Boris Mann

Open Source. Community. Decentralized Web. Building dev tools at Fission. Cooks & eats.


Markdown Notes

  • Last Edit:

Markdown Notes is one of the FoamFoam
Foam is a personal knowledge management and sharing system inspired by [[Roam Research]], built on [[Visual Studio Code]] and [[GitHub]].
You can use Foam for organising your research, keeping re-discoverable notes, writing long-form content and, optionally, publishing it to the web.
Foam is free, open source, and extremely extensible to suit your personal workflow. You own the information you create with Foam, and you’re free to share it, and collaborate on it with anyone you want.
website: ...
recommended extensions for VSCode.

For reference, my settings. These are kept in .vscode/settings.json.

  "vscodeMarkdownNotes.newNoteDirectory": "_notes",
  "vscodeMarkdownNotes.newNoteTemplate": "---\ntitle: ${noteName}\n---\n"

Which results in front matter being created that looks like:

title: Full Note Name