Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.


Business 2.0: Is TiVo NeXT?

I’m all in favour of Steve Jobs going on a shopping trip and picking up TiVo.

So it’s time for Apple to step in. Steve Jobs is the only man in techland who can stand up to the content companies on his own terms. Not only does he understand the entertainment industry – his other company, Pixar, is a Hollywood hit machine – but he also deeply understands the consumer. Apple’s “Rip. Mix. Burn.” approach has captured the essence of how consumers feel about music: It’s theirs.
Full article at Business 2.0

I’ve always lusted after a TiVo device. I keep thinking I’ll build some sort of multimedia-PC that will do everything when hooked up to the TV, but in reality I’d rather just pay $500 and get an appliance that does it, and does it right. All I ask is a network connection so that I can share content – and storage – around the house.