Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.


Out with EBA, in with Nitobi

Congrats to Andre and the gang, formerly known as E-business Apps, now known as Nitobi. Alexei has a write up, including the background on the name.

Rebranding is a tricky business...I teased EBA mercilessly about their name previously (EBusiness Application -- a hyper generic name, with the short form of EBA being only marginally better). I like the new name and logo, now begins the task of making it clear that Nitobi makes some of the best commercial AJAX components in the business. And they're dabbling with Flex/Flash now as well. Oh, and they've become prolific bloggers and BarCamp attendees in the past year or so that I've known them, and are all wicked skiiers.

Again, congrats on the renaming process (a 6 letter domain name even!) and good luck...looking forward to lots more news from you all.