Today is the last (extended) day for speaker submissions for Northern Voice 2007. We'd love to have your thoughts and submissions – the last minute rush to enter submissions has led to a fabulous selection that is going to be hard to choose from.
The organizers are meeting next week to fight tooth and nail for their favourite entries. In the mean time, registration is open, so you can go ahead and get your tickets now. We've got slightly more room than in past years, but we've sold out every year so far…
And what about Boris' traditional Northern Voice crazy plans? Well, we're still debating, but I might get to put together a geocaching / GPS adventure. We'll start it as one of the last sessions of Moose Camp, and end the day wandering the UBC campus with GPS in hand. Ideally, we'll have some photographers along to document the process, and we'll be able to combine GPS timelogs with photos and see it all on a map.
Do you know someone that knows all about geocaching? I'd like to talk to them…