My cab should be here in minutes, so this is going to be a quick and dirty post. I'm just getting over a cold and trying to be in top shape for Drupalcon Boston 2008 so apologies for the last minute posting.
I'm running a session in the site building track on Mapping business requirements to Drupal modules - a gap - fit process. This could as easily have fit into the business track, and really it will bridge both. I'm looking forward to making this, in part, an interactive session, a way to raise some interesting questions, and ideally to share best practices. Expect everything from project management, scoping, to Boris' gold star module development. Oh, and I'm going to yell at people for not expanding their business models.
The good folks at Palantir asked me to help sit on a panel to discuss getting your team up to speed in Drupal. I don't have a good outline of that yet, but I have lots of ideas around that concept. Anything new? Perhaps not, but working with the larger team at Raincity Studios has been a joy, especially in the mentoring department.
Lastly, I'm moderating a birds of a feather (BoF) session on RDF and the Semantic Web...but really, I'll just be a remote mouthpiece for Arto Bendiken the architect and programmer behind this latest wave for Drupal.
I'm using a couple of different tools to broadcast messages out about happenings at this event. A forum post on the Drupalcon site talked about one way to use Pownce / Twitter. I also like Twemes, something built locally in Vancouver to track stuff on Twitter using hashtags. Simply use the hashtag #drupalcon and all your twitters will end up on this page: -- there's also an RSS feed on that page. For Jaiku, I figure we can re-use the #drupal channel, since it's not that high volume in any case. Posts here on this blog will be using the Drupalcon Boston 2008 tag (again, there's a feed on that page). Any Utterz* I will tag with that as well.
I've posted also on the Raincity blog and over on here. See you soon!
* I talked about Utterz here. I've also changed things so those posts don't auto-promote to the front page, so you'll have to be following my full feed to catch them, or subscribe to the Drupalcon Boston 2008 tag.