Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.


4:27pm Sunday

  • Created: February 14, 2021

As I was finishing up my Drop in AudioDrop in Audio
I finally signed up for Clubhouse, the new drop in audio based social network. Mainly, it was so that the flood of invites would stop.1
But my first drop in audio experience was actually with Soapbox, an app built by some Berlin based friends. I had a great chat with Mike in Chicago, and a few others wandered in and we ended up talking about BBQ sauces. There’s also an “audio stories” feature, where you can record messages that followers can listen to.
Soapbox founder Dean Eigenmann says he w...
blog post, JamJam
“Jam is an audio space for chatting, brainstorming, debating, jamming, micro-conferences and more.”
Open source under the [[AGPL License]], mostly written in [[JavaScript]].
From the README:

Jam is an Open Source alternative to Clubhouse, Twitter Spaces and similar audio spaces.
With Jam you can create Jams which are audio rooms that can be used for panel discussions, jam sessions, free flowing conversations, debates, theatre plays, musicals and more. The only limit is your imagination.

It ...
, an open source ClubhouseClubhouse
A drop in audio social network, currently only available as an [[iOS]] app.
-like system debuted on ProductHunt. I took a quick look at the code and it requires a few moving pieces and Docker, but it’s a great little starting point.

After a good discussion with @flancian, I added a section to the Git Siphon for Moa PartyGit Siphon for Moa Party
This is a feature write up for Moa PartyMoa Party
Links your [[Mastodon]] account to [[Twitter]] to enable cross-posting in both directions.
@flancian, @vera and I have formed a squad under the [[FedStoa]] to run Moa as a public utility. The home base for this is now on Gitlab at The issue queue in that repo is where TODOs are actively being tracked.
The website is the status / news / docs website for the project, with the source code and build on Gitlab under the [[FedStoa]] group.
The Matrix cha...
My [[agora]] is stored in Git as a series of Markdown files, and I have some process for adding, editing, and publishing those notes. The AnagoraAnagora
An [[Agora]] implementation by @Flancian.
The concept is to have nodes / notes where people maintain their own digital notes garden like I do here, but then pull them in and link them through their public git repos. Aka a “distributed knowledge graph”.
The [[Agora Plan]]1 page has more details. It is written in [[Python]] / Flask and is open source under the [[Apache2 License]].

This site is [[Connecting to the Agora]] as of January 24th, 2021

Features and Documentation
server automatically ingests and publishes my agora directly from a Git interface.
A [[siphon]] is a way of ingesting content into an agora. By using git directly, anything that can post to git can be ingested.
Since Moa Party already supports Twitter and Mastodon cross posting, it is also a good can...
to focus on post-per-file. We discovered that we need to think about Moa PartyMoa Party
Links your [[Mastodon]] account to [[Twitter]] to enable cross-posting in both directions.
@flancian, @vera and I have formed a squad under the [[FedStoa]] to run Moa as a public utility. The home base for this is now on Gitlab at The issue queue in that repo is where TODOs are actively being tracked.
The website is the status / news / docs website for the project, with the source code and build on Gitlab under the [[FedStoa]] group.
The Matrix cha...
as being standalone with multiple clients. AnagoraAnagora
An [[Agora]] implementation by @Flancian.
The concept is to have nodes / notes where people maintain their own digital notes garden like I do here, but then pull them in and link them through their public git repos. Aka a “distributed knowledge graph”.
The [[Agora Plan]]1 page has more details. It is written in [[Python]] / Flask and is open source under the [[Apache2 License]].

This site is [[Connecting to the Agora]] as of January 24th, 2021

Features and Documentation
is a client, people’s individual gardens are clients, eg. my JekyllJekyll
Set env variable PAGES_REPO_NWO to build on [[Netlify]]
Set the environment variable PAGES_REPO_NWO to a repo such as spadebuilders/EIPs if you want to have Jekyll sites build on Netlify.
Posts by Year

{% for post in site.posts %}
{% capture current_year %}{{ | date: "%Y" }}{% endcapture %}
{% if current_year != previous_year %}
{% unless forloop.first %}
{% endunless %}
<h2>{{ current_year }}</h2>
{% assign...

This may mean that making Moa Party become a whole MicropubMicropub
An open API standard for creating, editing, and deleting posts on websites, like on your own domain, supported by numerous third-party clients and CMSs.
An [[IndieWeb]] standard, [[W3C]] Editor is @aaronpk. Main page on the IndieWeb wiki.
Micropub clients:
Micropub servers / hosts

[[]] supports it for publishing. Its using the “Link” or “Bookmark” type for a different purpose, that doesn’t actually get published to your feed.
@voxpelli [[Micropub to Github]] - this is what I first ...
server that publishes to Git may make sense. IndieKitIndieKit
From the Github README:

Indiekit is a small but powerful server that acts as the go-between your website and the wider independent web.

Publish content to your website using apps like [[iAWriter]], [[]], Icro, Indigenous or services that support the [[Micropub]] API
Syndicate your content to social networks like Twitter, Mastodon and LinkedIn, and save posts to the Internet Archive
Accept likes, comments and other types of feedback on your content with Webmention
Save files to dif...
has a whole template system so that people can run a variety of git-based static site generators with it.