I am speaking at the ACCT Canada 2009 Conference on November 10th. The Alliance for Commercialization of Canadian Technologies is the "national advocate for the value created by academic technology transfer and commercialization". The short form of that mouthful is that they primarily represent the tech transfer offices of universities. In university lingo, this is often done by the University Industry Liason Office (UILO). Yes, acronyms are fun :P
As part of my role at Bootup, I'll be first participating in the "Innovation Clusters, Incubators and Accelerators" panel. We'll be getting on a call to discuss the format and talking points for the panel tomorrow, but I expect I'm going to be the private industry / capitalist viewpoint. This is a free form panel discussion, so it should be interesting to see where it goes.
Wearing my Drupal and open source startup hat, I'll also be on the "Are you Open or Closed ? Selecting the Right Software Commercialization Model For You (Product Innovation Forum)". I'll be talking about my experiences with Drupal and Bryght, and about licensing choices. I think I'll sneak in some discussion about how web businesses choose open source, and how more about open source needs to be taught in schools. I may have a handful of slides for this talk as an intro to a panel / Q&A discussion.