Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.



I spent the weekend at Birkenhead Provincial Park. It was sunny, it rained, we cooked nachos on the fire and toasted bacon on sticks. We drank some wine and some beer, and spent an evening play Hearts and Euchre. In all, an excellent camping weekend, thanks to Duane, Dori, and Dustin.

No photos from me, since my camera is still in Duane's car. So, photo above by Duane Storey, more from me later. Including a video-multimedia extravaganza!

Back? I ended up taking a leave of absence from work last week due to some, shall we say, major upheaval in my personal life. Yes, I'm fine, thanks for asking, feel free to email me if you'd like to chat further.

I wasn't at Gnomedex and unfortunately had to put my involvement with some major projects at work on hold. I'm going to slowly work my way back into things this coming week.

Aside from life, the universe, and everything, I've been thinking about GPS and geolocation, getting more involved with Free Geek Vancouver (to help kickstart a free wifi revolution in Vancouver, of course), and getting down to some serious cooking with friends.

More soon. Thanks.