Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.


Simply Jekyll

Highly customized JekyllJekyll
Set env variable PAGES_REPO_NWO to build on Netlify
Set the environment variable PAGES_REPO_NWO to a repo such as spadebuilders/EIPs if you want to have Jekyll sites build on Netlify.
Posts by Year

{% for post in site.posts %}
{% capture current_year %}{{ | date: "%Y" }}{% endcapture %}
{% if current_year != previous_year %}
{% unless forloop.first %}
{% endunless %}
<h2>{{ current_year }}</h2>
{% assign...
template that supports both posts and custom notes, with everything able to be linked together with backlinks and other features.

Found via @bopuc on Tonā€™s post.

By Raghuveer S, @raghuveerdotnet on Github.

Preview / example, available on Github

Tutorial How to setup Simply JekyllHow to setup Simply Jekyll
Pretty standard Jekyll setup for [[Simply Jekyll]] on Netlify.
, which is basically clone the repo, connect to Netlify.

Raghu notes that it is inspired by Digital Garden Jekyll TemplateDigital Garden Jekyll Template
This site started with this [[Jekyll]] template, created by [[Maxime Vaillancourt]]. The [[Colophon]] has more details about how it has evolved.
Below, the contents of the original ā€œYour first seedā€ note, which I deleted along with cats and consistency:

This is your first note. Youā€™ll find it in the notes/ directory.
Link syntax
To link to another note, you can use regular Markdown syntax for links, with a relative link to the other note, like this: this is a link to a note about ca...

Iā€™ve kept some of the sample content here:

  • Introduction to Simply JekyllIntroduction to Simply Jekyll
    [[Simply Jekyll]] is a highly functional jekyll-based theme that combines the best of different worlds (atleast tries to šŸ˜…). It is a minimal and distraction free theme that strives to provide maximum value all without holding back on any essential features that a user would benefit from or would desire for. This is an evolving project and is garanteed to be maintained at least for quite some time as I myself am a beneficiary of this theme and the project.
    The theme provides a rich set of feat...
  • Exploring the features of Simply JekyllExploring the features of Simply Jekyll
    Essentiality is the heart of any good software, and this theme is designed to ensure that I donā€™t add things that I wonā€™t use on a daily basis or not have things that would be important for my personal usecase. It has been designed carefully to get rid of all the feature creeps, bloatwares, etc. i.e., no bootstrap, no semantic, no jquery, no nothingā€¦
    That said, this is a ready made theme and I am making it public so that more number of people will use it and enjoy the experience of using it....
  • How to use Simply Jekyll features on your websiteHow to use Simply Jekyll features on your website
    Welcome to this feature usage tour. This is going to be another short post that describes how to use all the fancy features we saw in [[Exploring the features of Simply Jekyll]]. So without further ado, letā€™s get started.
    The default features
    All the default jekyll markdown features are made available such that they donā€™t cause any conflict with the custom features that we have implemented. To see how to the raw markdown gets generated, go to the [[Test page to see how the raw markdown is ren...

For less technical users, I have the beginnings of a Simply Jekyll TemplateSimply Jekyll Template
Right now, itā€™s just my fork of the [[Simply Jekyll]] theme [[bmann/simply-jekyll::]].
Iā€™ve done an initial setup of [[Forestry]] with it, and have it building to [[Netlify]]. My plan is to turn it into a Github template repository1, to make it very simple for people to run.
The theme itself is a bit too complicated and custom, so consider this an experiment.
After talking to @Flancian, reworking this template ā€“ and renaming it ā€“ so that it can be made t...