Boris Mann

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Tiger iChat has Jabber support

  • Created: September 16, 2004
  • IM
  • Mac

James pointed me towards this post on AppleInsider when I asked about multi-network support in iChat:

In addition to supporting video conferencing with up to three people, the most recent builds of iChat 3.0 include support for Jabber's real-time communications software. The iChat implementation will let organizations host their own Jabber servers, allowing employees to use iChat privately and securely behind a local firewall. A new addition to the iChat setup assistant provides an interface for enabling Jabber support. AppleInsider: New Mac OS X Tiger builds reveal iChat Jabber support, parental controls

So, it looks like iChat will support Jabber. Which means, of course, that if you or your organization run a Jabber server with the proper gateway installed, you can appear online using several different networks -- MSN, Yahoo, etc. Not nearly as good as the single client support for all networks found in apps like Adium, but a step in the right direction.