Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.


RSS, OPML, and Pirate Weather

Dave Winer pointed out some interesting implementations of OPML and US weather forecasts:

RSS Weather has OPML files for every state. Here's the one for Wisconsin, and here's what that data looks like in an OPML directory. Scripting News: RSS Weather has OPML files for...

I'm still highly ranked in Google for the phrase because of some previous notes on the subject: RSS Weather. No one has implemented what I thought would actually be interesting at the time:

An extra-cool feature would be supporting TrackBacks/referrers so that you could see the comments/blog entries that people were making about the weather -- certainly something that people in Canada are likely to do.

Of course, what actually prompted this post was an email from Rob at Pirate Weather. Yes, pirate weather. They've taken weather in RSS a step further -- you can actually subscribe to a podcast weather forecast for your zipcode.
