What I've learned - and relearned with every conference and event I attend - is that every event is what you make of it. You are there, and you can participate. Nothing says you have to sit in the audience - get outside and network in the "lobbycon". Most especially with unconferences, the people that are there are those that make the event.
I'm one of the BarCamp Vancouver 2009 volunteers this year. Yes, you read that right: volunteers. In Vancouver, this has always been a community, grass roots event. You'll see some of the same names and faces involved with other events, but every year you'll also see new people that step up and GSD.
Joe is grumpy that we don't have more makers presenting. I would LOVE to see more makers. And I hope everyone with connections to makers encourages them to attend and present and share and make the entire community richer for it.
Here's the comment that I left on Joe's post:
Blatant shilling? That would get you yanked off stage.
1) It was $20 last year — it just got paid at the door and caused untold amounts of work. And this year it includes coffee AND lunch AND the party (last year, party only, no food).
Anyone that has issues with paying can get a pass.
2) Last year’s sessions reflect who came and wanted to talk. Bring other people to talk about different things if you want different topics.
3) I don’t understand the not paying comment. You paid last year?
I would much rather keep *Camp inclusive, rather than further splinter our community.
Get in touch borismann AT gmail.com — I’d love to have you come to the next meeting, or just give kick ass presentations.
P.S. I’m going to be participating in sessions on food and food policy. Because that’s what I care about. Remember, the people that are at BarCamp is what shape it: so bring more people and talk about what YOU want to talk about.
Buy your ticket for BarCamp Vancouver 2009 now. It's going to be a blast … if you make it one.