Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.



I speak & lecture at a variety of conferences and events. If you are interested in having me speak or put together a custom training session, lecture, or workshop, please contact me.

Here is a sample of some of the topics that I generally speak on:

  • Open source: the whats & whys, building community, community ROI, open source and business
  • Open data: the whats & whys, licensing (this is an emerging space, but one I am increasingly passionate about)
  • Drupal: community guide, use Drupal modules, architecture & best practices
  • Web strategy: we used to call it blogging, now it's called social media - what pieces of emerging technology are affecting your business? what tools can you use? what new social norms are being built and discovered?
  • Entrepreneurship: web startups: building knowledge worker skills, ecosystems, role of universities & academics

See the links below for a selection of past speaking events.