Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.


WestWorld Computers on Broadway in Vancouver

So we just moved. And we're actually all set up at the new place. Shaw came just when they said they would (10am when they said between 8am and 12noon).

My Mac, the e-smith server, and the VoIP phone all got moved over to the new place today. And I managed to leave the iMac power cable behind. And I had work that I had to do tonight.

Luckily, WestWorld has a location just around the corner, on Broadway between Hemlock and Birch. I figured I could go borrow one until I got mine.

Read on, gentle reader, for the full tale.

So I rush into WestWorld, about 30min before closing. There were perhaps two customers browsing, and a handful of staff. The one closest to the door, looked at my wild-eyed appearance, and asked if he could help me.

I explained that I needed an iMac flat-panel power cord. He walked me over to service. I explained I only needed to borrow it until tomorrow morning, but the service tech said he could only order me one. I asked again if there wasn't even one cord that I could borrow until morning, and the service tech instructed the salesperson to go ask the manager.

The salesperson went to ask the manager, who was on the phone. I wandered around the store, browsing. The salesperson came back up to me and said that the manager had said no. I asked him to point out the manager. He was currently with a customer, so I waited until he was done.

I again explained my need for a power cord temporarily. He proceeded to tell me that they were proprietary. "Yes, I know," which is why I needed to borrow one until morning, when I can get the one I left behind when moving. I mentioned that they were about to close, and didn't open again until the morning, so couldn't I just borrow one until they opened?

The sales manager relented, and had me fill out a rental form, charged me $5 (plus GST), copied down my credit card number, and sent me on my way, again with an admonishment to be back by 9am.

I kept my cool during the whole ordeal, but I really didn't feel like I was welcome in the store. No one was forthcoming or really gave me the feeling that they wanted to help. If this is the state of independent Mac retailing in Canada...well, let's just say that I'll likely be trying Simply Computing or the Apple online store when I'm shopping for my new PowerBook.

We'll see how the return of the cord goes tomorrow morning.

Update: Well, nothing dramatic. I didn't make a big scene or anything, I just returned the cord. But, interesting to note, it was shortly after 9am and the store wasn't really open and ready to recieve customers.