Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.


Pitch Deck Resources

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Startup and small business operations and efficiency
“Startup” is this weird phrase that means lots of different things. For me, one of the things that it means is really internalizing a couple of different concepts.
One is the [[Lean Startup]], which has lots of baggage associated with it today, but at its core there is the Build - Measure - Learn loop.
You start with a hypothesis (another key concept), like “adding an ecommerce channel will lead to more sales”, and then you build the minima...
funding pitch deck resources

Venture ScoutsVenture Scouts
Growing the next generation of founders and funders in [[Canada]]
One of my current [[Projects]]. There is a [[Discourse]] forum at which anyone can join.
There are a variety of members-only groups on the site as well, including Pitch Deck Review.
To Do

[[TODO]] Kick off peer mentoring: get members to post a peer profile with the topics that they’re interested in providing peer mentorship on, as well as how to get in touch / book some time (e.g. [[Calendly]] link)
has this posted in the forum.

These are some collected resources on how to structure a pitch deck and what content it should contain.

The main goal is to summarize as much of your target market and product / company in a way that helps investors decide whether or not you are “investable”.

All “pitches” are conversations – anything you do on stage, live, is performance, not directly to make an investment decision. So, maybe we should call these “investment decks” rather than “pitch decks”.

As explained to me by Brendan Baker, you’re going to meet three types of investors:

  1. Those who already obsess over your sector or problem, and are actively looking for companies tackling this area. You will immediately dive deep into discussion and appendix and the future. Use some jargon or insider talk to signal you’re on their level.
  2. The “average” investor who maybe knows a little about your sector or problem space. You’re going to explain the basics of how your customers / product work on what will seem a very basic level to you, but sets up a framework so they can go away feeling they’ve learned something, and that your later conclusions and insights make sense.
  3. The investor who doesn’t really invest in your sector / stage / problem space. You failed at pre-qualifying to even be in this meeting. At best, be memorable, educate them about your space, and maybe they’ll mention you to someone who is in the other two categories.

If you’re on #ehlist, the Pitch Deck Review channel can help you find people who will help review.

Pitch Deck Coach (May 2015)


On Slideshare

11 Pitch Types, Jason Shen (May 2012)


I realized that the best startup pitches seem to fall into several patterns. Depending on the type of business you’re building, who you’re pitching and your personal style, there are probably one or two archetypes that would be most compelling.

I’ve identified eleven compelling startup pitch archetypes (depending on how you slice it) and have tried to explain what they are, what they sound like, examples of YC companies that might have used this archetype and advice on how you might go about using it.

Pitch Structure, Ryan Spoon (Jan 2012)


There are five core themes followed by a suggested structure:

  1. Have a great one-liner
  2. Know your audience
  3. Keep it to 10-15 slides
  4. Beware of the demo
  5. Expect the deck to be shared

And remember: it’s the story and the conversation that is important – not the imagery and colors. If you can convey the passion that drives you (and your users / customers!), you will have created a powerful pitch deck.