Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.


Free Software, FOSDEM attendance


FSF Associate Member 4161

I just joined the Free Software Foundation as an Associate. It's $120/year, or $60/year if you're a full time student. The OSCMS Summit is next Tuesday, and I will be attending FOSDEM.

As well, I've really enjoyed my efforts here in Vancouver, working with organizations like Leading Edge BC to explain and promote open source locally. And, of course, Zak Greant (of many free-and-open connections, as well as now regional director of North America for eZ), who was the direct inspiration for my FSF membership. And ActiveState. And Enfold Systems. Gee...lots of cool, innovative open source stuff going on here in Vancouver! This is a Good Thing™.

While at FOSDEM, I'll be participating in the (light) Drupal representation, as well as hanging out in the Jabber dev room. RalphM was just running past scheduling with me -- I'll likely heckle him during the Intro to Jabber sessions and mutter "XMPP is more than IM" a lot. I hope to have some more direct involvement/impact on the Jabber/XMPP community this year. In the meantime, my 2006 blessing of XMPP continues to rile Erlang programmers worldwide. Did I mention I love Erlang?

I'll try and post some other FOSDEM sessions I am likely to attend. Please leave a comment if you are also going to be attending FOSDEM and would like to meet up. I'll likely be in Brussels from at least the evening of February 24th to the day of the 27th.