Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.



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Federated or Fediverse Stoa. A @Flancian AgoraAgora
Welcome to [[boris mann]]’s section of the agora!
We’re experimenting with [[Connecting to the Agora]], and what some of the configurations and conventions are. The AnagoraAnagora
An [[Agora]] implementation by @Flancian.
The concept is to have nodes / notes where people maintain their own digital notes garden like I do here, but then pull them in and link them through their public git repos. Aka a “distributed knowledge graph”.
The [[Agora Plan]]1 page has more details. It is written in [[Python]] / Flask and is open source under the [[Apache2 License]].

This site is [[Connecting to the Agora]] as of January 24th, 2021

Features and Documentation
page has my notes and feature requests.
related term. Currently being used as the joint meta project group name for code on GitLab for AnagoraAnagora
An [[Agora]] implementation by @Flancian.
The concept is to have nodes / notes where people maintain their own digital notes garden like I do here, but then pull them in and link them through their public git repos. Aka a “distributed knowledge graph”.
The [[Agora Plan]]1 page has more details. It is written in [[Python]] / Flask and is open source under the [[Apache2 License]].

This site is [[Connecting to the Agora]] as of January 24th, 2021

Features and Documentation
and Moa PartyMoa Party
Links your [[Mastodon]] account to [[Twitter]] to enable cross-posting in both directions.
@flancian, @vera and I have formed a squad under the [[FedStoa]] to run Moa as a public utility. The home base for this is now on Gitlab at The issue queue in that repo is where TODOs are actively being tracked.
The website is the status / news / docs website for the project, with the source code and build on Gitlab under the [[FedStoa]] group.
The Matrix cha...
related code.
