As of yesterday, January 15th, 2008, the Drupal Association had its first General Assembly. The Board of Directors (aside from the President and Treasurer -- these are two year positions) was dissolved and 11 new Permanent Members were elected from a slate of almost 60 applications. The combined set of now 25 Permanent Members then elected new Board Members -- see the Association staff page for details.
This is a good thing.
I'm looking forward to seeing how this new, larger Association evolves and settles into a working relationship. I fully expect the amount of work to expand to fill everyone's time :P
My main piece of feedback for all applicants and community members is that being a Permanent Member just means more work. There is nothing blocking you from contributing -- especially in "non code" ways -- today. is an easy, friendly place to start posting ideas and asking for feedback, and the Drupal Marketing group in particular needs more participants.
And Dries, in his usual sneaky way, managed to coordinate things so that the second year of the Drupal Association also marks Drupal's 7th birthday. Happy birthday, Drupal, and congratulations to all the new members of the Association. As always, Drupal World Domination :P