Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.



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Daily and/or weekly notes, often quite detailed, of what you’re doing.

This can be part of a Second BrainSecond Brain
The concept of wikis goes back to an earlier era of the web. With the advent of blogging (and I would say, RSS feeds to subscribe and follow content from all over), wikis went away for a while.
Wikis probably also get a bad rap from their early incarnation inside company intranets. Aside from a bad editing interface, bad search is the big thing that kills company intranets of all kinds. More on the [[Wiki]] page.
Currently, in 2020, personal and company note repositories are experiencing a re...
, or just a basic log to keep you on track.

Especially for people that are doing a lot of tasks, often many of them small and with context switching, it can be hard to get to the end of a day and feel like you really haven’t accomplished anything.

I’m experimenting with a YearlogYearlog
See also: [[Worklog]]. And a Yearlog seems awfully big, perhaps a [[Monthlog]] is a good place to start.
Feb 29th: [[Leap Day]] – Rachael and I take a long weekend trip to Tofino, and come back early March into lock down.
[[COVID19]], the Year of the Pandemic
In August, host [[Berlin Open Source Salon]].
In June, founded [[Fission]].
Back to [[San Francisco]] to wrap up Tachyon.
Prague for [[EthDevcon4]] and [[Ethereum Magicians]].
Two weeks in [[San Francisco]] for...
since I’ve got 20 years of content to play with :)