Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.


Open source VoIP…works

I found Scott Laird today and saw that he had a pair of posts about Asterisk. Hist first post talks about what he wants out of his home phone and how he implemented the functionality:

I've always wanted a home phone that doesn't suck. I like the things that my cell phone gets right: it syncs my list of phone numbers from my computer. It tracks my recent calls, and makes it easy to redial off of the list. It does a decent job with caller-id, and even does a nice job with call waiting. Unfortunately, it's also too small to be comfortable for long-term use, too expensive if I over-run my monthly minute allotment, and has lousy service inside of my house. Asterisk, here we go

Scott's next post details what Asterisk is doing for him and how well it works, as well as a good wishlist of extra features.

My prediction: VoIP appliances built around open source solutions like this will become the norm, especially ones that include an analog connection as well as VoIP options. And this, of course, can only be accomplished by CPE.