Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.


Moa Party

Links your MastodonMastodon
Mastodon is an open source federated micro-blogging platform.
The Mastodon documentation site covers what a microblog and federation are:

Similar to how blogging is the act of publishing updates to a website, microblogging is the act of publishing small updates to a stream of updates on your profile. You can publish text posts and optionally attach media such as pictures, audio, video, or polls. Mastodon lets you follow friends and discover new ones.
account to Twitter to enable cross-posting in both directions.

@flancian, @vera and I have formed a squad under the FedStoaFedStoa
Federated or Fediverse Stoa. A @Flancian [[Agora]] related term. Currently being used as the joint meta project group name for code on GitLab for [[Anagora]] and Moa PartyMoa Party
Links your [[Mastodon]] account to [[Twitter]] to enable cross-posting in both directions.
@flancian, @vera and I have formed a squad under the [[FedStoa]] to run Moa as a public utility. The home base for this is now on Gitlab at The issue queue in that repo is where TODOs are actively being tracked.
The website is the status / news / docs website for the project, with the source code and build on Gitlab under the [[FedStoa]] group.
The Matrix cha...
related code.
to run Moa as a public utility. The home base for this is now on Gitlab at The issue queue in that repo is where TODOs are actively being tracked.

The website is the status / news / docs website for the project, with the source code and build on Gitlab under the FedStoaFedStoa
Federated or Fediverse Stoa. A @Flancian [[Agora]] related term. Currently being used as the joint meta project group name for code on GitLab for [[Anagora]] and Moa PartyMoa Party
Links your [[Mastodon]] account to [[Twitter]] to enable cross-posting in both directions.
@flancian, @vera and I have formed a squad under the [[FedStoa]] to run Moa as a public utility. The home base for this is now on Gitlab at The issue queue in that repo is where TODOs are actively being tracked.
The website is the status / news / docs website for the project, with the source code and build on Gitlab under the [[FedStoa]] group.
The Matrix cha...
related code.

The Matrix channel is where chat discussion is happening. Add #moaparty to your Twitter, Instagram, or Mastodon posts, or the Moa PartyMoa Party
Links your [[Mastodon]] account to [[Twitter]] to enable cross-posting in both directions.
@flancian, @vera and I have formed a squad under the [[FedStoa]] to run Moa as a public utility. The home base for this is now on Gitlab at The issue queue in that repo is where TODOs are actively being tracked.
The website is the status / news / docs website for the project, with the source code and build on Gitlab under the [[FedStoa]] group.
The Matrix cha...


  • Git Siphon for Moa PartyGit Siphon for Moa Party
    This is a feature write up for [[Moa Party]].
    My [[agora]] is stored in Git as a series of Markdown files, and I have some process for adding, editing, and publishing those notes. The [[Anagora]] server automatically ingests and publishes my agora directly from a Git interface.
    A [[siphon]] is a way of ingesting content into an agora. By using git directly, anything that can post to git can be ingested.
    Since Moa Party already supports Twitter and Mastodon cross posting, it is also a good can...
  • Roam Siphon for Moa Party
  • Micropub endpoint for Moa Party

Originally created by James Moore, a Python / Flask app and open source under an MIT LicenseMIT License
The MIT License is a [[Permissive License]].

As of September 2020, Instagram cross posting is disabled because of changes in the Instagram API. Likely same reason that OwnYourGram doesn’t really work anymore.