Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.


Vancouver Webloggers Meetup March 31st: next, Web 2.0 Meetups?

I should probably have more to say about the blog meetup.

Kris got everybody's URL down at the meetup, so I'll get those from him on Monday, or wait for him to post them. Update: Kris' post which has everybody linked.

I did see Ian King's post. It was great to meet him -- I've been reading him for a while, and I got lots of scoops on the local paper media landscape from him.

Darren got some feedback that some people felt that the meetups were getting too "business" focused. There is a fair bit of truth to this: I am a bad personal blogger, and I am caught up in too many business-related blogging activities to, well, relax and keep it personal. I keep jumping ahead to technology solutions or business connections.

Darren wanted me to start running a Business Blogger Meetup. I'm involved in too many things already to run with this, but I would certainly attend on occasion. Actually, I continue to hate the term "blog" -- I would suggest NOT labelling it "business blogger": it's too short sighted and too limiting. Maybe we'll call it a "Web 2.0 Meetup" -- inclusive of technology and business? I guess that means I'm nominating Roland or Suzie and Travis to run it. Or Tris, but that means he has to fly over to Vancouver every month.

And remember, if I'm going to get labelled as the Blog Therapist as well as having my name's tag on Flickr being associated with beer, we have to keep up the tradition of calling Darren Barefoot the Blogfather.