Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.


Circus Ponies NoteBook and Aquaminds NoteTaker

These are both outliner apps for OS X. I keep thinking that perhaps something like this will help me stay/get organized. Pour my brain into one of these neat little notebooks. Both of them are 30-day free trials, so I’m afraid to commit. Whichever I chose, I would have to really use, and then what if I chose the wrong one? There are a bunch of threads going through blogland about How to Pay for Software. 30 day trials suck – give me 30 days of full usage, then revert to a “lite” version.

The rise of applications like this make me think that an Apple-tablet can’t be far away.

Circus Ponies NotebookFlexible notebook metaphor gives you a powerful way to organize information. Use outlines and cells to arrange information hierarchically in ways that make sense to you. Collapse or expand cell hierarchies for convenient viewing. Display any cell's full text or hide all but the first line. Circus Ponies Notebook
NoteTaker with InkAt its most basic level, NoteTaker is a personal note and idea organizer. With NoteTaker, you can make a list, organize an outline or jot down an idea. It's that basic. But with everyday work and lifestyle demands, our information needs are far more complex and diverse. And NoteTaker reflects this reality so that users can add and change the content and use of their information as needed. Aquaminds NoteTaker