Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.



  • Last Edit: February 14, 2021

Historically, a Colophon was “a statement at the end of a book, typically with a printer’s emblem, giving information about its authorship and printing” (via Google Dictionary).

So, I keep notes on what software and other tools I use, in part as notes to myself.

My Blog ColophonBlog Colophon
It’s archives all the way down! This is archive version of how I’ve run my blog over the years. The [[Colophon]] page covers “this” site, which is sort of a superset archive. The plan is I’ll keep it active from now on in this Digital Notes Garden format.
July 2020 - current
The long(er) form content from the (original) has all been imported here.
I swapped that blog domain to [[]], and that’s where I post photos and short content, and sort of more non tech ...
documents software & changes all the way to 2001.

This site was last built: November 26, 2022


Simply JekyllSimply Jekyll
Highly customized JekyllJekyll
Set env variable PAGES_REPO_NWO to build on [[Netlify]]
Set the environment variable PAGES_REPO_NWO to a repo such as spadebuilders/EIPs if you want to have Jekyll sites build on Netlify.
Posts by Year

{% for post in site.posts %}
{% capture current_year %}{{ | date: "%Y" }}{% endcapture %}
{% if current_year != previous_year %}
{% unless forloop.first %}
{% endunless %}
<h2>{{ current_year }}</h2>
{% assign...
template that supports both posts and custom notes, with everything able to be linked together with [[backlinks]] and other features.
Found via @bopuc on Ton’s post.

By Raghuveer S, [[@raghuveerdotnet on Github::]].
Preview / example, available on Github
Tutorial [[How to setup Simply Jekyll]], which is basically clone the repo, connect to [[Netl...
theme for Jekyll. If you want to run it yourself, I’ve got some public work around this with the Simply Jekyll TemplateSimply Jekyll Template
Right now, it’s just my fork of the [[Simply Jekyll]] theme [[bmann/simply-jekyll::]].
I’ve done an initial setup of [[Forestry]] with it, and have it building to [[Netlify]]. My plan is to turn it into a Github template repository1, to make it very simple for people to run.
The theme itself is a bit too complicated and custom, so consider this an experiment.
After talking to @Flancian, reworking this template – and renaming it – so that it can be made t...

Using VSCode on my desktop to edit.Ăź

Hosting on FissionFission
Fission is the company I founded in June [[2019]] with [[Brooklyn Zelenka]].
twitter @fissioncodes
[[Discord]] chat
[[Discourse]] forum

. Cloudflare is powering the DNS and using Cloudflare IPFS GatewayCloudflare IPFS Gateway
Cloudflare has a Distributed Web Gateway page that covers both IPFSIPFS
InterPlanetary File System
Originally created by [[Juan Benet]] who founded [[Protocol Labs]], which continues to improve IPFS and related protocols such as [[libp2p]] and [[IPLD]], as well as the [[Filecoin]] blockchain.
and [[Ethereum]].
Here is the extreme TLDR of using their IPFS gateway (if you already have your DNS hosted with Cloudflare):

Create a CNAME for your website that points to – in my case for my root domain,
Create a TXT record at
Enter in dnslink=/ipns/ – from the FissionFission
Fission is the company I founded in June [[2019]] with [[Brooklyn Zelenka]].
twitter @fissioncodes
[[Discord]] chat
[[Discourse]] forum

Guide on controlling your own DNS

Unfortunately, Cloudf...

Source code is public on Github at bmann/bmcgarden. Connecting to the AgoraConnecting to the Agora
This will document how this site gets connected to @Flancian’s [[Anagora]] at the git repo level.
As of [[January 24th, 2021]], @flancian connected the bmann/bmcgarden git repo into the [[Agora]].
I agree to the contract of the agora. I may create a [[Contract]] of my own in the future.
as of jan 24th, 2021.

Changed fission app from to and updating Cloudflare.

Switched over Notes and Links pages to use modified. Added Git Links to the Links page. Disabled the jekyll last_modified plugin, which never seemed to work in any case.


  • More work on Feeds and modified vs date

To Do

  • Add the link and git fields to the body in the Recent Links feed
  • Look at side / margin notes and just use footnotes everywhere, possibly using BigfootJSBigfootJS
    A jQuery plugin for empowering footnotes.

    Bigfoot is a jQuery plugin that creates exceptional footnotes. Simply include the code on your pages and footnotes will be detected automatically and improved in the following ways:

    Links to footnotes will be replaced with clickable/ tappable buttons, making them substantially easier to hit.

    Footnote content will appear in a popover directly beside the footnote button when it is clicked/ tapped, which cuts out the annoying bouncing around the pag...


bmannconsulting garden & gazebo (Sept 2020)

Well, WikiJS didn’t last long. The public site is back to running JekyllJekyll
Set env variable PAGES_REPO_NWO to build on [[Netlify]]
Set the environment variable PAGES_REPO_NWO to a repo such as spadebuilders/EIPs if you want to have Jekyll sites build on Netlify.
Posts by Year

{% for post in site.posts %}
{% capture current_year %}{{ | date: "%Y" }}{% endcapture %}
{% if current_year != previous_year %}
{% unless forloop.first %}
{% endunless %}
<h2>{{ current_year }}</h2>
{% assign...
, starting from the Digital Garden Jekyll TemplateDigital Garden Jekyll Template
This site started with this JekyllJekyll
Set env variable PAGES_REPO_NWO to build on [[Netlify]]
Set the environment variable PAGES_REPO_NWO to a repo such as spadebuilders/EIPs if you want to have Jekyll sites build on Netlify.
Posts by Year

{% for post in site.posts %}
{% capture current_year %}{{ | date: "%Y" }}{% endcapture %}
{% if current_year != previous_year %}
{% unless forloop.first %}
{% endunless %}
<h2>{{ current_year }}</h2>
{% assign...
template, created by [[Maxime Vaillancourt]]. The [[Colophon]] has more details about how it has evolved.
Below, the contents of the original “Your first seed” note, which I deleted along with cats and consistency:

This is your first note. You’ll find it in the notes/ directory.
Link syntax
To link to another note, you can use regular Markdown syntax for links, with a relative link to the other note, like this: this is a link to a note about ca...
and its custom BacklinksBacklinks
Are backlinks a feature or a product?

The public site is the “garden”, which is in a public folder inside the “gazebo”, where I can keep private notes. Stored in a private Github repo.

Since I have my DNS on Cloudflare, ended up using the Cloudflare IPFS GatewayCloudflare IPFS Gateway
Cloudflare has a Distributed Web Gateway page that covers both IPFSIPFS
InterPlanetary File System
Originally created by [[Juan Benet]] who founded [[Protocol Labs]], which continues to improve IPFS and related protocols such as [[libp2p]] and [[IPLD]], as well as the [[Filecoin]] blockchain.
and [[Ethereum]].
Here is the extreme TLDR of using their IPFS gateway (if you already have your DNS hosted with Cloudflare):

Create a CNAME for your website that points to – in my case for my root domain,
Create a TXT record at
Enter in dnslink=/ipns/ – from the FissionFission
Fission is the company I founded in June [[2019]] with [[Brooklyn Zelenka]].
twitter @fissioncodes
[[Discord]] chat
[[Discourse]] forum

Guide on controlling your own DNS

Unfortunately, Cloudf...
to link my site up to where it is hosted on the FissionFission
Fission is the company I founded in June [[2019]] with [[Brooklyn Zelenka]].
twitter @fissioncodes
[[Discord]] chat
[[Discourse]] forum

platform. Which means the whole thing is on IPFSIPFS
InterPlanetary File System
Originally created by [[Juan Benet]] who founded [[Protocol Labs]], which continues to improve IPFS and related protocols such as [[libp2p]] and [[IPLD]], as well as the [[Filecoin]] blockchain.
. You can browse the archive 2020 folder to see the bare IPFS directories underneath.

I build the site locally and then publish to Fission.

The Garden and the GazeboGarden and the Gazebo
My current setup for this site I’m calling the Garden and the Gazebo.1
The Garden is what you’re looking at and browsing: inter-linked notes, the portion of my [[Second Brain]] that I keep public.
The Gazebo is where I keep my private notes. A day-to-day [[Worklog]], TODOs, notes from meetings, and various notes to self.
I haven’t used my root bmannconsulting domain for things for a while. The ArchiveArchive
has 12 years of lightly pruned blog posts. I ran a separate wiki for a while, mos...
has a write up about the setup and the thinking behind what, why, and how.

bmann wiki, WikiJS (May 2020)

As of May 2020:

  • Did some research on Markdown-based flat file / git wikis, thinking about integrating with my blog
  • After looking at the options, keeping the wiki separate and keeping it as WikiJS still makes sense; this was originaly (which now redirects here) and the bulk of it was food / travel stuff aka Duck Ramen WikiDuck Ramen Wiki
    Some of this content is from what I called the Duck Ramen Wiki, because I set it up right around the time we went on a trip to Victoria and I made duck ramen).
    I put food, travel, and related type stuff on the [[AllTheBestRecipes]] site now.
  • Imported the JekyllJekyll
    Set env variable PAGES_REPO_NWO to build on [[Netlify]]
    Set the environment variable PAGES_REPO_NWO to a repo such as spadebuilders/EIPs if you want to have Jekyll sites build on Netlify.
    Posts by Year

    {% for post in site.posts %}
    {% capture current_year %}{{ | date: "%Y" }}{% endcapture %}
    {% if current_year != previous_year %}
    {% unless forloop.first %}
    {% endunless %}
    <h2>{{ current_year }}</h2>
    {% assign...
    -based blog that was at into the ArchiveArchive
    including bringing in some trimmed and posterous-era stuff back online

Still a WIP, and will write up a blog post once things have settled WikiJS (Aug 2018)

As of August 6th, 2018:

  • Running on WikiJSWikiJS
    [[Wiki]] software built on [[NodeJS]]. Has great [[Deploy To Heroku]] support

    Home page
    OpenCollective Donations
    Deploy via Heroku

    An open source, modern and powerful wiki app built on Node.js, Git and Markdown. Can be maintained through a git repo (public or private, Github, Gitlab, etc) with standard git commits, as well as allowing edits through the front...
  • Hosted on HerokuHeroku
    Heroku CLI
    Heroku Teams – it used to be awkward to “share” deployments, or have a fake company user that owned it; teams are free for up to 5 members, then $10 per month for more. Also no free dynos for teams.
    I have been using Heroku for many many years. Heroku was [[serverless]] (and containers) before either term existed. I have helped get a variety of open source software running on Heroku ...
    , initially installed using the Heroku deployment
  • Git is stored in a private Gitlab repo Tiddlywiki (Nov 2016)

  • TiddlyWiki, on or around 5.1.13.
  • Running on Google AppEngine using Russ Cox’s tiddly Go server at
  • The Favicon is a bowl of Duck Ramen made in Victoria during a Nov 2016 visit: Duck Ramen WikiDuck Ramen Wiki
    Some of this content is from what I called the Duck Ramen Wiki, because I set it up right around the time we went on a trip to Victoria and I made duck ramen).
    I put food, travel, and related type stuff on the [[AllTheBestRecipes]] site now.