There isn’t a directory of local artists and other makers in VancouverVancouver
The city where I live. I’m in East Van[[ East Van cross by @pixeldan::lmn]].
[[AllTheBestRecipes]] is where I document food and other local stuff.
Check the linked references below.
Ideally, this would have a number of goals:
- list local makers
- increase sales to those makers
- connect local supply chains
What goods are made in Vancouver?
This is sort of the main question, perhaps connected to “Can I buy X in Vancouver?”.
Shopify Site, Monthly Specials
An idea is to build a Shopify site that lists makers.
Users can browse makers and go directly to their site. Can also subscribe to a mailing list with monthly specials.
Every month, makers submit a limited availability special – either limited in price or actual special edition. This gets sent to the mailing list with a 24 hour head start, then shared publicly.
Ideally this is done in such a way that orders are fulfilled directly by makers.
Get makers to just set up special on their own site? If so, wouldn’t need Shopify.
Is Shopify the right thing to make / maintain such a list?
Need to research plugins for letting people update / submit their own entries.