Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.


Speak at Northern Voice 2006

No, really, we want people talking. Northern Voice 2006 is pretty much right around the corner. The official deadline is tomorrow* next week, Wednesday, Nov. 16th. So apply as a speaker. Remember, this is a very "open tent", not necessarily über techie conference. Come and share stories with us in Vancouver. It's going to be the same shareable size -- about 250 people give or take, except that day 1 is Moose Camp -- an open day for special interest groups or just old friends to take over the space. This is not a complete unconference -- maybe you want to organize a mini conference of 10 or 20 people that are all interested in the same subject. Head over to the wiki and self organize (and let us know, and we'll help make sure the word gets out).

I may actually extend this conference and try and gather people together for the week preceding Moose Camp/Northern Voice -- a gathering of open source CMS/Blogging tools to talk about cross platform issues and working more closely together on standards and interoperability. Watch this space for more info (think Vancouver/Whistler in February: how could you NOT want to come?). At the very least, there will likely be a DrupalCon Vancouver 2006. Moose Camp will be the culmination of this event, hopefully as fun as the BarCamp Amsterdam event I attended at Mediamatic. What can I say, I might just be addicted to these things...

(Yes, Julie, that does mean you -- don't even think about NOT submitting something! or maybe Ted wants to try something a little less like his usual techie stuff?)

So, any EduBloggers? Knitting Bloggers? Food Bloggers? From journalists to home makers to gardeners to people just telling stories, we want speakers that have things to share. It's a wide audience, from lots of local Vancouverites wanting to find out more to lots of top bloggers and techies from around the world. 

*Just me living in the future again, I guess