paths

  • Questions for Backbone Magazine - Fixing a stale web site
  • Andrew Rideout

  • Questions for Backbone Magazine - Fixing a stale web site
  • Backbone Magazine

  • Questions for Backbone Magazine - Fixing a stale web site
  • Get Satisfaction

  • Questions for Backbone Magazine - Fixing a stale web site
  • Mobify

  • Questions for Backbone Magazine - Fixing a stale web site
  • QCDocs

  • Questions for Backbone Magazine - Fixing a stale web site
  • Struta

  • Questions for Backbone Magazine - Fixing a stale web site
  • Tender

  • Questions for Backbone Magazine - Fixing a stale web site
  • Community in a Box

  • Drupal out of the box: let's make a community
  • Drupal 7

  • Drupal out of the box: let's make a community
  • drupaloob

  • Drupal out of the box: let's make a community
  • OOB

  • Drupal out of the box: let's make a community
  • out of box

  • Drupal out of the box: let's make a community
  • cake

  • Social media is…
  • archive

  • Flow-based organizations can grow an archive with microblogging
  • flow

  • Flow-based organizations can grow an archive with microblogging
  • radio

  • Flow-based organizations can grow an archive with microblogging
  • Flow-based organizations can grow an archive with microblogging
  • Friendfeed

  • Flow-based organizations can grow an archive with microblogging

  • Federated micro-blogging for Canadian startup networking?
  • Flow-based organizations can grow an archive with microblogging
  • microblog

  • Flow-based organizations can grow an archive with microblogging
  • Evan Prodromou

  • Flow-based organizations can grow an archive with microblogging
  • Open Micro Blogging

  • Flow-based organizations can grow an archive with microblogging
  • Leo Laporte

  • Flow-based organizations can grow an archive with microblogging
  • TWiT

  • Flow-based organizations can grow an archive with microblogging
  • archives

  • From the Drupal archives
  • Steven Peck

  • From the Drupal archives
  • Charlie Lowe

  • From the Drupal archives
  • homeless

  • Nameless homeless
  • startups

  • Federated micro-blogging for Canadian startup networking?
  • Crowdvine

  • Federated micro-blogging for Canadian startup networking?

  • Federated micro-blogging for Canadian startup networking?
  • federation

  • Federated micro-blogging for Canadian startup networking?
  • Events

  • Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit 2010
  • Grow Conference 2010
  • Drupalcon Copenhagen 2010
  • Cloud Camp Vancouver
  • BarCamp Vancouver 2009 wrapped
  • BarCamp (and EVERY conference) is what YOU make of it
  • Gnomedex 2009 - On First timers
  • Speaking

  • Speaking: Social Media for Social Change - Social Media Primer
  • Speaking
  • Press: CBC "Paid to Blog" segment regarding FTC blogger disclosure rules
  • Speaking: ACCT Canada 2009 Conference
  • Jolicloud -
  • Mobile

  • How to setup Gravity to post to your Flickr account
  • Tomi Ahonen: app stores are tiny compared to global telecom revenue
  • Associates

  • Associates
  • Associate

  • Rachael Ashe, Artist
  • Travis Smith, Hop Studios
  • Startup

  • Twitter Mentionmap by Asterisq
  • PostRank has some really great engagement analytics
  • Bandcamp has a business model
  • Tungle and Batchbook now integrated
  • Community

  • Conferences as Community Gathering
  • Committed to building Vancouver's startup community
  • Build more startups in Vancouver
  • Reinventing the wheel one directory at a time
  • Vancouver's Talent Are Like Raw Resources
  • How to Play Instagram
  • I want to vote with my dollars that the Vancouver tech community is important
  • What is an unconference?
  • On coworking: you cannot make a profit selling community
  • Publishing

  • Turning the corner on ebook buying
  • Announcement

  • We DO need another RSS Hero
  • Blogging

  • Harvesting knowledge
  • The Posts that You Don't Write
  • Node based static site generators
  • Octopress all the things
  • Focus on the extras on your site, rather than what platform it runs on
  • Struggles of an infovore that likes to share
  • Startups

  • Taking equity in startups as a consulting firm
  • Committed to building Vancouver's startup community
  • Stages of early stage tech investing
  • You Can't Outsource Product
  • Build more startups in Vancouver
  • Vancouver's Talent Are Like Raw Resources
  • Startup Riot Seattle 2012
  • Ship Your First Version (Fail Money)
  • Moving from selling services to selling product
  • I want to vote with my dollars that the Vancouver tech community is important
  • What Support / Feedback Service Should You Use For Your Small Company
  • What I'm obsessed about
  • Vancouver tech needs to wake up
  • Help startups by getting sh*t done (or get out of the way)
  • Open Data

  • Reinventing the wheel one directory at a time
  • Cataloging city neighbourhood assets - Love My Hood
  • Analysis

  • The Flickr Question
  • Calendaring & Meeting Tools
  • Reactions to Microsoft Surface
  • Mac OS X

  • Setting up OS X Mavericks with Homebrew, Cask, and rbenv
  • Setting up a new MacBook Air plus Lion
  • Blog

  • So, if all goes well, I am posting this from iA Writer
  • Upgraded to IndieKit Micropub Server, Feed Tweaks
  • Renting in the time of Pandemics
  • COVID-19: Personal Perspective
  • Laptop Choices
  • Tools for home cooking
  • Photo Backup for Geeks, iOS and S3 Revisited
  • The midlife crisis of the American restaurant review
  • From Flickr to Self-hosted Photos
  • Reply

  • Run your own Mastodon instance
  • Self-hosting doesn’t help more people self-publish
  • Web3

  • Flickr Exports in Jekyll
  • Akasha Cross-post: Planting the tag-flag for Vancouver, Bowen Island, and Canada
  • Commons

  • Running Moa Party as a public utility
  • Drop in Audio
  • Joining Social.Coop
  • Drupal Past Predictions
  • Model T IndieWeb
  • Run your own WebMentions
  • Ethereum Governance
  • Commons Based Peer Production
  • Blockchain & Open Source Definitions
  • Travel

  • Berlin Observations

  • Further Thoughts on the Fair Share Clause
  • Hello SPADE
  • Tools

  • CRM updates
  • Interview

  • ETHNews Email Interview about Security Token Standards
  • How

  • iPad Tools
  • To

  • iPad Tools
  • Founder Notes

  • Founder Notes, EhList Coffee Jan 2020 Vancouver
  • Founder Notes, Tam Kbeili at CodeCast
  • On This Day

  • Read/Write Web 17 years ago
  • On This Day: March 31st
  • On This Day: March 22nd
  • Second Brain

  • Back to Indiekit