Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.


RobotRadio - automated streaming web (and satellite radio) talk show, with synthesized voices (bot jocks) reading the news from RSS/blog feeds and occasionally, PD or Open Source text (i.e., Gutenberg) - "the talk of the Internet." "Caller" comments entered via web form and read by robots and/or listener phone calls digitzed and stored. Sponsors submit text for robots and/or audio. Audio extra. Robot jocks do intros, outros, narrations... Random Bytes :: OpenRadio

Technically this is a quoted-quote, but Ross pulled it out of one of the PDFs (I think). And to think all that UV was thinking about was setting up some micro-FM transmitters with "backhaul" streaming over the Internet...