Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.


Andy Smith at the Stud in San Francisco Schmap

Andy at the Stud Bar

Schmap puts together digital travel guides in website and downloadable form. They also happen to use Flickr as one of their main sources to get pictures for various items in their guides. I travel a far bit, and I have a lot of pictures on Flickr, so I've got lots of requests for various photos to be included.

One of my recent pictures that got selected as part of the San Francisco city guide was Andy Smith standing under The Stud sign. Now, the Stud happens to be "one of The City's most renowned gay clubs" and Andy Smith actually is a stud, so it was a good match :P

Andy currently lives way over in Amsterdam. He hasn't been doing the blog thing much, because he's been busy adding coolness to Jaiku. His most recent entry, Three Ways to Make Your Developers Like You More, is a good read for anyone that works with developers.

Hi, Andy, I am hoping I will be seeink you soonish, and also the lovely Nadya. Maybe Barcelona in September? Cheers!