Boris Mann

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Jim Kohlenberger: Anyone in their garage can now be a telephone company for the entire planet

  • Created: March 28, 2004
  • VoIP
Anyone in their garage can now be a telephone company for the entire planet. In shopping e-commerce you can get a voice rep. You can do online voice conferences. Included in game boxes and game consoles where kids use VoIP to communicate. Used in instant messaging. Star-trek type communicators are now used in Hospitals (Wi-fi based). All sorts of other things. Skype. Free World Dialup. Metcalf’s law: value of Internet goes up as you can talk to more people. New companies are broadband VoIP providers. Vonage, 8x8, etc. Plug in a regular phone to IP network and make calls. All types of new services are possible. Right now they look like regular telephones because that is what we expect. Many things are possible in the future. Question is how do we get there? How do we allow them to flourish so these new services can be made possible? Jim Kohlenberger (works with VON Coalition and Benton), transcribed by Smart Cog or Pondering Aloud: ICC Update - VoIP