Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.



  • Last Edit:

See also: WorklogWorklog
Daily and/or weekly notes, often quite detailed, of what you’re doing.
This can be part of a [[Second Brain]], or just a basic log to keep you on track.
Especially for people that are doing a lot of tasks, often many of them small and with context switching, it can be hard to get to the end of a day and feel like you really haven’t accomplished anything.
I’m experimenting with a [[Yearlog]] since I’ve got 20 years of content to play with :)
. And a Yearlog seems awfully big, perhaps a Monthlog is a good place to start.


Feb 29th: Leap Day – Rachael and I take a long weekend trip to Tofino, and come back early March into lock down.

COVID19, the Year of the Pandemic

Year of the Earth Pig
[[Oct 2019]]
[[ETC Summit]], [[Presentation - A new open source deal for Web3]]
[[July 2019]]
Day trip to Nanaimo hosted at [[Input Cowork]], on the FissionFission
Fission is the company I founded in June [[2019]] with Brooklyn Zelenka.
twitter @fissioncodes
[[Discord]] chat
[[Discourse]] forum

blog: Coworking in Nanaimo + Input Cowork Nanaimo Tech Meetup

In August, host Berlin Open Source Salon.

In June, founded FissionFission
Fission is the company I founded in June [[2019]] with Brooklyn Zelenka.
twitter @fissioncodes
[[Discord]] chat
[[Discourse]] forum



Back to San Francisco to wrap up Tachyon.

Prague for EthDevcon4 and Ethereum Magicians.

Two weeks in San Francisco for Tachyon.

SPADE founded with Brooklyn Zelenka, as part of grant from Tachyon.

August move to WikiJSWikiJS
[[Wiki]] software built on [[NodeJS]]. Has great [[Deploy To Heroku]] support

Home page
OpenCollective Donations
Deploy via Heroku

An open source, modern and powerful wiki app built on Node.js, Git and Markdown. Can be maintained through a git repo (public or private, Github, Gitlab, etc) with standard git commits, as well as allowing edits through the front...
. ColophonColophon
Historically, a Colophon was “a statement at the end of a book, typically with a printer’s emblem, giving information about its authorship and printing” (via Google Dictionary).
So, I keep notes on what software and other tools I use, in part as notes to myself.
My [[Blog Colophon]] documents software & changes all the way to 2001.
[[This site was last built: November 26, 2022::lmn]]
[[Simply Jekyll]] theme for Jekyll. If you want to run it yourself, I’ve got some public work arou...

EthMagicians Berlin Summit

Berlin Sabbatical for the summer.

Dive deeper into Ethereum. Toronto WalletConfWalletConf
aka Web3 UX Unconference
May [[2018]] in [[Toronto]] alongside [[EDCon]].
I attended and as part of it joined the [[EthMagicians]] and helped write up the conference notes.
I should probably import my WalletConf tweetstorm here to this page, I’ll start by embedding ThreadReaderApp:
Thread by @bmann: "Getting started with -- UX discussions around wallets and crypto broadly. First up, @tomcreighton kicking off. Where does UX com […]" #walletconf #erc780 #erc1056 #buidl
, I join Ethereum Magicians.

I move on from Finhaven.

Rose Manor flood.

Frontier becomes Finhaven.


Founded Frontier Foundry in May, originally as a Venture Studio.


Nov 11th long weekend trip to Victoria, Duck Ramen WikiDuck Ramen Wiki
Some of this content is from what I called the Duck Ramen Wiki, because I set it up right around the time we went on a trip to Victoria and I made duck ramen).
I put food, travel, and related type stuff on the [[AllTheBestRecipes]] site now.
is born. ColophonColophon
Historically, a Colophon was “a statement at the end of a book, typically with a printer’s emblem, giving information about its authorship and printing” (via Google Dictionary).
So, I keep notes on what software and other tools I use, in part as notes to myself.
My [[Blog Colophon]] documents software & changes all the way to 2001.
[[This site was last built: November 26, 2022::lmn]]
[[Simply Jekyll]] theme for Jekyll. If you want to run it yourself, I’ve got some public work arou...

September trip to Kampala, Uganda to help out with Ensibuuko.

Feb 29th Leap Day

January Presentation - What Investors WantPresentation - What Investors Want
Presented [[Jan 2016]] at Quest University to [[Gal Smolar]]’s class.
On Speakerdeck:

to Quest U


Turned 40 in February. Whole roast pig, of course.

Founded HUMAN with Ryan and Kharis.



Founded Full Stack with Lance.


Feb 29th:



Post: Joining iQmetrixJoining iQmetrix

Let’s get straight to the meat of this post: I accepted an offer letter earlier this week, and as of September 1st, I’ll be joining the team at iQmetrix.
Now, most of you won’t have heard of iQmetrix. I think they’re going to be known as a great Canadian success story. Here’s a bit of background about the organization.
The company is privately held, around 10 years old, and started in Regina, Saskatchewan. They scratched their own itch at – a wireless retailer AKA store that sells ce...

Moved into Rose Manor from 10th & Birch.



Feb 29th:


Founded Bootup.

Bryght folded into Raincity Studios.



Turned 30 in February.

Launch Bryght Drupal hosting service.


Founded Bryght.

Work on UrbanVancouver with Roland and Richard.

Meet Lance.


Moved back to VancouverVancouver
The city where I live. I’m in East Van[[ East Van cross by @pixeldan::lmn]].
[[AllTheBestRecipes]] is where I document food and other local stuff.
Check the linked references below.
from Ottawa.

Joined DrupalDrupal

I now have a CVS account with write access to the Drupal tree. I'm going to be making some changes, starting by going through modules and ripping out any hard-coded styles and moving them into a separate stylesheet.
developer mailing list.



Consulting as Phenomenal Solutions – worst company name ever :)

Laid off from Nortel.

Sept. 11 attacks.


Finished all my classes at UVIC at the end of 1999. Moved to Ottawa the first week of 2000, started working at Nortel.